Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Daffeu, Koos, 46, 2010-08-03, farmer/contractor at Medupi electricity plant, executed in ambush, farm Lith, outside Ellisras.

A Solidarity trade union spokesman and the SAPS have both confirmed Koos Daffeu, 46, an Ellisras farmer, building contractor,and Solidarity trade unionist, was shot dead execution style in an ambush, about 5km outside Ellisras. He was enroute to work in the morning when he was ambushed by a group of attackers who fired on the unarmed man and wounded him. The injured Afrikaner farmer chased away in his vehicle but crashed it 500 meters down the road. His attackers had followed him - and executed him. Initial reports do not indicate whether anything was “robbed’ and police said there was ‘no known motive’. Sapa also confirmed that the Ellisras/Lephalale farmer was killed in an ambush: reporting that the 46-year-old farmer wasenroute to his farm Lith at 5:45am Tuesday morning, quoting Limpopo police Lt.Col. Ronel Otto. "Preliminary investigations indicate that he was ambushed at a low water bridge on a dirt road. Several shots were fired at his vehicle from unknown suspects who were standing next to the road. Daffeu kept on driving but his vehicle overturned near a T-junction approximately 600m from the bridge," said Otto. Police believe that Daffeu was shot another five times after his vehicle overturned. He was found dead on the scene with bullet wounds to his upperbody. Five spent cartridges from a 9mm pistol were found on the scene. Additional spent cartridges were found near the bridge, where the first shooting happened. "The suspects are not known, but tracks on both crime scenes indicate that more than one suspect could be involved. It is believed that the suspects fled the scene in a vehicle," said Otto.

Sources Sapa /ts/gj Date03Aug 010_10:24 SAPA Story ID 3132396 CRIME-LEPHALALE:LEPHALALE FARMER KILLED IN AMBUSH
Solidarity spokesman Jaco Kleynhans calls for the urgent reinstatement of the specialist SAPS crime-fighting units: pointing out that since 2003, the SAPS has appointed more than 83,000 new police officers yet ‘the serious crimes have only been reduced by a mere 645 murders between 2004 and 2009. It is clear that the SAPS is not able to use its police force effectively to fight crime with. They abolish their specialist-units while overseas policing forces expand and strengthen theirs. The results are clear: In South Africa, the average daily murder rate lies between 30 to 40 people per 100,000 of the population – the international norm is 5 : 100,000.”

Daffeu lleaves his wife and three children. .

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