Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Plaasaanval 80 km van Lindley-biduur

Jana van der Merwe

LINDLEY. – Terwyl boere en inwoners uit die Arlington- en Lindley-gemeenskap asook lede van die polisie gister op die plaas Tweefontein, waar die Potgieter-gesin twee weke gelede vermoor is, saamgekom het om vir veiligheid op plase en rustigheid van gees te bid, het nog ’n plaasaanval sowat 80km daarvandaan buite Bethlehem plaasgevind.

Mev. Ria Vogelsang (67) van die plaas Aran is in die voorval beseer, maar het na verneem word genadiglik die paniekknoppie kon druk, wat haar en haar man, Jannie, se drie aanvallers laat vlug het.

Mev. Vogelsang is na die Hoogland-Medi-Clinic op Bethelehem gebring waar sy vir skok behandel is.

MJ Lourens berig ’n geweer is glo teen haar en haar man se kop gehou en R1400 is geroof.

Die familie was ná die voorval te geskok om te praat.

Sers. Majang Mosupa, polisiewoordvoerder, sê mev. Vogelsang is met die vuis in die gesig geslaan.

Sy is ook met ’n vuurwapen teen haar kop gedreig.

Ds. Piet Taljaard van die NG kerk op Arlington, wat ook die vermoorde Potgieter-gesin se leraar was, het gisteraand saam met die kapelaan van die Bethlehem-polisie, ds. P.A. Radebe, die emosionele biduur in Afrikaans en Sotho gelei.

Taljaard, wat die verhaal uit Matteus vertel het waar Jesus op die water loop, het gesê mense moet die ware vyand besef en gereed maak vir geestelike oorlogvoering. Hy het gesê baie mense soek antwoorde in die politiek, maar dit is nie hoekom hulle gisteraand op die plaas byeengekom het nie.

“Partymaal gebeur daar in nood ’n wonderwerk. Partymaal lyk dit asof God terugstaan. Die see is vir ons ’n simbool van krisis en angs, ’n diep dreigende boosheid, maar vir Jesus was dit ’n voetpad.”

Taljaard het gesê mense moet in dié tyd om rus en kalmte bid.

Die polisiemanne wat gehelp het om die ses verdagtes aan te keer, was ook op die gebedsbyeenkoms teenwoordig.

Daar is ook vir die regering en die polisiemag gebid om hulle krag en rustigheid van gemoed te gee om in die tyd van krisis in te gryp.

Daar is ook vir die misdadigers gebid wat die jong gesin se lewens koelbloedig geneem het.

Boere en hul plaaswerkers is hier aan die Here opgedra.

“Dit is ’n swaar pad wat die familie van die slagoffers moet stap. Ons bid vir troos en seën.”

Mev. Bokkie van Staden, ma van wyle mev. Wilna Potgieter, het kopskuddend en emosioneel heeltyd haar oë styf toegehou.


Monday, December 13, 2010

White ratepayers overtaxed massively by ANC-run municipalities

Municipalities hit white ratepayers hard with hiked tariffs
Dec 12 2010 by Antoinette Slabbert

Pretoria - Municipalities are busy quietly but dramatically hiking levies and tariffs for services other than the usual water, electricity and property rates. economist Mike Schüssler this week reported that municipalities’ income from consumers and businesses in the third quarter of this year was 72.2% more than in the same period two years ago.
Schüssler based his assertion on figures published by National Treasury, summarise the figures reported each month by the municipalities.
“Own income”, which excludes allocations from central government, increased from R30bn to R51.7bn in this period.
The biggest increase, 124.5%, was in the “other” category.
Schüssler said that he "suspected that municipalities were imposing levies on items that had not previously been paid for in order to extract more money from the consumer."
He said that over two years “other” costs had risen 10 times nominal GDP growth, which was alarming.
South Africans could not afford these costs and, moreover, received precious little value for their money........

Hennings, Daleen, 51 co-owner Excel station Boksburg North shot dead nothing robbed

Saturday, 11 December 2010
Cop slams husband of murder victim for his wife having a handbag ...
Hennings, Daleen (51) shot dead, Excel-fuel station Boksburg Dec 2 2010

*‘Why did your wife carry a handbag? ‘ investigating cop asks grieving widower of murder-victim…at crime scene -- ‘as if it was her fault…’

BOKSBURG NORTH. Dec 11 2010 – Beeld. After petrol-station co-owner Mrs Daleen Hennings was gunned down - purportedly by two black men who according to the police had ‘tried to grab her purse’, a police-officer who was walking around at the murder-scene derided her traumatised, grieving widower about his dead wife carrying a purse by asking: ‘why was she carrying a handbag?” Mrs Daleen Hennings, 51, was gunned down at close range with two shots. Two black men who stole nothing were seen running away from the scene. Nothing was ‘robbed’.


Beeld journalist André Damons, who interviewed Louis Henning at his office a week later, just meters from the spot where his wife was gunned down, said:

“It looked as if the cop wanted to blame her for being murdered…’

Hennings Louis MURDERED_WIFE_DALEEN PIC_dec112010

“A cop, a person who is supposed to protect you, can ask such a question? It looked as if the cop wanted to blame her for being murdered. Every woman carries a handbag. That’s what they are…’

Her husband said she was shot twice from up close and died at the scene. Nothing was ‘robbed’. He has put up a shrine to his murdered wife at the crime scene, with her framed photograph surrounded by masses of flowers, wrote Beeld journalist Andre Damons.

Hennings Daleen shot dead Boksburg N Excel fuelstation NOTHING ROBBED

He directly blames the SA government for the extremely violent criminality washing over the country. “The government must accept responsibility because the Constitution guarantees all the citizens protection, but we don’t get it. It’s heartbreaking to me that we in the most wonderful country in the world have to suffer through this violence.’ Nobody was arrested. The two attackers fled amongst the crowded streets of the squatter camp opposite.

Beeld turns interview with grieving widower into an ANC-propaganda effort:

* Personal comment: This is a summary. I did not consider it appropriate to include the ANC-regime’s constant propaganda-claims that these crimes targetting Afrikaners are ‘not race-motivated’: Beeld also drew the grieving widower into this ‘public debate”.

Entire article in Afrikaans (including the propaganda).

PRAAG betoog op Koster

Lede van PRAAG (Pro-Afrikaanse Aksiegroep) het vanoggend voor die landdroshof op Koster betoog teen die volksmoord en geweld teen Afrikaners. Die aangeklaagdes in die moord op mev. Marthie Erasmus het aansoek om borg gedoen. Die 63-jarige mev. Erasmus is begin Desember op haar bed vasgemaak en met 'n 16-pondhamer tereggestel.

PRAAG het vier baniere met foto's van Ban Ki-moon, FW de Klerk, Jacob Zuma, Julius Malema en Nathi Mthethwa vertoon. By die foto van Ban Ki-moon verskyn die slagspreuk: "Die VN keur Afrikanervolksmoord 100% goed."

Die verdagtes is in 'n geslote hof verhoor en die media of die publiek is nie in die hofsaal toegelaat nie, omdat een van die verdagtes glo 'n minderjarige is.

Dr. Dan Roodt, leier van PRAAG, het by die hof verklaar: "Die feit dat die moordenaars in die geheim verhoor word, maak 'n bespotting van geregtigheid. Hierdie weersinwekkende moord verteenwoordig die jongste in die vlaag etnies en rasgegronde teregstellings wat tans in ons land plaasvind. Ons doen 'n beroep op die internasionale gemeenskap en die Verenigde Nasies om in te gryp en die stelselmatige uitwissing en verdrywing van ons volk te beëindig."

Roodt was ook krities oor die onlangse uitspraak van mnr. Paul van Staden, die oupa van die tweejarige Willemientjie Potgieter wat oor die afgelope tyd 'n simbool van Afrikanerlyding en -volksmoord geword het. "Mnr. Van Staden hou nie van Afrikanerprotes nie en 'berus hom by wat gebeur het'. Maar dis nie God se wil dat ons kinders, moeders en vaders uitgewis word nie. Indien mnr. Van Staden dit glo, maak hy hom skuldig aan 'n Egiptiese bygeloof van 5000 jaar gelede, van goddelike determinisme."

"Die Afrikaner mag nie in die teregstelling van ons kinders en hierdie toenemende volksmoord berus nie," het Roodt voortgegaan.

PRAAG het intussen betroubaar verneem dat klein Willemien Potgieter aan haar hare opgetel is en "op grootmenshoogte in die kop geskiet is. Hierdie weersinwekkende daad, asook die hamermoord op mev. Erasmus, mag nie ongestraf bly nie," het Roodt gesê.

PRAAG verlam Rustenburgse verkeer

'n Groep van 15 PRAAG-aktiviste het vanmiddag net ná vieruur in spitsverkeer die hele Rustenburg se verkeer lamgelê deur 'n oorbrug oor die N4-snelweg naby die vernaamste winkelsentrum met motors en bakkies te blokkeer.

Baniere en T-hemde waarin beswaar teen die huidige volksmoord teen Afrikaners aangeteken word, is op motors vertoon en motoriste is met 'n megafoon aangemoedig om by die stryd teen verdrukking en volksmoord betrokke te raak.

Dr. Dan Roodt, leier van PRAAG, het gesê: "Hierdie, hoewel baie suksesvol, was net 'n oefenlopie en 'n eksperiment. Ons is besig om ook in die groter sentra te organiseer en wil uiteindelik die hele Gauteng op 'n gegewe dag tot stilstand bring om die wêreld bewus te maak van die diskriminasie, volksmoord en aanhitsing tot volksmoord wat daar teen Afrikaners in Suid-Afrika gepleeg word."

PRAAG het 'n tydvak van "onophoudelike aktivisme" aangekondig. "Ons gaan nie ophou totdat ons op alle gebiede vry is nie," het Roodt gesê. "Ons is siek en sat om verontmenslik en uitgewis te word. Die hele volk moet nou teen onreg opstaan."

Verslae van nog 'n Afrikanergroep wat die M2-snelweg in Johannesburg tot stilstand gebring het, is insgelyks ontvang.


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Man sterf ná steek met horing

Jana Engelbrecht

KIMBERLEY. – ’n Man (25) van Roodepan is die naweek na bewering met ’n gemsbokhoring doodgesteek.

Kapt. Tony Modise, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die voorval het Saterdag omstreeks 19:40 in Amarela-straat, Gregorypark, Roodepan, gebeur.

“Die oorledene en die verdagte was in ’n woordewisseling betrokke.

“Die oorledene het die verdagte glo met ’n bierbottel oor die kop geslaan.

“Die verdagte het huis toe gehardloop en die horing gaan haal, waarmee hy die oorledene in die bors gesteek het,” het Modise gesê.

Die oorsaak van die woordewisseling is onbekend.

Die verdagte (31) het homself aan die polisie oorhandig. Hy is in hegtenis geneem en word aangehou.

Hy sal binnekort in die Kimberley-landdroshof verskyn.

Modise het gesê die naam van die oorledene kan nie bekend gemaak word nie, omdat sy naasbestaandes hom nog nie uitgeken het nie.

Die ondersoek duur voort.)Gemsbokke se horings is gemiddeld 85cm lank en is so skerp dat dit in vroeër tye vir pylpunte gebruik is.

- Volksblad

1. The Maintenance team and Installation team needs good tools . They are taking longer to get things done, borrowing from each other which causes del

Tom de Wet

VIRGINIA. – ’n Mynskofbaas van dié dorp is vroeg Saterdagoggend op pad werk toe by ’n bank op die dorp oorval, met ’n mes vermoor en beroof net nadat hy geld by die tellermasjien getrek het.

Dit is die tweede moord en derde voorval binne net vyf maande op dié dorp waar bekende inwoners aangeval is net nadat hulle by banke was om geld te trek.

Mnr. Willie Diesel (49) van Larkspurstraat 74, ’n mynkaptein by die Masimong-goudmyn, se geskeurde klere dui daarop dat hy hom waarskynlik teen sy aanvallers probeer verset het.

Hy is by die tellermasjien van Standard Bank in die middedorp oorval net nadat hy om 04:18 geld getrek het.

Konst. Antoinette Pakela, polisiewoordvoerder, sê Diesel is van agter in die blad en daarna in die hart gesteek.

Hy het waarskynlik probeer om te voet te gaan hulp soek, want sy motorsleutels en selfoon is gebuit. Hy het sowat 300 m verder inmekaargesak en gesterf. Daar was geen sekuriteitswagte by die tellermasjien nie.

Sy motor het met die polisie se aankoms op die toneel nog voor die bank gestaan.

Diesel se skoonseun, mnr. Schalk Scheepers, sê sy skoonpa het die oggend voor werk gaan geld trek omdat iemand by sy werk slagskape verkoop en hulle een bestel het.

Hy sê sy skoonpa was ’n groot, sterk man. Hy moes dus deur meer as een mens aangeval gewees het toe hy klaar geld getrek en na sy motor teruggestap het.

Diesel word oorleef deur sy vrou, Martie, twee seuns en twee dogters.

Pakela sê die polisie volg alle leidrade op. Enigiemand met inligting word gevra om ao. J. Monye by 082-084-2401 te bel.)Mnr. Giovanni Peripoli (74) van Virginiaweg 55 is die oggend van 31Julie “wreed en afskuwelik” met ’n splinternuwe slagtersmes in die agterplaas van sy huis vermoor kort nadat hy van die bank teruggekom het.

Hy het verskeie meswonde gehad, onder meer een van 42 cm wat sy maag opgekloof het. Hy is kort ná die aanval in die hospitaal dood.

Die verdagte, ’n jong man, het ná die moord in ’n wagtende swart Chevrolet gespring en weggejaag.)Mnr. Gert Kotze (24), eienaar van ’n geldleen-onderneming op die dorp, is op 29 November drie keer deur rowers voor Harmony Spar in die maag geskiet. Hy is vermoedelik van die bank agtervolg.

Die rowers het met ’n onbekende bedrag geld in ’n silwerkleurige Golf 5 met Gauteng-nommerplate gevlug. Kotze het die aanval oorleef.

- Volksblad

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gesin dalk in waas van dagga vermoor

Charles Smith

LINDLEY. – Die Potgieter-gesin is glo in ’n waas van dagga vermoor, sê mnr. Salam Abram, ANC-LP, wat die moorde ondersoek.

Abram sê die vermoede is ook dat die verdagte wat glo klein Wilmien Potgieter (2) geskiet het, net voorgee hy is 17 en dus minderjarig. Dié verdagte kan selfs so oud as 24 jaar wees.

Abram het die begrafnisdiens van mnr. Attie Potgieter (40), sy vrou, Wilna (36), en hul dogtertjie gister hier in die NG kerk bygewoon en dadelik daarna begin met ’n ondersoek oor hoekom hierdie verskriklike moorde gepleeg is.

Hy wou onder meer die ses verdagtes wat deur die departement van korrektiewe dienste aangehou word, besoek, maar het verneem dat hulle na verskille dorpe uitgeplaas is.

Abram het gesê hy ondersoek wel die moontlikheid dat een van die verdagtes op parool uit was en die ander “bymekaar gekry het” vir die aanval op die Potgieters verlede week op die plaas Tweefontein.

Abram het ná die begrafnisdiens gesê Suid-Afrika beleef ’n morele krisis. Werkloosheid is ’n groot probleem, maar dit is nie genoeg rede nie. “Jy kan arm wees, maar steeds ordentlik wees.”

“As ’n mens gaan kyk na alles wat rondom ons gebeur, soos die gewese skoondogter Mathatha Tsedu, redakteur van City Press, wat in ’n huurmoord op sy seun betrokke was, dié geval, die daaglikse verkragtings en aanvalle, vrouens wat nie gerespekteer word nie, dui dit op ’n morele krisis.

“Ek glo die hele samelewing moet hierdie morele krisis aanpak en almal, ongeag wie ons is, moet onsself daartoe verbind om iets te doen sodat ons die toekoms (kan ingaan) as wesens wat deur God geskep is en mekaar kan respekteer.”

In elke gemeenskap moet die leiers oor die grense van kleur en godsdiens en status bymekaarkom en iets doen. As almal mekaar begin sien as mense, kan ’n verskil gemaak word.

“Wat hier gebeur het, behoort nie in die nuwe Suid-Afrika te gebeur nie. Ons móét almal saamstaan. As ons gesien het wat het gebeur met die begrafnis en hofsaak van Eugene Terre’blanche, is ek bly dat mense hier saamstaan.

“Ons moet die gereg sy loop laat neem. Ek het vertroue in ons regstelsel. En ek is daarvan oortuig dat die regte dinge gedoen sal word.”

Abram het gesê hy dink die geestelike gemeenskap kan ’n groot verskil maak om ’n beweging te begin om die mense bymekaar te kry.

Hy het gesê die lat kan dalk weer ingespan word om die jeug reg te kry. “Spaar die kind en lê die lat in.

“Ek meen – verkragtings in skole en geen respek begin daar onder. ’n Potensiële dief begin waar die seun iets uit sy ma se yskas steel.”

Me. Lieschen Rautenbach, ACDP-raadslid in Kroonstad, het by die begraafplaas gesê: “Dit is barbaars en skandelik dat plaasmoorde ál meer word. Die regering doen niks om op te tree nie. Ons wil aanbeveel dat die doodstraf teruggebring word vir moord en verkragting.”

- Volksblad

Twee polisiebeamptes vas vir korrupsie

Johannesburg – Twee polisiebeamptes het in die hof verskyn op aanklagte van beweerde korrupsie, het die Onafhanklike Klagtedirektoraat (OKD) Woensdag gesê.

“Die OKD het (Dinsdag) konst. Wisani Baloyi en reservis konst. Rose Monama vir korrupsie en dwarsboming van die gereg in hegtenis geneem,” het woordvoerder Moses Dlamini gesê.

Die inhegtenisname het gekom nadat ‘n taverne eienaar, wat nie ‘n dranklisensie gehad het nie, ‘n klag ingedien het nadat hy gedwing is om ‘n R200 skulderkenningsboete te betaal.

Hy is gevra om na die Mankweng-polisiestasie te gaan om die kwitansie vir die boete op te tel.

“Met sy aankoms by die Mankweng-polisiestasie is hy ingelig dat daar geen rekord van so ‘n voorval in hul boeke was nie.

“Toe hy uiteindelik die kwitansie kry, het hy opgemerk dat die datum wat daarop aangebring was nie ooreengestem het met die datum waarop die boete betaal is nie.

“Hy het verder beweer dat dit lyk of veranderinge aan die kwitansie aangebring is.”

Die polisiebeamptes het Dinsdag in die Mankweng landdroshof verskyn en is elk op R1 000 borgtog vrygelaat.

Hulle sal op 21 Januarie weer in dieselfde hof verskyn.

Drie polisiebeamptes vas vir diefstal

Johannesburg – Drie polisiebeamptes is Donderdag in Magaliesburg in hegtenis geneem in verband met ‘n vragmotor-kaping wat in November plaasgevind het, het polisie in Gauteng gesê.

“Daar word beweer dat die drie beamptes aan diens was toe die vragmotor, wat met elektriese toebehore gelaai en na Botswana onderweg was, in Magaliesburg gekaap was,” het lt. kol. Tshisikhawe Ndou gesê.

Die polisiebeamptes het die vragmotor, met al die toerusting, ter waarde van R2,5 miljoen teruggevind, maar het die vrag na ‘n huis in Koesterfontein geneem voordat hulle die vragmotor ingehandig het.

Hulle het die goedere by ‘n 26-jarige Malawiër gestoor.

“Die drie sal dan elke keer wat hulle aan diens is die medepligtige besoek om van die gesteelde toerusting in klein hoeveelhede te verkoop.”

Volgens Ndou was dit ‘n wenk deur die gemeenskap wat hulle na die Malawiër se huis gelei het.

Sommige van die gesteelde goedere is gevind en die man is in hegtenis geneem.

Tydens sy hofverskyning in November het hy ‘n pleitooreenkoms aangegaan en staatsgetuie geword.

“Dit is toe dat hy gesê het dat dit die drie was wat die gesteelde goedere na sy huis geneem het,” het Ndou gesê.

Die polisiebeamptes sal na verwagting Maandag in die landdroshof op Krugersdorp verskyn.

Nutsman: ‘Dit was goeie rowers’

André Damons
Riaan Garforth-Venter, beter bekend as die Nutsman, het Sondagoggend twee gewapende rowers bedank dat hulle sulke goeie rowers is en hom en sy vrou nie seergemaak het.

Die gewapende mans het Sondagoggend omstreeks 01:30 by Garforth-Venter en sy vrou, Michelle, se huis in ’n veiligheidskompleks in Bryanston, Johannesburg, ingebreek. Hulle het deur die kamervenster van Rainn, die paartjie se agt maande oue baba, geklim.

Een van die rowers het Garforth-Venter op die grondverdieping gekry waar hy met sy skootrekenaar besig was, terwyl die ander sy vrou in die slaapkamer wakker gemaak het.

“Hy het ’n pistool teen my kop gehou en gesê: ‘Bly stil, anders maak ek jou dood.’ Toe ons in die kamer kom, het die ander man ’n pistool teen Michelle se kop gehou. Hulle het ons met ’n gordel en dasse vasgebind en op die kamervloer laat lê,” het Garforth-Venter gister vertel.

Volgens hom het klein Rainn deur die hele drama bly slaap.

“Ons was die hele tyd kalm, het saamgewerk en vir hulle gesê hulle kan vat wat hulle wil. Ek het daar gelê en na my vrou gekyk en gewonder of dit die laaste keer is dat ek haar gaan sien. Jy lê daar en wag vir die skoot en dink dit is dit. Ek het vir hulle gesê: ‘I love my wife and my child, please don’t hurt us’,” het hy gesê.

Volgens hom het die mans Michelle opgetel en met die pistool teen die kop gedwing om die kluis oop te maak waaruit hulle ’n rewolwer, geld en juwele gevat het.

Hulle het ook selfone en skootrekenaars gevat.

Volgens Garforth-Venter het een van die booswigte gesê: “Ek sien jy het ’n lieflike seun, moet nie iets ‘stupids’ doen dat hy sonder ouers grootword nie.”

Toe die rowers klaar was, het hulle die lig afgeskakel en gesê Garforth-Venter-hulle moet 15 minute lank niks doen nie.

“Toe hulle gaan, het ek vir hulle gesê: ‘Dankie dat julle sulke goeie rowers is en ons nie seergemaak het nie ... moenie mense doodmaak nie. Dit is nie nodig om mense dood te maak nie.’ Ek dink ons was gelukkig dat ons sulke goeie rowers gekry het,” het hy gesê.

Hy het gister die Randburg- polisie geloof vir hul vinnige optrede en gesê polisiebeamptes was binne drie minute op die toneel.
Ao. Johannes Maja, Randburgse polisiewoordvoerder, het die voorval gister bevestig en gesê niemand is nog gearresteer nie.

Skurk dalk vry oor brouwerk

Janice Keogh
Weens slordige polisiewerk sal die verkragter van ’n tweejarige meisie dalk nie gevind kan word nie.

“Ek moet eendag my kind in die oë kyk en sê: ‘Mamma kon jou nie help nie, want die polisie wou nie vir Mamma help nie’,” het die ma gister aan die polisie gesê.

Haar dogtertjie is verlede Woensdag in haar ouerhuis in Heidelberg, Gauteng, wat ook as ’n plek van veiligheid vir verkragte vroue en kinders dien, verkrag.

Die polisie ondersoek die moontlikheid dat iemand wat ten tyde van die voorval ook in die huis ’n plek van veiligheid gevind het, verantwoordelik is.

“Hoe ironies, hier gebeur dit met my eie kind,” het haar ma gister in trane gesê.
Nadat die tweejarige se ma onraad gemerk het, is sy dadelik polisie toe. “Sy het ’n geweldige hoë koors gehad en onophoudelik gehuil.”

Die meisie se ma is deur die polisie en twee slagoffer-beskermingseenhede van bakboord na stuurboord gestuur en daar is eers drie dae later ’n verklaring van haar geneem.

Tóé eers is die kind medies ondersoek en is bevind sy is gepenetreer. Dié toetse moet binne 72 uur gedoen word om forensiese getuienis te kry.

Met die ma se eerste besoek aan die polisie het die beampte nie ’n saak aanhangig gemaak nie, maar haar na die slagoffer-beskermingseenheid verwys.

Hier kon hulle haar nie help nie omdat hulle ’n polisiesaaknommer nodig gehad het.

Dit is egter nie aan haar gesê nie, en sy is toe na ’n tweede beskermingseenheid, waar sy ook nie gehelp is nie.

Met die hulp van ’n vriendin het sy by past. Jan Combrinck, ’n voormalige kaptein in die polisie, uitgekom. Hy het haar gehelp en die polisie het uiteindelik Saterdag by die Heidelberg-polisiekantoor ’n verklaring van haar geneem.

Dáár was nie die nodige toerusting (rape kit) om ’n verkragtingsaak te ondersoek nie en dit moes elders gehaal word.

Die ma het gister ’n emosionele beroep op die polisie gedoen om ouers van verkragtingslagoffers beter by te staan.

“Ek is deur hel,” het sy aan onder andere kol. Balaraman Govindsamy, hoof van die Heidelberg-polisiekantoor, gesê.

Volgens Govindsamy is die polisie besig met ’n tugondersoek om die nalatige beampte op te spoor.

Die polisie ondersoek ook ’n klag van die ma dat ’n speurder gesê het sy moet doodseker maak haar kind is wel verkrag, anders kan ’n saak teen háár aanhangig gemaak word.

Die meisie is ’n weeskind wat wettig aangeneem is. “Ek bid dat sy nie letsels hiervan sal oorhou nie. Sy het al meer hel in haar twee jaar deurgemaak as sommige mense in hul hele leeftyd,” het haar ma gesê.

Rower skiet boer met ’n jaggeweer

Buks Viljoen
’n 32-jarige beesboer van Amersfoort lê in ’n ernstige toestand in ’n hospitaal nadat hy eergisteraand deur rowers met ’n jaggeweer geskiet is.

Terwyl mnr. Johan Schoultz hulpeloos op die grond voor sy huis op die plaas Witbank gelê het, het ’n rower bo-oor hom gestaan en hom met ’n .303-geweer in die nek geskiet.

“Dit is ’n godswonder dat hy nie dood is nie. Geen Godgeskape wese doen dit aan iemand anders nie,” het Schoultz se pa, Johan, gister gesê.

Schoultz jr. is Dinsdagaand omstreeks 20:40 by sy huis uit nadat hy ’n lawaai buite gehoor het.

Hy was skaars 4 m van die voordeur af toe ’n skoot uit die donker geklap het.

Schoultz is in die regterskouer gewond. Die aanvallers het agter ’n tuinmuur geskuil en met ’n .308-geweer op hom losgebrand.
Hy het vir sy vrou, Estelle (30), geskree om met hul babaseun, Rowan (sewe maande), in die kamer te gaan skuil.

Intussen het die drie aanvallers nader gestorm en een het hom weer geskiet, dié keer met ’n .303-geweer.

Hulle wou blykbaar nog ’n skoot op hom skiet, maar die geweer het geweier.

Terwyl hulle aan die geweer se slot gekarring het, het die .303 se magasyn uitgeval.

Die rowers het toe op die vlug geslaan sonder om iets te steel.

Schoultz het na die voordeur geloop waar hy inmekaar gesak het.

Sy vrou het hom by die huis ingesleep en mnr. Schoultz sr., wat sowat 4 km daarvandaan woon, gebel om te kom help.

Tientalle boere van die omgewing was binne minute op die toneel en het na die aanvallers begin soek.

“’n Swaar bui reën het egter uitgesak en die soektog erg bemoeilik,” het Schoultz sr. vertel.

Die polisie het ’n .308-patroondoppie en die .303-magasyn met drie patrone daarin op die toneel opgetel.

Schoultz sr. het gistermiddag self die .303-koeël uit die grond gegrawe waar sy seun geskiet is.

Schoultz jr. is ná die skietery in ’n hospitaal op Ermelo opgeneem, maar later na ’n private hospitaal in Trichardt naby Secunda oorgeplaas.

Sy toestand was gister stabiel.

’n Verdagte man is gisteroggend op een van die naburige plase opgemerk, maar die poli­- sie was te laat om hom aan te keer.

SA wittes ly onder rassisme – FW

Leopold Scholtz
Den Haag. – Suid-Afrikaanse wit mense is nou die slagoffer van rassediskriminasie.

Oudpres. FW de Klerk het gister dié boodskap in ’n onderhoud met die Nederlandse dagblad De Pers oorgedra.

De Klerk was in Nederland om ’n lesing te gee.

Die onderhoud was hoofberig op die koerant se voorblad, saam met ’n groot foto van De Klerk, onder die opskrif “Apartheid is terug”.

In die onderhoud het De Klerk reguit gesê: “Daar is sprake van onaanvaarbare rassediskriminasie in Suid-Afrika.” Wit mense is die slagoffer van “ongebalanseerde” regstellende aksie, dus vind baie wit mense dit moeilik om werk te kry.

In die oë van baie wit mense is dit ’n nuwe vorm van rassediskriminasie.

“Dit het ongebalanseerd gebeur. Te veel swart mense het poste gekry sonder die regte opleiding of ervaring.

“Tot die ANC, die regerende party, erken nou dat groot foute gemaak is.”

In antwoord op die vraag wat Nederland se rol (met sy historiese bande met Afrikaners) moet wees, was De Klerk se antwoord dat baie wit mense meen “dat die Westerse lande, wat altyd voorgeloop het om Suid-Afrika weens apartheid te kritiseer, nou ook kennis moet neem van die sake wat verkeerd loop in Suid-Afrika.

“Die Westerlinge moet met dieselfde energie en oortuiging protesteer teen nuwe vorms van ongeregtigheid in ons land.”

De Klerk het gesê die bande tussen Nederland en Suid-Afrika kan verstewig word: “Nederlanders en Vlaminge moet met trots na Afrikaans kyk en die taal as volwaardige lid by die Nederlandse taalgemeenskap betrek.”

Hy is nie bang dat onluste uitbreek wanneer oudpres. Nelson Mandela sterf nie. Dit sal eerder ’n geleentheid skep vir
Suid-Afrikaners om weer saam skouer aan die wiel te sit.

Hy het Mandela laas by WB 2010 gesien. Hulle bel mekaar op hul verjaardae.

Ofskoon die Wêreldbeker “’n gevoel van eenheid” teweeg gebring het, het “ons in sekere sin daarna weer in ou gewoontes teruggeval”.

“Maar wat blywend is, is ons bewys aan die wêreld dat ons so ’n groot gebeurtenis kan organiseer. Nou wil ons die Olimpiese Spele reël.”

Hy soen terwyl hy verkrag

Hilda Fourie
Toe hy haar klaar verkrag het, het hy oor haar geleun, die slaapkamer­venster oopgemaak en met sy makker gepraat.

Dié makker het in die slaapkamer ingekom en haar wéér verkrag. Voor elke verkragting het sy die mans gesmeek om haar nie te verkrag nie.

Só het dié vrou, ’n werknemer van die departement van korrektiewe dienste, gister in die hooggeregshof in Pretoria getuig.
Mnre. Johannes Modise (21) en Marebele Edward Sebetsho (26), albei van Soshanguve, noordwes van Pretoria, het skuld ontken op aanklagte van huisbraak met die opset om te verkrag en te roof, verkragting en roof met verswarende omstandighede.

Hulle het verkies om hul swyg­reg te gebruik.

Die mans se slagoffer het in trane getuig wat gebeur het op 19 Augustus 2008 toe sy en haar vierjarige dogter (nou ses jaar oud) glo deur Modise en Sebe­- t­sho in hul huis op die terrein van die Baviaanspoort-gevangenis, noordoos van Pretoria, oorval is. Die meisie het voor die TV vir haar pa, wat van haar ma geskei is, gewag om haar skool toe te neem.

“Ek het my uniform aangetrek toe ek stemme in die huis hoor.

“My kind het met iemand gepraat,” het die vrou getuig.

“Ek het omgedraai en in die gang ’n swart man sien stap met my kleintjie langs hom.”

Die vrou het die man gevra wat hy wil hê. Sy het ’n vuurwapen onder sy jas gesien.

“Sssj, of ek sal jou en jou dogter doodmaak,” was sy woorde.

Hulle is na die vrou se slaapkamer waar hy haar arms agter haar rug vasgebind het.

Die man het haar gevra of sy hom onthou. Sy het eers later agtergekom hy was ’n gevangene wat skoongemaak het by die honde-eenheid waar haar eks­man gewerk het.

“Hy het my op die bed vasgedruk. Hy het sy broek uitgetrek en toe myne.

Hy het my gesoen terwyl hy my verkrag het. Toe het hy my gewurg Ek het hom gesmeek: ‘Moet my asseblief nie verkrag nie, vat al my geld, moet my asseblief nie verkrag nie.’”

Toe sy klaar verkrag is, het die man, steeds sonder sy broek, bo-oor haar geleun, die slaapkamervenster oopgemaak en met sy makker gepraat. Oomblikke later het die makker ingekom en die vrou ook verkrag.

Die mans het die vrou vasgebind en haar in ’n klerekas gedruk. Sy het met haar kop teen die deur gestamp omdat haar arms en bene vasgebind en haar mond toegebind was.

Kort daarna het haar eksman daar aangekom.

Die verhoor duur voort.

Four more Afrikaners attacked in bed: 2 dead

Teresa and Steven van Zyl, bludgeoned while asleep in bed, Sundra Dec 7 2010

Pregnant Afrikaner mom Teresa and her husband Steven van Zyl were brutally bludgeoned in their beds at 1am on Tuesday December 7 2010 in Denne Avenue, at the Sundra smallholdings. Their 14-month-old son Edwin-James, asleep in his cot next to his parents, was blood-splattered but unharmed. Mrs Van Zyl is 8 months pregnant. The couple is in critical condition in Johannesburg hospital.

Mrs Van Zyl’s dad Joe Pretorius said the entire room looks like a bloodbath. “The entire bed, bedroom wall and also various places inside the apartment is smeared with blood.” Police suspect that the attackers, armed with hammers, broke into a tiny bathroom window and then proceeded to hack away at the couple asleep in their beds. A portion of Mr Van Zyl’s skull was crushed and his jaw-bone was completely severed from his face. He works at Midas in Springs as a mechanic. Bloodied hammers and hammer-heads were left behind on the bed and in the apartment. The baby was spattered with blood but unharmed, said the grandparents who now are looking after their little grandson. Mrs Van Zyl managed to flee to her brother J J Pretorius who lives abou 40 metres away from them. The couple was first rushed to Delmas hospital for stabilisation but then transferred to the Johannesburg general hospital.

Mr Pretorius said it looks as if the unborn child has not been injured during the attack. ‘My beautiful child’s face probably will be scarred for the rest of her life,’ he said, heartbroken.

SAPS station commander in Sundra, captain Salomé van der Westhuizen, said the stench of blood was ‘overwhelming’ at the crime scene. She also noticed that very little of any value was stolen: a worthless casing from a computer, and a cheap DVD-player. Many valuable items were left untouched in the apartment. Contact her at telephone 00136611225


Clicks’ pharmacists Schalk and Theresa Du Plooy brutally murdered, Dunnottar – drug-addicted relative arrested with comrade
Jacques Steenkamp writes in Beeld that a well-known Afrikaans couple who worked as pharmacists at Clicks drugstores outlets in Nigel and Springs, were found brutally murdered in the veldt near the black squatter camp of Daveyton near Brakpan.

The couple had numerous knife-wounds and were also bludgeoned with ‘a blunt weapon’, said SAPS warrant-officer Toimmy Tomlinson. A member of the public came across the gruesome find on Tuesday. The police have already arrested the couple’s arrested son – who was discharged from a rehabilitation clinic only a month earlier. The couple were found still dressed in their night-clothes. Their family car was abandoned next to their bodies. The two male suspects are scheduled for their first remand-appearance in Nigel magistrate’s court on charges of double-murder. Colleagues and friends told Beeld that Du Plooy was ‘a wonderful guy who was always smiling.:” He was well-known as a pharmacist. The Du Plooy couple had no biological offspring but have an adopted son.

"Whoonga" Drug: A New Twist in South Africa's AIDS War
November 24, 2010 - Drug users and health-care officials in South Africa are “ diverting “ the tons of the antiretroviral pills intended for AIDS patients and mixing them in illicit concoctions to get high.

Foreign donors ship the drugs in for free by the container-loads to help stave off the onset of full-blown AIDS. Now a new, dangerous underground drug-culture centering around ARVs has sprung up, and gangs are waging turf-wars to get control of the trade on the streets.

Health experts say the lethal drug-mix is so powerful that addiction occurs within just days – and that users also become so aggressive that they will kill to get their hands on new supplies each day. Health-officials earn huge sums from their illegal sales, and patients sell their ARVs for use in whoonga – people even deliberately infect with HIV to get their hands on ARVs.

AIDS is already a source of damaging myths in South Africa, such as that the disease can be prevented by raping a virginal child or ‘showering after sex” with an HIV-positive partner… Child-rapes have become epidemic in the country.

Some drug dealers are suspected of stretching the whooga mixture with soap powder and even rat poison to increase their profits. "We are seeing the use of whoonga in communities and its very widespread. It's a substance that is openly spoken about in communities," says Lihle Dlamini of the Treatment Action Campaign, which has lobbied hard to improve the government's response to AIDS.

Drug dealers "are taking this treatment that is supposed to assist people living with HIV and abusing it," Ms. Dlamini says. Robberies targetting AIDS clinics also are booming.

Carol du Toit of South Africa's National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence. Staff members of her private organization are seeing an countrywide increase in whoonga users, with many testing positive for heroin. They need six or seven hits a day to stay high.

Death threats target Afrikaans singer Hofmeyr

Singer’s angry outburst over execution-style murder of little Willemien Potgieter put his life in danger:

Dec 8 2010 - By Adriana Stuijt - The soaring hatespeech atmosphere which has South Africa in its grip has pitched the black and white communities against each other – fuelled this week by the gruesome, senseless massacre of the three-member Potgieter farm-family in Lindley, Limpopo on December 1 2010.

Afrikaners and Boers are up in arms about angelic toddler Willemien Potgieter’s execution after Lindley, Free State police announced that the little girl was shot dead with a bullet through the back of her head and dumped on her murdered mother’s body.

In a rare show of unity, the Afrikaans-Boer community now is organising a range of peaceful protests to show their outrage.

ANC-leadership incites blacks to kill whites with their constant use of genocidal hatespeech songs:

•The opposition Freedom Front party leader, MP Dr Pieter Mulder – widely criticised amongst his own electorate for hanging on to his cabinet-job as Zuma’s deputy-agriculture minister -- on December 3 2010 stood outside the Lindley magistrate’s court in the Free State during the remand appearance of five of the 6 arrested suspects (who are picture above right). The Solidarity trade union’s civil-rights movement Afriforum also firmly placed the blame for the racist massacre at the ANC’s door: accusing the ANC-leadership of inciting blacks with their use of old sonamed ‘struggle songs’ at public meetings -which constantly drum home the message to the masses: calling for the genocide of all Boers. Mulder and others have also demanded the return of the death penalty, which was abolished by the ANC-regime.
One Bullet – One White Infant:

Attention was also drawn to the recent new slogan which was coined by black government workers on May 25: “One Bullet: One White Infant” – and even though the Facebook pages of these two men have since disappeared, their expression of such sentiments indicate the high level of genocidal hatespeech prevalent amongst the black community:

•‘One Bullet One White Infant’ – The Hatespeech Which Kills
•'Shoot the Boer' – it’s still hate speech rules Pretoria High Court judge
•Afrikaans author ‘fears blacks because they are killing my people’ - remarks trigger anti-white furore
•The gruesome brutality of SA violence: Trauma Society photograph album

‘Propaganda of entitlement give young killers what they need to justify their brutality…’

However the gifted Afrikaans musician Steve Hofmeyr has created the highest level of anger amongst black SAns this week with his intensely angry outburst over the Potgieter child’s execution and the murders of her parents – directly blaming the "propaganda of entitlement" among black people for the brutal massacre.

Writing on his Facebook page in Afrikaans, Hofmeyr said: "Blacks (God knows, probably not all of them, but most of those I observe) feel justified and 'entitled' in everything, from quotas-low matric marks to land rights-brutality. We must generalise. Most black people I know are not violent, but they slurp up the propaganda of entitlement, which gives young killers what they need to justify their brutality." also: Sowetan editor’s reaction

Hofmeyr sounded desperate rather than vengeful when he added: "I don't know how the world thinks we (the Afrikaners) can transform, integrate and let go of our prejudices and stay nice, tolerant Christians when blacks can shoot a 3-year-old child in the head.’

On the whole, there has been remarkably little condemnation from any black leaders to the Potgieter family’s senseless massacre - although the ANC-regime issued a belated statement three days after Dr Mulder’s criticism.


However -- what to think of the gloating about these murders by a leading member of the Azanian People’s Liberation Army, Mr Sabelo Pama, (picture)who ‘saluted the force who killed the settlers family the Free State on Thursday’? He wrote on Dec 3 2010 at 5:30pm:“I salute the force who killed the settlers family in Free State thursday and the spirit of APLA forces will protect you and keep you doing a good work because the death of settlers and ANC is the first step to get our land. You are the true revolutionary…” (…) “(Robert) Sobukwe was happy yesterday because his killer family was killed”.


The violent reactions from blacks to Hofmeyr’s comments exactly prove his point: the blacks want him dead… -

Wrote Noxolo Nox Sebe (picture right) – (who also believes that AIDS was created by whites to kill all the blacks with): “I'll be very happy if someone kills Steve Hofmeyr. His racist and anti-Black attitude and behaviour is irritating. Now he is acussing us (Blacks) of being killers of white farmers. Fuck him, because white people were the ones who stole our land and wealth and murdered millions(?*) of our people in the name of "civilization...". This white racist ass called Hofmeyr must be killed or fuck off from our land!” Her mates such as Skhura Makhura agree with her, writing: “White shits such as Steve Hofmeyr are not needed in this African soil. Either they go to Australia or perish to the sea.’ Zama Khwela writes: “I agree that the white swine must be killed.” Lola Bam concurred with: “Steve Hofmeyr has declared a war against us. I agree with Skhura either he goes to Austalia or he perishes!”

•* Black journalist Vusile Tshabalala wrote: ‘Max Coleman's authoritative book analyses all deaths due to political violence from 1948 to 1994 in South Africa and Namibia.According to the HRC statistics, 21,000 people died in political violence in South Africa during apartheid - of whom 14,000 people died during the six-year transition process from 1990 to 1994. The book lists the number of incidents, dates, and those involved.This includes SA Defence Force actions, for instance the 600 deaths at Kassinga in Angola during the war in 1978. Of those deaths, the vast majority, 92%, have been primarily due to Africans killing Africans -- such as the inter-tribal battles for territory: this book's detailed analyses of the period June 1990 to July 1993 indicates a total of 8,580 (92%) of the 9,325 violent deaths during the period June 1990 to July 1993 were caused by Africans killing Africans, or as the news media often calls it, "Black on Black" violence - hostel killings, Inkatha Freedom Party versus ANC killlings, and taxi and turf war violence. The activities of the Civil Cooperation Bureau as outlined by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, were also included in these figures.The SA security forces during the apartheid period caused 518 deaths (5.6%). Also: total of 75 people died in police custody during apartheid. During the year 2010 alone, more than 560 detainees died in police-custody under the ANC-regime.

Johan Schoultz shot, injured at Morgenzon farm

Johan Frederick Schoultz, farmer, Tweedraai, Morgenzon: shot in neck by 3 black men - baby son and wife inside homestead - nothing robbed Dec 7 2010

Buks Viljoen of Beeld newspaper reports that 32-year-old cattlefarmer Johan Frederick Schoultz on farm Witbank, Tweedraai, Morgenzon near Amersfoort is in ‘serious condition’ at a Secunda hospital after he was shot on December 7 2010 by ‘robbers’. One stood right over him and shot him in the neck with a .303 hunting rifle. His dad Johan senior said it was “God’s miracle that he wasn’t killed. No God-fearing human being would do such a thing to another person.’


Schoultz jr. was ambushed at around 20:40 at his homestead front door with the attackers hiding behind a garden wall nearby and immediately firing at him with the hunting rifle. Initial reports stated that the attackers had demanded that the farmer hand over his guns but that he’d told them he ‘didn’t have any’.

The young farmer yelled at wife Estelle, 30 to go and hide in the room with their seven-month old baby son Rowan while the three black men stormed towards him – this time shooting him at close range in the neck. When they tried to shoot him again the gun failed to go off. While the attackers started fussing with the gun its cartridge-case fell out – and then they fled without ‘robbing’ anything. Still, Beeld newspaper describes it as a robbery. The SAPS said they are investigating attempted murder.

He collapsed at the front door and his wife dragged him inside while she phoned her father-in-law who lives about 4km away from them. Scores of farmers were on the scene without just minutes and mounted an organised search party – made difficult by a sudden rain-storm. The SAPS picked up .308 cartridge casings and the .303-magazine with three cartridges at the scene. A ‘suspected person’ was spotted on a neighbouring farm but the SAPS took too long to locate him.


•Farmer Hein & Hardus Aucamp injured, fierce gunfight with attackers – shoots one dead
•Farmer Koos Daffeu(46)hunted down like animal, shot dead, Limpopo
•Farmer Gert Lange(67) Vaalbank, Bethlehem attacked for second time July 23 2010

Oproep om volkseenheid

Geskryf deur Piet Rudolph
Donderdag, 09 Desember 2010 07:19
Aan alle reggeaarde volksgenote, leiers van groeperings, organisasies en instansies:

Is dit waar? Eendrag maak mag. Dit sal ons moet bewys en nie later as nou nie!

Die aanslag en die moord op ons volk gaan nie einde kry nie. Ons moet dit stop. Hoe? Ons sal nie weet as ons nie bereid is om te beplan en te organiseer nie.

Ons gaan dit ook nie alleen regkry nie. Ons moet as Volk bymekaar kom en begin doen. Dit sal nie spontaan kom nie. Dit moet ons organiseer. Daarom wil ons optree as fasiliteerder en u nooi om vir ons u siening oor die pad vorentoe, te kom uitspel. Dit is laat in die dag en ons kan nie langer stilsit nie.

Ek hoor die stem van vermoordes in ‘n koor. Ek hoor die baritonstem van ‘n man wat bereid was om te veg maar vermoor is; ek hoor die kinderstem van Willemientjie Potgieter : “Uit dieptes gans verlore,” roep hierdie stemme luid.

Mense, kom ons sit alles eenkant en ons begin werk aan hierdie Reddingsaksie. Genoeg is genoeg. Kom ons sit koppe bymekaar en planne op die tafel. Vat hande. Ons kan weer later verskil want daar sal verskille wees, maar laat ons nie van verskille geskille maak nie.

Ek probeer reël om u bymekaar te kry dat ons kan praat. Ek doen dit, nie om aandag te trek of vir enige ander instansie as ons Volk nie. As daar enigiemand anders is wat dit wil doen, val ek daarby in. Langer stilsit kan ons egter nie. Ek is u dienswillige dienaar. Kom ons vat hande. Hierdie volk dors na groot leiers met ‘n Volksvisie. Ons speek u aan omdat u gewys het dat u visie en vergesigte vir ons volk het!

Piet Rudolph: Aksiekomitee: Orde Boerevolk


Polisiekommissaris se rowerseun skotvry

Geskryf deur Praag
Woensdag, 08 Desember 2010 10:45
Luitenantgeneraal Mzwandile Petros se seun het in September verlede jaar saam met sewe ander rowers uit die hof in Johannesburg ontsnap. Die sewe is intussen weer aangekeer, maar die lasbrief vir Petros junior is intussen teruggetrek.

Die polisielede wat die lasbrief teruggetrek het, is twee dae lank vir nalatigheid geskors, maar is intussen weer in hul poste aangestel.

Praag het dié ilnligting van 'n bron binne die polisie ontvang. Dt is nog nie vantevore in die media bekendgemaak nie.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rustenburg SAPS abilities questioned - summary of cases

Rustenburg police abilities questioned - summary of cases
Rustenburg family saved from murder-gang by quick-thinking teenager
Young couple attacked in their home - RustenburgA young couple was attacked in their home around 04h00 Monday morning in Rustenburg.The police only arrived after 07h00 that morning. Nothing was stolen.
Van der Mescht, Sakkie firearm-control-officer Rustenburg false SAPS arrest
Sakkie van der Mescht dumped in Rustenburg cell, threatened with gang-rape – forced to sign fake 'confession' 23/07/2008 Linda de Beer, Beeld - Rustenburg - A hunting trip turne ...Wed Jul 23 2008
Marais, Marius 44, Smallholder, Murdered in Robbery at Family Braai 2010-26-05 MARIUS MARAIS, 44, SMALLHOLDER, RUSTENBURG, NW. murdered at family braai shot dead trying to defend his family from four-member gang of black men invading their smallholding-homestea ...
May 26 2010 -----
Von Brandis couple tortured, badly injured, axe attack Groot Marico Broekmansfontein farm Feb112010 2010-02-12 Bert von Brandis and wife Gail tortured, badly injured in axe attack Groot Marico Broekmansfontein farm house 2010-02-12 Alta Snyman Beeld.
Thu Feb 11 2010
Erasmus Marthie tied up killed with slegehammer Moedwil Koster farm husband Chris injured Saturday, 4 December 2010 Marthie Erasmus killed with sledgehammer Moedwil, Koster Marthie Erasmus, 63, bludgeoned to death with sledgehammer while tied up, husband Chris flees after brutal beating ...
Jordaan Mike, kidnapped, murdered, girlfriend raped, Klerksdorp
Sunday, 28 December 2008 SA couple opens murder-enquiry website for son Who kidnapped and bludgeoned security guard Mike Jordaan near Rustenburg; who was the knifeman with one arm in plaster ..
New Zealand TV Crew robbed of $70,000 equipment (Rustenburg)
Rustenburg - Burglars stole camera equipment worth $70 000 from a New Zealand television crew covering the Soccer World Cup in South Africa, police and the network said on Sunday. Sun Jun 13 2010

Brothers attacked, assaulted, Port Elizabeth Dec 5 2010 NOTHING ROBBED

Brothers attacked in Port Elizabeth – nothing robbed Dec 5 2010 - Port Elizabeth - Warrant Officer Gerda Swart said a 32-year-old unnamed man was shot and wounded and his 35-year-old brother assaulted with a firearm on Sunday night Dec 5 2010. The older man was parking his car when two men, one armed with a knife, the other with a gun, confronted them. The armed man beat him several times on the head with the butt of his gun. The younger brother was shot in the left arm while trying to help his sibling.Their attackers fled the scene on foot. No arrests had been made and the motive for the attack was not known. Nothing whatsoever was robbed.

Cape Town Sweet Homes smallholdings: white owners lose land to 900 illegal squatters

‎Elderly white couple forced to hand over their Sweet Homes smallholdings site near Cape Town to 900 illegal squatters
2010-12-06 CAPE TOWN. The municipality’s land-occupation department, Steve Hayward, has told the news media that the unnamed, elderly white owners of the 75,000-square metres Sweet Homes smallholdings near Mitchell’s Plain have been forced to relinquish their property-rights after a twenty-year legal battle to shift the 900 squatters living there. He said the property now is worth very little. He said the Pretoria-based legal owners would be faced with ‘enormous legal costs’ if they were to push for their property-rights in law-courts. “It could take years and the 1998 Act against the illegal occupation of land makes it very clear that the owners of land are responsible when it comes to illegal occupations of their land’.

Rustenburg family saved from murder-gang by quick-thinking teenager

Rustenburg: The Genocide that is Denied
Fri 3 Dec 2010, 15:52 Magda Cracknell writes: "Earlier this week, the house of friends living on a smallholding just outside Rustenburg, was attacked by young thugs. The husband had left for work and his wife, a keen marathon runner, hadgone for a run. The place where they live bristle with security; alarms, electrified fences, you name it. When the domestic arrived she, being a trusted worker, opened the gate and was overpowered by a group of young black thugs armed with AK 47’s. They forced her into the house and finding the one teenage daughter made both lie down on the floor. The second teenage girl came out of the room, saw what was going on, jumped back into the room and pressed the panic button. The wailing alarm scared the thugs and they ran off with little else than a cell phone.
Had it not been for the action of the second daughter the children would’ve been raped and killed and the same fate would have befallen the mother upon her return. The thugs, I’m happy to say were apprehended, not by the police, but as has come to be expected, by security patrol.
Yesterday, a few miles down the road, an old couple were attacked on their farm. They were overpowered, tied up and viciously tortured. The 63 year old woman succumbed and died and her husband was left for dead. .........THE POLICE WERE THE PERPETRATORS... "This time there wase no security and knowing the police the perpetrators will probably not be caught, this I can say without fear.
The Rustenburg police you see, have a reputation. A few months ago a farm was attacked at night... early morning.

The attack was averted and the farmer tried to raise the local police on the phone. After repeated attempts he and his wife drove into town to the police station only to find our protectors in a deep sleep. The farmer woke them up, berated them and was assaulted for his trouble. He reported the problem the following day and that case is still not concluded.
In the last days I was berated by many for spurning official channels s(which are supposed to )deal with those doing harm.
I was told how well and surely those stones grind. Why should it work for me, I ask you, when it never worked for the aforementioned people? Why should it work for me when it did not work when I was robbed and stabbed and robbed a second time. NOTE WITH PICTURE; MORE THAN 566 PEOPLE HAVE DIED THUS FAR THIS YEAR IN POLICE DETENTION. DURING THE ENTIRE PERIOD OF APARTHEID 75 PEOPLE IN TOTAL DIED IN POLICE DETENTION.

One bullet One white infant - threat to kill white babies VERY RELEVANT WITH RECENT BABY-MURDERS


"Nceba Sodo wrote on Facebook May 25 2010 at 13:20:"What can we do to protect our black babies from these future oppressors and racists?'

Mfundo Dlunwane replied: "We have no choice but to kill the white babies, simply because they are goin to grow and oppress our babies, so we kill the white babies... when the rite time comes we'll chop their heads off and they became headless little racist 'in the bible in says the sins of the fathers will fall onto the next generation' we'll be not only liberating what belongs to us but als fulfilling prophecy you know what I'm sayin..'

Ncebo Sodo replied that he 'fully agreed, kill them before they grow and oppress our babies.' Mfundo Dlungane and Nceba Sodo both then concluded with the slogan : One bullet one white infant...'

ONE BULLET - ONE INFANT -- Kill all the white babies, wrote these two black Public Servants on their Facebook page on May 25 2010: (picture one of two)!/photo.php?pid=285577&o=all&op=1&view=all&subj=133290993355055&id=100001108447359

119 polisielede gepos wat bedrieg, korrupsie pleeg

Hilda Fourie
119 polisiebeamptes is gepos weens hul betrokkenheid by korrupsie en bedrog.

Van dié afgedanktes was 72, wat die meeste in ’n provinsie is, in Gauteng gestasioneer.

Mnr. Nathi Mthethwa, minister van polisie, het gister gesê dié polisiebeamptes en administratiewe personeel is afgedank ná “intensiewe ondersoeke weens bewerings van korrupsie en bedrog”.

Dié polisiebeamptes en administratiewe personeel was in verskillende plekke in die provinsies gestasioneer en by die hoofkantoor in Pretoria.

Mthethwa het in die parlement gereageer op ’n vraag oor die uitkoms van 362 ondersoeke rakende tugstappe weens korrupsie en bedrog teen personeellede in die 2009-’10-boekjaar.

Dié ondersoeke sluit in bewerings van finansiële wanbestuur, omkopery, vermiste dossiere en die samewerking met misdadigers in misdade soos rooftogte en voertuigkapings.

Van al die ondersoeke is 29 lede se afdankings opgeskort, het 26 ’n opgeskorte ontslag met ’n boete gekry, is 53 lede vrygespreek en is 99 sake teruggetrek.

Wes-Kaap het die tweede meeste polisiebeamptes wat afgedank is met 15 en Mpumalanga 14.

“Ons sal nooit moeg raak om ontslae te raak van die vrot appels in die polisie nie. Inteendeel, ons is nog meer vasbeslote om seker te maak dat daar net wetsgehoorsame beamptes en personeel in die polisie oorbly,” het Mthethwa gesê.

“Die polisie kan nie misdaad beveg as van sy komponente en lede by korrupsie en bedrog betrokke is nie. Ons verloor eerder 100 korrupte polisielede en hou net tien opregte, toegewyde en gedissiplineerde lede oor.”

Volgens Mthethwa is die korrupsie onder polisielede ’n rede waarom hul nuwe werwingsbeleid eerder op kwaliteit as kwantiteit fokus.

Man wat 3 vroue aanval: ‘In 8 tot 10 jaar is ek terug’

Virginia Keppler
“Sonder om te blik of te bloos het julle jul wapens op die vroue gerig. Dit is ’n gruwelike misdaad wat julle gepleeg het.”

Só het landdros Magriet Cook gister in die streekhof in Bronkhorstspruit gesê nadat sy die aanvallers van wyle mev. Anna Jacoba Myburgh (55), haar skoondogter, Edri (nou 28), en me. Paulina Moyana, haar huiswerker, 128 jaar tronkstraf opgelê het.

Daniel Motshwarateu (23), die Myburghs se tuinwerker, is vir effektief 74 jaar tronk toe gestuur en Helton Matsimela (28), sy medepligtige, vir 54 jaar.

“In agt tot tien jaar gaan ek weer terug wees hier,” het een van die veroordeeldes deur die tralies by die hof se aanhoudingselle geskreeu kort nadat hulle gevonnis en weggeneem is.

Die twee het die vroue in Februarie 2009 tuis oorval, in die voertuig gedwing en met hulle op die Spitskop/Sarita-pad tussen Bronkhorstspruit en Witbank rondgery. Motshwarateu het vroeër getuig hoe hulle mev. Myburgh sr. met ’n mes in die voet gesteek en haar voor die ontvoering met ’n warm strykyster op die voete en lyf gebrand het.

Motshwarateu en Matsimela het mev. Myburgh sr. in die kop, agter die linkeroor en mev. Myburgh jr. in die mond geskiet en op ’n grondpad vir dood agtergelaat nadat hulle mev. Myburgh jr. se voertuig gerol het.

Motshwarateu en Matsimela is in Oktober skuldig bevind op onder meer roof met verswarende omstandighede, poging tot moord, die besit van ’n onwettige vuurwapen, aanranding met die doel om ernstig te beseer en motordiefstal.

“Julle was daarop uit om veral die ouer dame met die strykyster te brand. Dit het alles gegaan oor geld,” het Cook gesê.

Cook het gesê die beskuldigdes het geen berou getoon nie.

Mnr. Hans Myburgh sr. (57) het ná die uitspraak met ’n bewerige stem en trane in sy oë gesê: “Dit was ’n lang tyd, maar nou kan ’n mens troos kry.

“Ek is bly dat hulle so lank tronk toe gestuur is. Die vraag is nou net hoe lank hulle daar gaan bly. Oor ’n jaar of wat kom ’n ander president dalk en dan kom hulle uit.”

Mev. Myburgh is in Januarie aan lewerversaking dood, minder as ’n jaar ná die aanslag op haar lewe.

Mnr. Henk Myburgh (32), Edri se man, het gesê: “Ek is tevrede. Die landdros het hulle geoordeel, maar God moet nog.”

Ao. Simon Malapane, die ondersoekbeampte, was verheug oor die uitspraak. “Ek wil dankie sê vir die Myburgh-familie vir hul samewerking om die saak tot in die hof te kry.”

Landbougroep bal ystervuis teen skurke

Marietie Louw-Carstens
Polokwane (Pietersburg). – Die landbou-organisasie TLU SA se noordstreek gaan volgende Woensdag Operasie Ystervuis uitvoer om misdaad op plase in Limpopo te probeer bekamp.

Mnr. Doors le Roux, veiligheidsvoorsitter, het gesê dit word gedoen weens die “buitengewone hoë misdaadvlakke” in die land.

Dit volg ook nadat vyf mense verlede maand in drie plaasaanvalle in Limpopo vermoor is.

Le Roux het gesê die doelwit van die oefening is om saam met die polisie misdaad te probeer voorkom. “Ons wil vir misdadigers wys daar is nie plek vir misdaad op die platteland nie,” het Le Roux gesê.

Plaaswagte in samewerking met dorpswagte gaan tydens die operasie patrollies ry. Radio- en telefoonkommunikasie gaan ook opgeskerp word.

“Daar is goeie samewerking tussen die polisie en plaaswagte en ons wil deur die operasie ’n magsvermenigvuldiging bewerkstellig.”

In twee van die drie plaasaanvalle verlede week is werkers van die vermoordes in hegtenis geneem. Twee plaaswerkers is in Zimbabwe in hegtenis geneem ná die moorde op mnr. Johan Greyvenstein (54) en sy vrou, Annelise (52) van Musina (Messina). Hulle is op Dinsdag 2 November vermoor, maar hul lyke is eers Donderdag 4 November op hul hoewe gekry.

n Werker van ’n boer, mnr. Pieter Blomerus van der Lith (65) en sy vrou, Henna, is in hegtenis geneem kort nadat hulle op ’n plaas buite Vivo vermoor is.

Hul lyke is Dinsdag 16 November gekry. Mev. Van der Lith het vermoedelik een van die aanvallers, mnr. Edward Ndou, tydens die aanval geskiet. Hy is later op die plaas dood.

Niemand is nog in hegtenis geneem vir die moord op mnr. Andrew Fourie (62) van Vaalwater nie. Hy is op Donderdag 18 November erg geslaan en met ’n gordel om sy nek in sy plaashuis rondgesleep. Hy is verlede Dinsdag dood.

News from

The website was launched just before May 2010 to record the criminal violence during the World Cup 2010 – because the ANC-regime had placed a publication-embargo on such news throughout the international football tournament. They now boast that ‘crime had dropped during the WC2010.’ Of course. Warning: any crime-pattern you may be detecting from these news-items are entirely the figments of your own imagination. The ANC-regime describes all these events as ‘ordinary” and so that’s the only truth... These are the latest reports up to December 6 2010…


Rothschild, Louis, murdered by 4 black gunmen in Blairgowrie Randburg home

• BLAIRGOWRIE, RANDBURG. Four black gunmen murdered an Jewish/English-speaking South African businessman, Mr.Louis Rothschild in his Blairgowrie, Randburg home,......
Mob kills couple accused of killing two children for WITCHCRAFT USE Pietermaritzburg
•Mob kills witchcraft couple 2010-12-02 Mortuary workers collect the bodies of a couple who were burnt to death after being accused of witchcraft. Location: Snathing Edendale KwaZulu Natal, South Africa
Brothers attacked, assaulted, Port Elizabeth Dec 5 2010 NOTHING ROBBED
•Brothers attacked in Port Elizabeth – nothing robbed Dec 5 2010 - Port Elizabeth - Warrant Officer Gerda Swart said a 32-year-old unnamed man was shot......
Du Toit, Gert 31 SAPS sgt shot dead by 15-member gang which included TWO BENT COPS - PICTURE

• June 6 2010 MURDER SCENE NASREC JOHANNESBURG - SAPS sergeant Gert du Toit, 31, was shot dead when chasing a 15-member armed gang ......
Cape Town Sweet Homes smallholdings: white owners lose land to 900 illegal squatters

•‎Elderly white couple forced to hand over their Sweet Homes smallholdings site near Cape Town to 900 illegal squatters 2010-12-06 CAPE TOWN.
Troskie, Dr Jacobus, self-defence shooting, farm attack 3 May 2009 - TRIAL
•Dr Jacobus Troskie shot dead farm attacker in gunfight, Halfkroondrif, Kroonstad Sunday 3 May 2009 - trial Johan Brits writes in Volksblad, KROONSTAD.......
Westhuizen vander Ben, 81, arrested for murder in self-defence shooting after worker attacked the frail old man

•Ben vd Westhuizen, 81, frail and ill, kept alive on respirator, was arrested for murder – he had shot dead his worker who had confronted and attacked him in the evening of Dec 2 2010 - Johan Brits reports in Volksblad....
Krige, Jan, 56, Harmony gold miner Krugersdorp found executed, tortured in KAGISO

•'WHITES NOT WANTED IN KAGISO' – In the same week when black township residents raised a violence-driven campaign to keep poor Afrikaners from getting public housing, Harmony gold miner Jan Krige, 56, of Krugersdorp, was shot execution-style, and torture-marks were found on his body: his feet no longer had any soles. Kagiso 2010-12-06......
Rustenburg SAPS ‘abilities questioned’ - summary of cases

•Rustenburg police abilities questioned - summary of cases -------------------- Rustenburg family saved from murder-gang by quick-thinking teenager
Rustenburg family saved from murder-gang by quick-thinking teenager

• Rustenburg: The Genocide that is Denied Fri 3 Dec 2010, 15:52 Magda Cracknell writes: "Earlier this week, the house of friends living on a smallholding......
Lomax, Juanita, 31, maths teacher, Krugersdorp technical HS, attacked by pupil head fails to disclipline

• KRUGERSDORP - After teacher Juanita Lomax was assaulted by a pupil and then tried to cut her wrists in a desperate call for help this week it was discovered that she suffered from severe post-traumatic stress: she was the teacher who had held a dying pupil in her arms after the berserker “Slipknot” pupil had shot him and three others two years earlier at the Krugersdorp technical high school.....
Smook, Lionel and Lyle, brothers with muscular dystrophy, illegally arrested, jailed with tough criminals by Brits SAPS

•Two Afrikaans brothers who both suffer from muscular distrophy were illegally held in the Brits police cells for 24 hours - arrested illegally.
Muller, Werner and Liebenberg, Marius Afrikaans artists/life partners beaten senseless by Club bouncer Cape Town Oct 30 2010

• Artists 'beaten senseless' Dec 4, 2010 10:31 PM | By BIÉNNE HUISMAN Bouncer charged after altercation leaves couple needing brain, facial surgery TRIAL......
One bullet One white infant - threat to kill white babies VERY RELEVANT WITH RECENT BABY-MURDER

Pieters, Andries, kicked into a coma by four Pakistani men, June 6 2009 after Hofmeyr concert brakpan

• PICTURE - This little crime-victim is Keanu Pieters, 5, whose father Andries Pieters, Imperial Bank manager, was kicked into a coma by Pakistani citizens after a Steve Hofmeyr concert in Brakpan......
Two destitute Afrikaner men stung to death by bee swarm in Malmesbury

•Two homeless Afrikaners stung to death by bees 2010-12-04 Die Burger Malmesbury - Three homeless Afrikaner men who lived in the veldt and moved from town to town together…

Agricultural land destroyed by huge squatter-camps and ANC 'land reform' - article Huisgenoot
• Less than 12,000 of the original 85,000 commercial farmers who used to produce excess-food in 1994, now are left in South Africa - farming on less than half-a-percent (0.48%) of the total land surface…......
Afrikaner charities team up to help feed poor whites in Thabazimbi

•Afrikaner charities team together to help poor whites in Thabazimbi 26 November 2010.......
Nel, Kitty, 93, Afrikaner stroke-victim denied public hospital treatment BLOEMFONTEIN - PICTURE

• November 8 2010 - ANC denies impoverished Afrikaners proper medical care at public hospitals: BLOEMFONTEIN NATIONAL HOSPITAL: Mrs Kitty Nel of Petrusburg......
Afrikaner poor at Wesmoot Pretoria more than 2,360 on Volkshulp2000 feeding scheme – PICTURES

•The Freedom Front plus' charity now feeds 2,360+ destitute Afrikaners in the small Wes Moot suburb of Pretoria alone. It’s just the tip of the iceberg: one third of the Afrikaner nation now is destitute and homeless… although they also are the best-educated group in the country, they are denied access to the job market......

Monday, December 6, 2010

Vier in hof wat plaasvrou doodslaan

2010-12-06 22:19
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Marthie Erasmus

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Susan Cilliers
Koster. – Die vier mans wat daarvan verdink word dat hulle betrokke was by die plaasaanval verlede week waartydens mev. Marthie Erasmus (63) met ’n 16 pond-hamer (sowat 7,2 kg) doodgeslaan is, het gister in die Koster-landdroshof verskyn.

Een van hulle is minderjarig en verskyn môre weer, maar die ander drie, tussen 18 en 24 jaar oud, verskyn weer volgende Maandag, het kapt. Adéle Myburgh, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.

Die verdagtes se name word nie nou al bekend gemaak nie en Beeld is nie toegelaat om foto’s van hulle by die hof te neem nie omdat ’n uitkenningsparade moontlik gehou gaan word.

Die vier is verlede Vrydagaand in die Lethabong-township naby Rustenburg gearresteer.

Twee van hulle het glo tevore vir die vermoorde mev. Erasmus en haar man, Chris (63), op hul plaas Hartbeesfontein in die Koster-distrik gewerk.

Mnr. Erasmus is tydens die aanval verlede Donderdagmiddag in ’n stoel in die kombuis vasgebind en erg aangerand terwyl sy vrou na die kamer gesleep is. Haar hande en voete is vasgebind terwyl sy op haar maag gelê het, waarna sy met vermoedelik ’n 16 pond-hamer doodgeslaan is.

Die hamer, wat uit die Erasmus-familie se stoor kom, is op die misdaadtoneel gevind.

Die aanvallers het in die Erasmus-egpaar se bakkie gevlug met vyf gewere, een windbuks, klere, juwele, ’n mikrogolfoond, Kersgeskenke en die egpaar se selfone. Hulle het ook sowat R15 000 gesteel. Van dié items is met hul arrestasie by hulle gevind en die res by die woonplek van een van die verdagtes se pa.

Die bakkie is verlate naby Lethabong gevind nadat die voertuig gerol het.

Afrikaner miner executed, Kagiso township

Harmony gold miner Jan Krige, 56, of Krugersdorp, shot execution-style, torture-marks on feet, Kagiso
2010-12-06 Krugersdorp. – The body of 56-year-old Harmony gold-miner Jan Krige, 56, was found murdered execution-style in Kagiso township after going missing after his night-shift last Tuesday. He had gunshot wounds in the back of the head and shoulder, and markings on his body showed that he had also been tied up and tortured: the soles on his feet were missing.

Race war in Kagiso township:

Kagiso township also hit the headlines last week when black township residents became irate about plans by the municipality to move twenty-five impoverished Afrikaner families into newly-built government housing there. Last week, according to a report by Johan Eybers, ‘a race-war broke out’ over the plans. While some Afrikaner families told Rapport newspaper that they ‘could not wait to move’, others feared having to move from the Coronation Park squatter camp in the centre of Krugersdorp – fearing that their families would be targetted just for being white. Although the official police spokesman ‘knew nothing about the find’, other police officers told Beeld newspaper that they were searching for Mr Krige’s white Cold diesel bakkie XVK179GP.

His widow Nellie said her husband was called to work at Harmony’s Doornkop mine during the night on Tuesday. She went to work as usual that morning but upon her return that evening she noticed that the food she’d stored for his meal was still untouched: yet he’d clocked off work at the mine at 03:30. The family called his cellphone to try and find out where he was -- and ‘twice it seemed as if somebody answered it but turned it off,’ she said. The couple would have celebrated their 35th anniversary on 20 December.

The deeply distraught widow said that when police asked her to identify his body at the morgue, she noticed that ‘he’d been tied up and that the soles of his feet were missing. It’s unacceptable that he had to die this cruelly.” A memorial service is planned for Thursday at noon from the Dutch-Reformed Church Suiderlig in Krugersdorp West.

Official police spokesman knows nothing about it…

The official SAPS spokesman warrant/officer Solomon Sibiya said he ‘had not been informed about the discovery of the body, nor about a murder-investigation,’ and thus ‘could not comment, reported Amanda Roestoff. Beeld newspaper’s meaningless headline about this gruesome murder was “Dogs wait for nothing’ …

Sickly Ben vd Westhuizen, 81, charged with murder in self-defence shooting

Ben vd Westhuizen, 81, arrested for murder - shot dead his worker who attacked him Dec 4 2010

2010-12-04 Johan Brits reports in Volksblad, PARYS, Free State. Elderly, sickly 81-year-old Ben van der Westhuizen was attacked on Thursday at 8pm by his worker Charlie Petersen. The old Afrikaner breathes with the aid of a respirator because he’s so ill. His advocate, who also is his daughter, says Petersen had attacked the old man at 8pm Thursday at his house.

The sickly old man was not taken into police custody because he needs a respirator and oxygen at night to help him breathe, police said. He was granted bail of R10,000 in his absence on Monday and warned to appear in court on January 21 2011. His legal counsel, advocate Anina van der Westhuizen – who also is his daughter – said Petersen gad attacked her ailing, elderly father physically.

SAPS spokesman Maselela Langa confirmed that Mr Petersen was shot dead after he had gone to the old man’s house – and that worried neighbours had phoned the old Afrikaner when they saw the worker enter his property at 8pm. Apparently Van der Westhuizen had asked Petersen what he wanted from him so late at night; that the worker did not say anything but had physically attacked him; and that the old man had then fired shots in self-defence, killing the worker.

Langa said ‘due to Mr van der Westhuizen’s medical condition he was not locked up in a police cell.’

Strangely, the SAPS’ organised crime unit at Sasolburg is apparently investigating the worker’s death. It’s not known what frail, sickly Mr Van der Westhuizen is going to be charged with… if he lives that long…

Plaasmoorde vereis ingryping

Geskryf deur Praag
Maandag, 06 Desember 2010 15:12
Dr. Pieter Mulder, leier van die VF Plus en adjunkminister van Landbou, Bosbou en Visserye het vanoggend die verhoor van die verdagtes wat gearresteer is in verband met die grusame moord op die Potgieter-egpaar en hul driejarige dogtertjie, in die Lindley-landdroshof bygewoon.

“Die ANC-regering moet wakker skrik en plaasmoorde as ‘n prioriteitsmisdaad verklaar. Dit is baie belangrik dat die ANC-leiers hierdie tipe gewelddadige moorde in die openbaar deurlopend moet veroordeel,” het dr. Mulder gesê.

Leiers en ondersteuners van die VF Plus het vanoggend buite die Lindley-landdroshof saamgetrek om hul protes teen die apatiese houding van die regering teenoor plaasmoorde te toon.

“’n Klimaat wat tot hierdie wrede moorde lei word deur onverantwoordelike propaganda-stellings geskep. Hierdie moorde is grusaam en bevat ‘n sterk element van rassisme. ANC-leiers sing liedjies wat woorde, soos ‘Skiet die Boer’ bevat en dit skep ‘n atmosfeer van rassisme waarbinne hierdie moorde dan plaasvind,” het dr. Mulder bygevoeg.

“Boere in Suid-Afrika is die groep waaronder die meeste moorde plaasvind, gemiddeld 313 uit elke 100 000, en dan eers wetstoepassers, soos lede van die polisie, waar die syfer 153 uit 100 000 is. Die komitee wat plaasmoorde in 2003 ondersoek het, het toe reeds bevind dat die kanse dat die slagoffer in ‘n plaasaanval beseer sal word, twee maal so groot as in transito-rooftogte is. Die kanse dat die slagoffer sal sterf is drie maal so groot as in transito-rooftogte. As die Polisie transito-rooftogte as ‘n prioriteit kan beskou, des te meer behoort plaasmoorde as prioriteit beskou te word,” sê dr. Mulder.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Marthie Erasmus killed with sledgehammer Moedwil, Koster

Marthie Erasmus, 63, bludgeoned to death with sledgehammer while tied up, husband Chris flees with head-injuries, Dec 2 2010 Moedwil farm Rustenburg

2010-12-03 – KOSTER, NW - A group of armed black males attacked an Afrikaans farm couple on the farm Hartbeesfontein, in the Moedwil district of Koster, near Rustenburg North West on December 2, 2010. Mrs Marthie Erasmus, 63, was tied up on her bed and then the gang bludgeoned the defenceless woman to death with a sledgehammer - for no apparent reason.

Husband Chris Erasmus, also 63, was tied to his chair and brutally beaten about the face and eyes. He managed to free himself after the attackers fled with their loot: they used a bakkie from the farm as an escape vehicle but it was later found overturned, abandoned near Rustenburg by investigating police.

The deeply distraught Chris - recovering in Rustenburg hospital with head- and left-eye injuries from the brutal beatings he received – is a cancer-patient who just underwent chemo-therapy. “I am very heartsore,’ he told Afrikaans newspaper from his hospital bed. “She just celebrated her 63th birthday a week ago.’

The couple have two children, daughter Annelise, 37 and son Louis, 35. Mr Erasmus said the gang also wanted to kill him but he said; “no my wife is murdered now why do you want to kill me too I still have children to look after. Then they told me to ‘pasop” (be careful) and left.’

The attackers stole a microwave oven, R10,000 cash, guns from the registered gun-safe, jewellery, clothing and the family Christmas gifts. Mr Erasmus managed to losen his bonds after a while and went to the farm-foreman’s house – who let him use his cellphone to call his son Louis Erasmus.

The Agri-North West farming union spokesman Boeta du Toit said there has been a spate of attacks in the North West region. He’s convinced that the cruel farm-attacks are the direct cause of the irresponsibe behaviour by the ruling authorities such as the Cosatu trade union movement. He urged residents to get involved in the self-defence units in the region and asked them to phone Agri-Northwest at 0 018 ?632 3612.
SAPS spokesman Sam Tselanyane said they were investigating charges of ‘house robbery and murder’. Nobody was arrested.

Old Afrikaner couple robbed at Parow home, other news

Isabel Genade (73) assaulted, husband also robbed at gunpoint by uniformed black men, Wessel Street, Parow, Cape Dec 3 2010
Parow, Cape province – An elderly Afrikaans couple, both in their seventies, were attacked at 1pm, in broad daylight by two black males who were dressed in full police uniform and rang their front-door bell. Mr Isabel Genade, 73 and her 75-year-old husband let their attackers in the front door because the uniformed men claimed that the couple’s ‘car had been stolen’ and they were ‘investigating’.


When does the police register an assault during a house-robbery? Here’s a clue:

Journalist Kobus Pretorius reported in Die Burger Afrikaans daily from the working-class Parow suburb in the Tygerberg region that the working-class Afrikaans couple had been tied up and the wife beaten - according to Die Burger journalist’s well-sourced information.

•However Warrant-officer Jacques Mostert of Parow denied the beating – instead claiming that the old lady was ‘not assaulted, she just got a blow against her shoulder-blades and has a knob on her head… The husband is uninjured.’
He wouldn’t even admit that the attackers had been dressed in full-dress police-uniforms, saying “the investigation is at a sensitive stage…’

The couple’s house-contents were left completely alone: the only ‘stolen’ item was Mrs Isabel Genade’s handbag containing bank-cards and some cash and jewellery. Neighbours in the working-class Afrikaner suburb. questioned by the journalist, said they were unaware of the attack against the elderly couple.

•One man said: ‘we nearly never have the police patrol the street. I have chased away suspicious people who were hanging around.’

Hein Roos, 31 executed, Pretoria, no robbery

Hein Roos, 31, executed outside mom’s house, Pretoria West, Dec 2 2010 – nothing robbed

Dec 3 2010 - PRETORIA-WEST. 31-year-old Hein Roos had stopped at his mother's house which is near his own - letting her know that he was back safely - and minutes later was shot dead by black gunmen from point-blank range just as he was getting into his Golf car. Nothing was stolen.

Virginia Keppler and Armand Fourie report in Beeld newspaper.

The execution-style murder of the young Afrikaner is being described as a 'thwarted hijacking' however there seems to be no evidence for this claim: eye-witnesses Johan Robinson and his wife Ria said the young father : "just got out of his white Volkswagen Golf when the gunmen shot him repeatedly through the open window and ran off.’ Nothing was robbed.

‘ Police had to phone us back three times to get the correct spelling of the street name... '

Neighbour Johan Robinson said he ran outside when he heard a series of shots. "I heard someone scream: help help,' he told the news media.
"My wife and I both immediately phoned the police. However they phoned me back three times to get the exact spelling of the street name and the ambulance only showed up 40 minutes later... I always tell my wife that if anything happens to me she should rather phone a breakdown truck because then I'd still have a chance to survive.. I think the breakdown guys must all be trained in para-medical skills,' he said. Mr Robinson also picked up a hat at the crime scene which he suspects may have belonged to one of the killers.

The shot man's brother Pieter helped move Hein into his car with neighbours and rushed to Pretoria West hospital. His brother was declared dead upon arrival. Besides his mother and brother, Mr Roos leaves his wife Petra and children Bianca and Deon.

His brother said the shots were fired from up close through his brother's chest. He suspects that they also fired towards his mother when she rushed from the front-door. Immediately after hearing the shots he ran from his mom’s house – and saw at least two black men run down Projectile Drive. "My brother was lying on the ground near the car. My mother ran back inside to phone the police."

The investigating police also picked up three spent cartridges at the crime-scene: however very oddly, SAPS constable Nare Setati – asked for official comment as required - would 'not confirm the incident' - even though there were four police vehicles at the crime scene...
Posted by Censorbugbear at 22:25

Plaasmoorde vereis doodstraf

Geskryf deur Praag
Vrydag, 03 Desember 2010 16:12
“Die wrede moord van die Potgieter-egpaar en hulle 3-jare dogtertjie op ‘n plaas in Lindley is ‘n verdere bewys dat die doodstraf heringestel moet word vir moordenaars. Dit is duidelik dat gewone tronkstraf nie moordenaars afskrik nie, daarom die arrogante boodskap van die moordenaars ‘Ons het hulle doodgemaak. Ons kom terug’. Net die doodstraf sal die vlaag van moorde in Suid-Afrika laat afneem,” sê mnr. Pieter Groenewald (LP), hoofwoordvoerder oor Polisie van die Vryheidsfront Plus.

“Wat kommerwekkend is, is dat plaasmoorde toenemend gepleeg word deur moordenaars wat in groepe optree. In April vanjaar het plaasaanvallers in groepe van tien tot sestien lede opereer in Polokwane en Carolina. Dit skep ‘n Zimbabwe-situasie. Die minister van Polisie, mnr. Nathi Mthethwa, het vanjaar by ‘n konferensie van AgriSA gesê die Polisie beskou plaasmoorde as net gewone misdaad. Die tyd het aangebreek dat die minister moet wakker skrik en plaasmoorde ‘n prioriteitsmisdaad verklaar. Die minister en die regering skram weg van plaasmoorde, juis omdat daar ‘n sterk element van rassisme en politiek betrokke is,” het Groenewald gesê.

“Boere in Suid-Afrika is die groep waaronder die meeste moorde plaasvind, gemiddeld 313 uit elke 100 000, en dan eers wetstoepassers, soos lede van die polisie, waar die syfer 153 uit 100 000 is. Die komitee wat plaasmoorde in 2003 ondersoek het, het toe reeds bevind dat die kanse dat die slagoffer in ‘n plaasaanval beseer sal word, twee maal so groot as in transito-rooftogte is. Die kanse dat die slagoffer sal sterf is drie maal so groot as in transito-rooftogte. As die Polisie transito-rooftogte as ‘n prioriteit kan beskou, des te meer behoort plaasmoorde as prioriteit beskou te word,” sê Groenewald

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Nog ‘n plaasmoord in Noordwes

Johannesburg – ‘n Boer is in sy bed in sy huis op sy plaas naby Potchefstroom doodgeskiet. Paramedici sê die man (46) is noodlottig gewond toe skote deur sy kamervenster gevuur is.

“Hy het menigte skietwond aan die linkerkant van sy rug opgedoen. Sy beserings was noodlottig,” het Vanessa Jackson, woordevoerder vir ER24, Sondag gesê.

Die man se pa, wat ook in die huis was tydens die voorval, is nie beseer nie.

Polisie in die Noordwes wou nie kommentaar lewer nie.


Skok oor gru-plaasmoord uitgespreek

Jana van der Merwe en Sapa
Vrystaat Landbou het die moord op 'n boeregesin van Lindley Donderdag ten sterkste veroordeel.

Die kriminele wys hulle het geen respek vir "beskawing en menselewens" nie, het uitvoerende hoofbeampte, mnr. Henk Vermeulen gesê.

Dit volg op die gru-moord op ’n gesin van drie, onder wie ’n driejarige meisie, op die plaas Tweefontein in die Lindley-distrik in die Oos-Vrystaat.

Mnr. Attie Potgieter, sy vrou, Wilna, en hul dogtertjie, Willemien, se lyke is vanoggend deur ’n plaaswerker gevind.

Potgieter is in sy vroeë veertigerjare en sy vrou in haar dertigs.

Volksblad-verslaggewer Jana van der Merwe berig Potgieter is vermoedelik by die huis se agterdeur met ’n panga oor die kop geslaan.

Sy vrou en kind is na wat verneem word met ’n vuurwapen tereggestel.

Die lyke is reeds van die plaas verwyder.

Een verdagte is reeds in Petrus Steyn vasgetrek.

‘Seuns’ skiet vrou toe sy nie sak gee

André Damons
Rowers het ’n vrou gisteroggend by ’n vulstasie in Boksburg-Noord koelbloedig doodgeskiet toe hulle haar handsak wou gryp en sy haar teëgesit het.

“Hoekom het hulle nie net haar sak gegryp nie? Daar was niks geld in nie en hulle het nie eens haar foon gevat nie,” het me. Daleen Hennings (51) se man, Louis, gesê.

Die egpaar besit die Excel-vulstasie in Hoofrifweg.

Hennings het vertel sy vrou was op pad poskantoor toe om hul motors se lisensies af te haal toe die voorval gebeur het.

Sy sou daarna by vriende gaan kuier het.

Hennings was in die bank toe hy die nuus van haar skietdood kry.

Volgens kapt. Petros Mabuza, polisiewoordvoerder, het drie mans me. Hennings omstreeks 10:30 buite die vulstasie se kantoor oorval terwyl sy op pad na haar motor was.

“Hulle het haar handsak probeer gryp, maar sy wou nie laat gaan nie. Sy het haar teëgesit en toe skiet hulle haar twee keer in die bolyf en vlug met die handsak.”

Hennings het gesê hy en sy vrou het gereeld by die vulstasie gaan inloer omdat hulle “pensioentrekkers is en eindelik meer op vakansie was”.

“Sy sou die 28ste Desember verjaar het. Ons eerste kleinseun is onlangs gebore en my ander seun se vrou kraam in Februarie.

“Nou moet die kinders sonder hul ouma grootword.

“Die ANC sê dit is ’n vry land, maar dit is net vry vir die misdadigers, want hulle kan doen wat hulle wil. Gewone burgers moet altyd oor hul skouer kyk.”

’n Ooggetuie het op die toneel gesê twee seuns het die vrou oorval en na die plakkerskamp oorkant die pad gehardloop nadat hulle haar geskiet het.

Mabuza het gesê die polisie volg inligting op.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Persecution of Boer groups continues

Two incidents of intimidation, death-threats and arrests without formal charges targetting Boer self-defence groups have been reported to me this week. The first incident involved the arrest of Günther Kotze, 32, arrested right after a brief appearance at the Witbank magistrate’s court yesterday. The second incident was reported from the Azri 'El Volksgenootskap en Burger Party , a small Christian self-defence Boer group at the West Rand, whose leaders have been receiving death threats from members of the ANC-youth league, according to their own media statement. (follows below).

Azri’El self-defence group’s leaders received death threats:

The Azri 'EL Volksgenootskap en Burger Party says in its statement, issued by its leader Johan Els, that they have ‘they have obtained knowledge that the ANC youth league is planning to eliminate specific leaders of their group; that they plan to plant evidence pointing the finger of blame to Azri’EL.’

Els said in his statement that their group, the Azri 'EL Volksgenoorskap and Burger Party, has organised itself as a self-defence unit against crime and to stand up against the persecution of all the Boer Citizens in the country, ‘in all sectors of society’.

“Our people cannot find jobs because we are too white, and the jobs are reserved for blacks even when we are better qualified, we are told our skills are not needed as we are either overqualified or too inexperienced...”

“However these excuses does not hold up: our skills are needed: our country is deteriorating rapidly with a rapid destruction of the infrastructures, the government departments and the general lack of service-delivery by the State also reflect on the problems in the private sector. There is daily, widespread corruption throughout all layers of society. Our mines are in the hands of the government and its black-empowerment groups and are being closing down – and those who are in charge of them are walking away with bags of money. The common citizens all suffer from these conditions – yet the government refuses to intervene or to stop the corruption.

Anyone who dares to stand up and complain about this situation is attacked or sent of for ‘anger-management training’.

Our group tries to defend its members against these criminals, these corrupt individuals and those who are leading us around by our noses. We insist on standing up for our rights as described in our country’s Human Rights Manifesto. We are deliberately being alienated from our Christianity because paganism and alien religions are being forced upon us. We have set it as our purpose to gather together our Boer people under the banner of God, for He will forgive us and He will lead us to our freedom. Because of what we stand for, there are there are threats to eliminate our leaders and to point fingers to Azri’EL. “ (end of media statement).

Fighting to keep the individual Boer families safe:

The group, some of its members refer to themselves as Soldiers for Christ, is also engaged in helping individuals in their own suburbs with hands-on security problems: for instance they recently traced a missing youngster and returned him to his family.

Young SA children are often harassed and terrorised at school, forced to cooperate with the Nigerian drug-gangs and sex-slavery trade -- and the highly-visible white minority is particularly vulnerable to the violent kidnapping-tactics of these criminal gangs.

Farmer badly beaten up by cops in Hartbeesfontein

December 1 2010 - Ottosdal cattle-farmer Willem Grobbelaar, two farm-managers and two workers were released on low bail amounts after they were arrested over a fisticuffs with local squatters related to destruction of farm-fencing and wandering livestock. Grobbelaar was released from hospital only yesterday -- he was hospitalised after he was seriously injured by the arresting police at the Hartbeesfontein police cells after his arrest on Monday November 22, he testified at his bail application.


Monday, November 29, 2010

Farmer Jurie Louw beaten senseless, Krugersdorp: nothing robbed

Jurie Louw, 38, assaulted, left in coma, farm Rietfontein, Kromdraai Nov 28 2010: assaulted with hatchet and knobkierie and left comatose: nothing robbed – SAPS only archived a ‘house robbery’ and are not investigating attempted murder

2010-11-29 Amanda Roestoff - KRUGERSDORP. Boer Julie Louw, 38, of the farm Rietfontein at Kromdraai near Krugersdorp, was discovered beaten comatose. A neighbour found the farmer next to his Toyoto Corolla’s opened doors and a flat tyre on the tar-road leading to his farm. He suffered ‘serious facial, leg and back injuries’ and was rushed to the local hospital, which appropriately enough was renamed after a communist ‘freedom fighter’ called Yusuf Dadoo. Doctors said the injuries show that he was assaulted by someone with a hatchet and another person with a knobkierie, a ‘traditional weapon’.
Warrant officer Dennis Jones believes that the Boer was attacked either late Friday evening or in the early-morning hours of Saturday November 28 2010. They confirmed that ‘an unknown number of men gained access to the Louw farmhouse.” They ‘could not say’ whether anything was robbed but they are not investigating attempted murder charges, only ‘armed robbery’. The farm is located near the Brookwood trout farm and the rural Kloofzicht Tourist Lodge. The police tried to interrogate the comatose farmer in hospital but unsurprisingly ‘were unable to communicate’ with him. And orse just as unsurprisingly no-one was arrested: the SAPS specialised farm-tracking units which could have followed their traces were disbanded during ex-pres Thabo Mbeki ‘s inept reign.
•Ah yes I almost forgot! There was some good news after al: the SAPS did lift ‘fingerprints’ off the abandoned car but of course did not bother with DNA traces – not much use in doing so as there is no centralised DNA-database in SA due to the ANC’s excessive obsessions with ‘privacy laws’.

Afrikaans teacher murdered in Klerksdorp

Anne Pederson, 74, Nov 29 2010, murdered with gunshots and knives, Irene Park home, Klerksdorp.
2010-11-30 Klerksdorp. 74-year-old retired teacher Mrs Ann Pederson was attacked and murdered in her home in Irene Park, Klerksdorp. She sustained bullet- and slashing-wounds. Hardened policemen said they were ‘shocked’ by the method in which Mrs Pederson was murdered. She was a beloved teacher who taught at the Klerksdorp Primary school for some 35 years. She lived with her businessman-husband Torben in the home where she was attacked at around 9am on November 29 2010 by several black men. The local police immediately started following a trail with tracker-dogs. It’s not certain whether anything was stolen.
Mr Pederson said that they would have celebrated their 51st wedding anniversary on December 12. The Pederson-couple were well-known Rotarians in town. Their family friend Ms Petro Nel, a DA-opposition party councillor, said she was very angry about the murder of ‘her dear and very humane friend’. “She has left deep tracks in the local community. No human being deserves to die this way, it’s incredibly evil.’ She is survived by two daughters Mrs Ingrid Murray and Karen Walstra, and four grandchildren.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Afrikaners tortured, killed by SAPS

Afrikaner security-technician Riaan Petrus Velloen, 37, killed by SAPS in custody, Florida police cells, Roodepoort S.Africa – nobody charged – police offers no ‘regrets’ nor ‘condolances’ to the grieving family…

2010-11-29 Amanda Roestoff of Beeld newspaper reports that 37-year-old Afrikaner security-camera technician Riaan Petrus Velloen was beaten up so brutally by the Florida police in Roodepoort that the healthy man died in the police cells within just hours. There were no charges against Velloen when he died in police custody, said his mother-in-law Mrs Ria Hogan, 50, grand-mother of his son Kevin Hogan, 15.
“Police claim he was drunk but he was not a drinker. We don’t know why he was arrested and there have been no formal charges lodged through the charge office,’ she said. She said her daughter received a phone call from Riaan’s sister – who informed him that he was beaten to death in the police cells. SAPS spokesman Lt.col. Lungelo Dlamini indeed confirmed that Velloendied while in police-custody and that a ‘murder-dossier was opened to investigate ‘the incident’. Hogan said the family have no idea where he was arrested, or why.
“It’s so heart-sore, because he was a kind, loving man who always tried to make you happy even if he had to put his own needs last. The police should be there to protect people – one cannot trust them any longer.’
His son Kevin was devastated about his father’s death. “He always listened to everything I ever told him and I will miss all the special things we did together. Velloen’s remains have not yet been released for burial because the investigation has not been completed. The SAPS ‘would not say whether any of the arresting officers would be criminally charged or prosecuted in an internal hearing”.
They also did not offer their condolances nor regrets to the family.