Virginia Keppler
Die lyk van die wit man wat in Soshanguve, buite Pretoria, gekry is, is geëien.
Hy is mnr Gert Coetzer. Drie van Coetzer se kollegas is gearresteer en aangekla van moord, roof en opsetlike saakbeskadiging.
Hulle het glo Coetzer se bakkie aan die brand gesteek nadat hulle hom beroof, vermoor en toe in Soshanguve gaan gooi het. Die drie sal binnekort in die hof verskyn.
Beeld het vroeër berig die polisie het eergisteroggend in uitbreiding 12 in Soshanguve, noord van Pretoria, op die lyk van ’n wit man afgekom.
Ao. Patrick Zimu, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die man is vermoedelik gewurg en op die kop geslaan.
“Hy is tussen 40 en 50 jaar oud en het ’n bruin tweestukwerkoorpak en maroen skoene aangehad. Dit wil voorkom of hy elders gekaap is voordat hy vermoor en daar gegooi is,” het Zimu gesê.
Die man het geen identifikasie by hom gehad nie.
Monday, January 31, 2011
Polisielid vas ná verkragting
Gerhard Pretorius
’n Polisielid en sy vriend wat die naweek in Pretoria in hegtenis geneem is weens die verkragting van ’n 15-jarige meisie, sal tot volgende week in aanhouding bly wanneer hulle vermoedelik sal aansoek doen om borgtog.
Die 30-jarige konstabel van die Lyttelton-polisiekantoor is Vrydag saam met ’n vriend (29) in hegtenis geneem weens die verkragting.
Die twee beskuldigdes het glo die meisie, wat glo van die skool af op pad huis toe was, opgelaai en haar na bewering verkrag.
Die staat het die borgtogaansoek teengestaan en vir sewe dae uitstel gevra om verdere ondersoek te doen.
Dié aansoek is toegestaan.
’n Polisielid en sy vriend wat die naweek in Pretoria in hegtenis geneem is weens die verkragting van ’n 15-jarige meisie, sal tot volgende week in aanhouding bly wanneer hulle vermoedelik sal aansoek doen om borgtog.
Die 30-jarige konstabel van die Lyttelton-polisiekantoor is Vrydag saam met ’n vriend (29) in hegtenis geneem weens die verkragting.
Die twee beskuldigdes het glo die meisie, wat glo van die skool af op pad huis toe was, opgelaai en haar na bewering verkrag.
Die staat het die borgtogaansoek teengestaan en vir sewe dae uitstel gevra om verdere ondersoek te doen.
Dié aansoek is toegestaan.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Rooftog traumaties, angswekkend, sê boer
Tom de Wet
VIRGINIA. – ’n Bekende boer se ervaring om beroof te word deur polisiebeamptes en mense wat hulle as polisiebeamptes voorgedoen het en te hoor hulle beplan om hom te vermoor, was uiters angswekkend en traumaties.
Só het mnr. Carel Marais, boer en sakeman van Wesselsbron, gister in die hooggeregshof hier getuig.
“My gevoel is moeilik om te beskryf. Ek moes traumaberading kry. Ek probeer positief bly, maar dit is nie elke dag maklik nie. Om te moet weet my en my gesin se lewe word moontlik nou nog bedreig, is moeilik. Ek het my vertroue in die polisie verloor.”
Ná die betrokke voorval word vier polisiemanne, ’n oud-polisieman en broer van ’n Vrystaatse LUR, en nog vyf mans wat hulle as polisiebeamptes voorgedoen het, nou aangekla.
Marais het getuig dat hy daarná sekuriteitstelsels van duisende rande moes aanbring. Hy dra ook nou daagliks ’n vuurwapen. Om deel te word van die program vir getuiebeskerming sou weens sy sakebelange en boerdery prakties onmoontlik wees.
Marais het op ’n vraag van adv. Antoinette Ferreira, aanklaer, gesê hy is reeds besig met ’n siviele eis teen die polisiediens.
Sy prokureur, mnr. Tom Bothma, het aan Volksblad bevestig dat ’n skadevergoedingseis van meer as R2,8 miljoen teen die polisiediens reeds ingedien is.
- Volksblad
VIRGINIA. – ’n Bekende boer se ervaring om beroof te word deur polisiebeamptes en mense wat hulle as polisiebeamptes voorgedoen het en te hoor hulle beplan om hom te vermoor, was uiters angswekkend en traumaties.
Só het mnr. Carel Marais, boer en sakeman van Wesselsbron, gister in die hooggeregshof hier getuig.
“My gevoel is moeilik om te beskryf. Ek moes traumaberading kry. Ek probeer positief bly, maar dit is nie elke dag maklik nie. Om te moet weet my en my gesin se lewe word moontlik nou nog bedreig, is moeilik. Ek het my vertroue in die polisie verloor.”
Ná die betrokke voorval word vier polisiemanne, ’n oud-polisieman en broer van ’n Vrystaatse LUR, en nog vyf mans wat hulle as polisiebeamptes voorgedoen het, nou aangekla.
Marais het getuig dat hy daarná sekuriteitstelsels van duisende rande moes aanbring. Hy dra ook nou daagliks ’n vuurwapen. Om deel te word van die program vir getuiebeskerming sou weens sy sakebelange en boerdery prakties onmoontlik wees.
Marais het op ’n vraag van adv. Antoinette Ferreira, aanklaer, gesê hy is reeds besig met ’n siviele eis teen die polisiediens.
Sy prokureur, mnr. Tom Bothma, het aan Volksblad bevestig dat ’n skadevergoedingseis van meer as R2,8 miljoen teen die polisiediens reeds ingedien is.
- Volksblad
Nico de Lange: throat cut in Krugersdorp
Nico de Lange, 55, Sat Jan 22 2011, stabbed to death, West Village, Krugersdorp -
•Murderer snarled: ‘get ready for your funeral’, and sliced Nico de Lange’s throat - in front of his fiancee and her 15-year-old daughter…
WEST VILLAGE, Krugersdorp. 55-year-old Nico de Lange was concerned about the three aggressive youths who kept tearing around at high speed on his erf in their purple Opel Corsa in West Village and endangering his family, wrote Beeld journalists Jacques Steenkamp and Pauli van Wyk.
At around 16:30 on Saturday Jan 22 2011 the three youths were spinning their wheels on his erf in front of his house again, so he stepped outside to speak to them.
His brother-in-law Frik Page, 60, said “Nico stepped outside to confront them. He wasn’t ever afraid to use his fists and when the guys attacked him, he fought back. One of them then threatened to kill him,’ said Page. After this incident the three males got into their purple car and chased off in it while De Lange went back inside his home.
“However just minutes later the man came back in the same car and stopped in front of Nico’s house with a knife stuck in the back of his pants. Nico was at the kitchen door when the man walked towards him – and slashed him across one of his wrists with his knife, then stabbed Nico in his neck and cut through his artery, saying that he should get ready for his funeral. There was a lot of blood.’
His friend stood laughing…
Mr De Lange’s fiancee’s 15-year-old daughter, who also witnessed the murder and thus cannot be identified for her own safety, said the knifeman ran right past her to his car after stabbing Mr de Lange. “One of his mates stood laughing next to the car. I ran after them to write down the Corsa’s registration number so that they could be captured,’ said the girl. Meanwhile De Lange, bleeding profusely, was staggering behind her towards the gate – making certain that she and her mother were safe, she said. “Then he collapsed and died”.
SAPS captain Jacob Raboroko said neighbours of De Lange contacted the SAPS and the three men in the purple Corsa were traced and arrested. They are still searching for the murder-knife, he added. Apparently while one of the men, aged 26, was in police custody, ‘he had some kind of an attack and taken to a local hospital, where he is recovering under police guard.’
Mr De Lange’s funeral was arranged for Friday 11:00 from the AGS-church in Krugersdorp. He is survived by his daughter Jolene de Lange, 25. Note: Beeld did not mention the race of the attackers..
•Murderer snarled: ‘get ready for your funeral’, and sliced Nico de Lange’s throat - in front of his fiancee and her 15-year-old daughter…
WEST VILLAGE, Krugersdorp. 55-year-old Nico de Lange was concerned about the three aggressive youths who kept tearing around at high speed on his erf in their purple Opel Corsa in West Village and endangering his family, wrote Beeld journalists Jacques Steenkamp and Pauli van Wyk.
At around 16:30 on Saturday Jan 22 2011 the three youths were spinning their wheels on his erf in front of his house again, so he stepped outside to speak to them.
His brother-in-law Frik Page, 60, said “Nico stepped outside to confront them. He wasn’t ever afraid to use his fists and when the guys attacked him, he fought back. One of them then threatened to kill him,’ said Page. After this incident the three males got into their purple car and chased off in it while De Lange went back inside his home.
“However just minutes later the man came back in the same car and stopped in front of Nico’s house with a knife stuck in the back of his pants. Nico was at the kitchen door when the man walked towards him – and slashed him across one of his wrists with his knife, then stabbed Nico in his neck and cut through his artery, saying that he should get ready for his funeral. There was a lot of blood.’
His friend stood laughing…
Mr De Lange’s fiancee’s 15-year-old daughter, who also witnessed the murder and thus cannot be identified for her own safety, said the knifeman ran right past her to his car after stabbing Mr de Lange. “One of his mates stood laughing next to the car. I ran after them to write down the Corsa’s registration number so that they could be captured,’ said the girl. Meanwhile De Lange, bleeding profusely, was staggering behind her towards the gate – making certain that she and her mother were safe, she said. “Then he collapsed and died”.
SAPS captain Jacob Raboroko said neighbours of De Lange contacted the SAPS and the three men in the purple Corsa were traced and arrested. They are still searching for the murder-knife, he added. Apparently while one of the men, aged 26, was in police custody, ‘he had some kind of an attack and taken to a local hospital, where he is recovering under police guard.’
Mr De Lange’s funeral was arranged for Friday 11:00 from the AGS-church in Krugersdorp. He is survived by his daughter Jolene de Lange, 25. Note: Beeld did not mention the race of the attackers..
Vrou van Beeld sterf ná aanval
Dries Liebenberg
Durban. – ’n Gewilde verspreidingskontrakteur van Beeld is eergister in ’n hospitaal in die stad dood ses weke nadat rowers op haar vragmotor geskiet en haar in die bors getref het.
Die toestand van mev. Kotie Visser (60) van Port Shepstone het ’n week nadat sy geskiet is in die waakeenheid van die St. Augustine-hospitaal versleg.
’n Koeël het haar bors onder haar armholte getref, ’n long beskadig en in een van haar rugwerwels vasgeslaan toe rowers in die ry op 14 Desember in die vroeë oggendure op die N2-hoofweg naby Ilfracombe op haar geskiet het.
Sy was op pad om koerante by die Pavilion-winkelsentrum in Durban te gaan oplaai. ’n Gewonde Visser het haar seun, Schalk, op haar selfoon gebel terwyl die rowers die vragmotor deurgesoek het.
Visser jr., wat ook help om Beeld te versprei en ’n ent agter sy ma se vragmotor gery het, was binne tien minute op die toneel. Die rowers het net mev. Visser se handsak gevat.
Haar man, Schalk sr. (56), is in 2006 ook deur rowers doodgeskiet toe sy Beeld-afleweringsvoertuig langs die N2 onklaar geraak het.
Volgens Visser jr. het sy ma eergister omstreeks 05:00 hart- en bloeddrukprobleme ontwikkel en is sy om 13:10 oorlede.
Vandat mev. Visser op die ventilator geplaas is, kon sy net haar lippe beweeg om met haar familie te probeer praat. Dié het probeer lippe lees en dan vir haar vrae gevra waarop sy haar oë kon knip om ja of nee te sê.
Volgens sy suster, mev. Ilze Viljoen van Roodepoort, was mev. Visser iemand wat altyd gelag, met mense gesels en nooit stilgesit het nie.
Die familie het die groot getalle Beeld-intekenare en vriende wat gebel of SMS’e gestuur het, bedank vir hul ondersteuning.
’n Roudiens word Saterdag om 15:00 in die NG kerk in Margate gehou en op 5 Februarie om 12:00 ook in die NG kerk Sesmylspruit in Von Willigh- laan, Centurion.
Durban. – ’n Gewilde verspreidingskontrakteur van Beeld is eergister in ’n hospitaal in die stad dood ses weke nadat rowers op haar vragmotor geskiet en haar in die bors getref het.
Die toestand van mev. Kotie Visser (60) van Port Shepstone het ’n week nadat sy geskiet is in die waakeenheid van die St. Augustine-hospitaal versleg.
’n Koeël het haar bors onder haar armholte getref, ’n long beskadig en in een van haar rugwerwels vasgeslaan toe rowers in die ry op 14 Desember in die vroeë oggendure op die N2-hoofweg naby Ilfracombe op haar geskiet het.
Sy was op pad om koerante by die Pavilion-winkelsentrum in Durban te gaan oplaai. ’n Gewonde Visser het haar seun, Schalk, op haar selfoon gebel terwyl die rowers die vragmotor deurgesoek het.
Visser jr., wat ook help om Beeld te versprei en ’n ent agter sy ma se vragmotor gery het, was binne tien minute op die toneel. Die rowers het net mev. Visser se handsak gevat.
Haar man, Schalk sr. (56), is in 2006 ook deur rowers doodgeskiet toe sy Beeld-afleweringsvoertuig langs die N2 onklaar geraak het.
Volgens Visser jr. het sy ma eergister omstreeks 05:00 hart- en bloeddrukprobleme ontwikkel en is sy om 13:10 oorlede.
Vandat mev. Visser op die ventilator geplaas is, kon sy net haar lippe beweeg om met haar familie te probeer praat. Dié het probeer lippe lees en dan vir haar vrae gevra waarop sy haar oë kon knip om ja of nee te sê.
Volgens sy suster, mev. Ilze Viljoen van Roodepoort, was mev. Visser iemand wat altyd gelag, met mense gesels en nooit stilgesit het nie.
Die familie het die groot getalle Beeld-intekenare en vriende wat gebel of SMS’e gestuur het, bedank vir hul ondersteuning.
’n Roudiens word Saterdag om 15:00 in die NG kerk in Margate gehou en op 5 Februarie om 12:00 ook in die NG kerk Sesmylspruit in Von Willigh- laan, Centurion.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Malema moet gestuit word - AfriForum
Alet Rademeyer
AfriForum aanvaar mnr. Julius Malema se uitdaging om tot in die grondwetlike hof te veg oor liedere met opruiende slagspreuke.
Malema het Sondag by 'n nuuskonferensie in Boksburg gesê hy is bereid om na die konstitusionele hof te gaan om sy reg om struggle-liedjies soos "Skiet die Boer" te sing.
AfriForum is gereed om grondwethof toe, en self op internasionale forums, te veg om Malema te verbied om opruiende liedere te sing, het mnr. Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, gesê.
Hy het gesê hulle beskou dit as so belangrik dat geen koste ontsien sal word om Malema tot orde te roep nie.
Kriel voer aan dat dit onverantwoordelik van Malema is om slagspreuke soos "Skiet die Boer" te probeer verdedig in omstandighede waar geweldsmisdaae en moorde krisis-afmetings in Suid-Afrika aanneem.
"Terwyl Malema aanvoer dat sy opruiende uitsprake nie letterlik bedoel word nie, word mense letterlik vermoor."
AfriForum aanvaar mnr. Julius Malema se uitdaging om tot in die grondwetlike hof te veg oor liedere met opruiende slagspreuke.
Malema het Sondag by 'n nuuskonferensie in Boksburg gesê hy is bereid om na die konstitusionele hof te gaan om sy reg om struggle-liedjies soos "Skiet die Boer" te sing.
AfriForum is gereed om grondwethof toe, en self op internasionale forums, te veg om Malema te verbied om opruiende liedere te sing, het mnr. Kallie Kriel, uitvoerende hoof van AfriForum, gesê.
Hy het gesê hulle beskou dit as so belangrik dat geen koste ontsien sal word om Malema tot orde te roep nie.
Kriel voer aan dat dit onverantwoordelik van Malema is om slagspreuke soos "Skiet die Boer" te probeer verdedig in omstandighede waar geweldsmisdaae en moorde krisis-afmetings in Suid-Afrika aanneem.
"Terwyl Malema aanvoer dat sy opruiende uitsprake nie letterlik bedoel word nie, word mense letterlik vermoor."
Polisie skiet boer
Jacques Steenkamp
’n Boer van Babanango, KwaZulu-Natal, is dood in ’n skietgeveg wat volgens die polisie tussen hom en hulle op sy plaas uitgebreek het.
Mnr. Kobus de Vries (54) se familie beweer egter die polisie het hom doodgeskiet nadat hulle hom verseker het hulle sal nie skiet as hy uit sy huis kom en hom oorgee nie.
Brig. Phindile Radebe, polisiewoordvoerder van KwaZulu-Natal, het gister gesê verskeie polisielede het Donderdag op De Vries losgebrand nadat hy eerste op húlle geskiet het.
De Vries is volgens sy familie in sy skouer en rug gewond.
Radebe kon nie bevestig waar De Vries getref is nie.
Hy het voor die skietgeveg sy vrou, Rentia, by die Koning Shaka-lughawe in Durban gaan aflaai.
Op pad terug na sy plaas was De Vries glo in ’n onderonsie met werkers van Eskom en polisielede, het mnr. Thinus de Vries (43), sy jonger broer, gesê.
Volgens hom is die presiese gebeure nog onduidelik.
Sy broer het glo op sy plaas stilgehou, sy werknemers beveel om die plaashekke toe te maak en nie die polisie op sy erf toe te laat nie.
“Daar word beweer my broer was op pad huis toe in twee ongelukke betrokke, maar dit maak nie sin nie omdat daar slegs ’n krapmerk aan sy motor was,” het De Vries gesê.
Mnr. Phillip van Vuuren (83), De Vries se oom, het gesê De Vries het al geruime tyd met Eskom gesukkel en ondervind daagliks kragonderbrekings op sy plaas.
Volgens Van Vuuren het die polisie De Vries se huis omsingel terwyl hy daarin geskuil het.
“’n Werknemer is toe gevra om hom te oorreed om uit te kom met die belofte dat die polisie nie sal skiet as hy hom oorgee nie.
Toe die werknemer saam met De Vries by die huis uitstap, het die polisie glo op hulle losgebrand,” het Van Vuuren gesê.
Volgens hom wou De Vries terug na sy huis hardloop toe hy in die rug gewond is.
Die werknemer het platgeval en het op sy maag na veiligheid gekruip.
Hy vrees nou vir sy lewe want hy is die enigste ooggetuie, het Van Vuuren gesê.
Volgens Radebe het De Vries teen “verskeie motors” in Babanango gebots.
Polisielede is na sy plaas gestuur om hom te konfronteer.
“Daar was nogal baie polisielede by sy huis. De Vries het eerste lukraak op polisielede geskiet waartydens ’n polisievoertuig beskadig is. ’n Skietgeveg het toe uitgebreek en hy is dood,” het Radebe gesê.
Volgens haar kan die polisie nie sê of De Vries hom doodgeskiet en of hy deur die polisie doodgeskiet is nie.
“Daar is 19 vuurwapens in De Vries se huis gevind,” het Radebe gesê, maar kon nie sê of dié wapens wettig in sy besit was nie.
’n Geregtelike doodondersoekdossier is aangelê.
Thinus de Vries het aan Beeld gesê sy broer sou nooit selfmoord gepleeg het nie.
“Hy was skatryk en baie gelukkig. Ek, my jonger broer en ons pa gaan môre (vandag) self soontoe om ondersoek in te stel,” het hy gesê.
Vriende en familielede van De Vries het ook twee private speurders en ’n private patoloog aangestel wat vandag al na die plaas gaan om self die gebeure te ondersoek omdat hulle glo die waarheid gaan verdoesel word.
’n Boer van Babanango, KwaZulu-Natal, is dood in ’n skietgeveg wat volgens die polisie tussen hom en hulle op sy plaas uitgebreek het.
Mnr. Kobus de Vries (54) se familie beweer egter die polisie het hom doodgeskiet nadat hulle hom verseker het hulle sal nie skiet as hy uit sy huis kom en hom oorgee nie.
Brig. Phindile Radebe, polisiewoordvoerder van KwaZulu-Natal, het gister gesê verskeie polisielede het Donderdag op De Vries losgebrand nadat hy eerste op húlle geskiet het.
De Vries is volgens sy familie in sy skouer en rug gewond.
Radebe kon nie bevestig waar De Vries getref is nie.
Hy het voor die skietgeveg sy vrou, Rentia, by die Koning Shaka-lughawe in Durban gaan aflaai.
Op pad terug na sy plaas was De Vries glo in ’n onderonsie met werkers van Eskom en polisielede, het mnr. Thinus de Vries (43), sy jonger broer, gesê.
Volgens hom is die presiese gebeure nog onduidelik.
Sy broer het glo op sy plaas stilgehou, sy werknemers beveel om die plaashekke toe te maak en nie die polisie op sy erf toe te laat nie.
“Daar word beweer my broer was op pad huis toe in twee ongelukke betrokke, maar dit maak nie sin nie omdat daar slegs ’n krapmerk aan sy motor was,” het De Vries gesê.
Mnr. Phillip van Vuuren (83), De Vries se oom, het gesê De Vries het al geruime tyd met Eskom gesukkel en ondervind daagliks kragonderbrekings op sy plaas.
Volgens Van Vuuren het die polisie De Vries se huis omsingel terwyl hy daarin geskuil het.
“’n Werknemer is toe gevra om hom te oorreed om uit te kom met die belofte dat die polisie nie sal skiet as hy hom oorgee nie.
Toe die werknemer saam met De Vries by die huis uitstap, het die polisie glo op hulle losgebrand,” het Van Vuuren gesê.
Volgens hom wou De Vries terug na sy huis hardloop toe hy in die rug gewond is.
Die werknemer het platgeval en het op sy maag na veiligheid gekruip.
Hy vrees nou vir sy lewe want hy is die enigste ooggetuie, het Van Vuuren gesê.
Volgens Radebe het De Vries teen “verskeie motors” in Babanango gebots.
Polisielede is na sy plaas gestuur om hom te konfronteer.
“Daar was nogal baie polisielede by sy huis. De Vries het eerste lukraak op polisielede geskiet waartydens ’n polisievoertuig beskadig is. ’n Skietgeveg het toe uitgebreek en hy is dood,” het Radebe gesê.
Volgens haar kan die polisie nie sê of De Vries hom doodgeskiet en of hy deur die polisie doodgeskiet is nie.
“Daar is 19 vuurwapens in De Vries se huis gevind,” het Radebe gesê, maar kon nie sê of dié wapens wettig in sy besit was nie.
’n Geregtelike doodondersoekdossier is aangelê.
Thinus de Vries het aan Beeld gesê sy broer sou nooit selfmoord gepleeg het nie.
“Hy was skatryk en baie gelukkig. Ek, my jonger broer en ons pa gaan môre (vandag) self soontoe om ondersoek in te stel,” het hy gesê.
Vriende en familielede van De Vries het ook twee private speurders en ’n private patoloog aangestel wat vandag al na die plaas gaan om self die gebeure te ondersoek omdat hulle glo die waarheid gaan verdoesel word.
2 druk muskietnet in vrou se mond
huisbrekers wat ’n vrou op ’n kleinhoewe in Onderstepoort, noord van Pretoria, in haar bed oorval het, ’n muskietnet in haar mond gedruk het en haar beroof het, is kort ná die voorval aangekeer.
Die verdagtes van onderskeidelik 18 en 23 jaar oud het die vrou eergister om 04:00 in haar slaap oorval en nadat hulle die muskietnet in haar mond gedruk, het hulle haar van haar selfone, elektriese toebehore, ’n TV en ander huishoudelike goedere beroof.
Konst. William Mahlaole, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê toe die verdagtes uit die huis gevlug het, het ’n buurman op hulle losgebrand en die 18-jarige verdagte in die been geskiet.
“Die ander verdagte het van die toneel af gevlug, maar is kort daarna deur die polisie aangekeer.
“Hy het daarna die polisie na ’n huis in Themba, noord van Pretoria, gelei waar die polisie op ’n gesteelde Toyota Venture afgekom het.
“Volgens die verdagtes is die voertuig gebruik om gesteelde goedere tydens huisrooftogte en huisbrake te vervoer.
“Albei verdagtes het ook erken dat hulle by ander huisrooftogte en huisbrake betrokke is,” het Mahlaole gesê.
Die verdagtes van onderskeidelik 18 en 23 jaar oud het die vrou eergister om 04:00 in haar slaap oorval en nadat hulle die muskietnet in haar mond gedruk, het hulle haar van haar selfone, elektriese toebehore, ’n TV en ander huishoudelike goedere beroof.
Konst. William Mahlaole, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê toe die verdagtes uit die huis gevlug het, het ’n buurman op hulle losgebrand en die 18-jarige verdagte in die been geskiet.
“Die ander verdagte het van die toneel af gevlug, maar is kort daarna deur die polisie aangekeer.
“Hy het daarna die polisie na ’n huis in Themba, noord van Pretoria, gelei waar die polisie op ’n gesteelde Toyota Venture afgekom het.
“Volgens die verdagtes is die voertuig gebruik om gesteelde goedere tydens huisrooftogte en huisbrake te vervoer.
“Albei verdagtes het ook erken dat hulle by ander huisrooftogte en huisbrake betrokke is,” het Mahlaole gesê.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Manhunt for killers of Magda Fraser, Highlands North
Magda Fraser, 42, bludgeoned to death with hammer, two black male suspects, Highlands North post office Jan 15 2011
•“Trusted, respectful” post-office worker Mark Makhubele was filmed on CCTV opening up the post-office with a key…
HIGHLANDS NORTH, Johannesburg. Police launched a manhunt for two black males and published a photograph of suspect Mark Makhubele, below - a part-time post office worker who is suspected of bludgeoning to death Highlands North post-office mistress Mrs Magda Fraser, 42, with hammer-blows, Saturday-morning as she arrived at her job. The two black suspects were filmed by CCTV unlocking the door half-an-hour before she was bludgeoned to death, said police.
“He wished these were still the biblical times so that his wife’s killers could be stoned to death, ‘ said her grief-stricken widower Douglas, 44, to Beeld journalist Jacques Steenkamp yesterday. Fraser said he had dropped Magda off at the post office at about 06:45 where she has worked for the past 25 years in the Balfour Park-shopping centre.
•“She opened up every morning to receive the day’s new mail-delivery. At 9am her manager contacted me and wanted to know where Magda was because clients were lined up outside. The manager had also noticed on CCTV that two black men carried boxes from the shop and also noticed that she did not answer her cellphone, he told me.’ Fraser rushed to the shop.
She often passed out from fear-attacks:
Fraser – left being consoled by a sister during the interview – said he initially believed that she did not open up because she may have passed out in a fear-attack: something which has happened to her before. Upon his arrival he was greeted by some 11 armed police officers and security guards – all waiting for permission to break open the door.
“I wanted to know what was going on, but they said I would have to break down the door myself because they were not going in without permission. “ It took concerted efforts for about half an hour to force open the lock allowing the assembled cops and guards to storm into the building where everybody trampled all over the crime scene.
“I ran through the shop, shouting her name,’ said Fraser. “The safes stood open and were empty. Only when she did not reply to my calls did I realise something was wrong.” He then was stopped by a security guard from entering one of the bathrooms, with the man telling Fraser: “I am very sorry.’ “Why did they have to kill her?” He asked. “Did they do that because she could identify one of them"?
Police almost immediately identified part-time worker Mark Makhubele as one of two suspects – they noticed on CCTV that he had opened the post office back door with a key and was followed into the shop by another black man and that they then later were filmed carrying out boxes. Fraser: “Makhubele had good manners. He always appeared to respect my wife. I cannot believe that he could have killed her this cruelly.’
SAPS captain Phillip Maganedisa said a manhunt was launched for the suspects after they failed to find Makhubele at his registered abode. He asked people to call him at 0-072-701-2293.
Sisters from Norway and Kruger National Wildlife Reserve:
arrived from Norway:Mrs Fraser’s sisters Melony Marchbank (47) of the Kruger Wildlife Reserve and Jenny Hendriksen (53) arrived from Oslo in Norway. The murder-victim ‘s funeral is scheduled for Thursday 10am from the Old Apostolic Church, Symhurst. She is survived by her children from her first marriage, Quinten, 19, Desiree(18) and Arthur Yeates (18), and her stepchildren Wayne (19), Eric (17) and Grant (17). She and Fraser had been married for 18 months.
•“Trusted, respectful” post-office worker Mark Makhubele was filmed on CCTV opening up the post-office with a key…
HIGHLANDS NORTH, Johannesburg. Police launched a manhunt for two black males and published a photograph of suspect Mark Makhubele, below - a part-time post office worker who is suspected of bludgeoning to death Highlands North post-office mistress Mrs Magda Fraser, 42, with hammer-blows, Saturday-morning as she arrived at her job. The two black suspects were filmed by CCTV unlocking the door half-an-hour before she was bludgeoned to death, said police.
“He wished these were still the biblical times so that his wife’s killers could be stoned to death, ‘ said her grief-stricken widower Douglas, 44, to Beeld journalist Jacques Steenkamp yesterday. Fraser said he had dropped Magda off at the post office at about 06:45 where she has worked for the past 25 years in the Balfour Park-shopping centre.
•“She opened up every morning to receive the day’s new mail-delivery. At 9am her manager contacted me and wanted to know where Magda was because clients were lined up outside. The manager had also noticed on CCTV that two black men carried boxes from the shop and also noticed that she did not answer her cellphone, he told me.’ Fraser rushed to the shop.
She often passed out from fear-attacks:
Fraser – left being consoled by a sister during the interview – said he initially believed that she did not open up because she may have passed out in a fear-attack: something which has happened to her before. Upon his arrival he was greeted by some 11 armed police officers and security guards – all waiting for permission to break open the door.
“I wanted to know what was going on, but they said I would have to break down the door myself because they were not going in without permission. “ It took concerted efforts for about half an hour to force open the lock allowing the assembled cops and guards to storm into the building where everybody trampled all over the crime scene.
“I ran through the shop, shouting her name,’ said Fraser. “The safes stood open and were empty. Only when she did not reply to my calls did I realise something was wrong.” He then was stopped by a security guard from entering one of the bathrooms, with the man telling Fraser: “I am very sorry.’ “Why did they have to kill her?” He asked. “Did they do that because she could identify one of them"?
Police almost immediately identified part-time worker Mark Makhubele as one of two suspects – they noticed on CCTV that he had opened the post office back door with a key and was followed into the shop by another black man and that they then later were filmed carrying out boxes. Fraser: “Makhubele had good manners. He always appeared to respect my wife. I cannot believe that he could have killed her this cruelly.’
SAPS captain Phillip Maganedisa said a manhunt was launched for the suspects after they failed to find Makhubele at his registered abode. He asked people to call him at 0-072-701-2293.
Sisters from Norway and Kruger National Wildlife Reserve:
arrived from Norway:Mrs Fraser’s sisters Melony Marchbank (47) of the Kruger Wildlife Reserve and Jenny Hendriksen (53) arrived from Oslo in Norway. The murder-victim ‘s funeral is scheduled for Thursday 10am from the Old Apostolic Church, Symhurst. She is survived by her children from her first marriage, Quinten, 19, Desiree(18) and Arthur Yeates (18), and her stepchildren Wayne (19), Eric (17) and Grant (17). She and Fraser had been married for 18 months.
Two white pensioners murdered, KZN
•Mavis Smith, 74, Waterfall, KZN strangled to death Thurs Jan 13 2011 – was set to emigrate to daughter in Australia
•Hodnett, Evelyn, pensioner, beaten to death, Prince Street, Durban beachfront Dec 31 2010
VICTORIA PARK, Waterfall, Hillcrest, KZN. Above is kind-hearted pensioner Mavis Smith’s last photograph, taken on Christmas Day at the home of her daughter, Brenda Moffatt in Glen Anil. Mavis Smith was strangled to death on Jan 13 2011 by intruders in her home. Three weeks earlier, pensioner Evelyn Hodnett was also beaten to death in her Prince Street, Durban beachfront flat.
Daily News reporter Barbara Cole writes: ‘great-grandmother Mavis Smith of Waterfall had everything to live for. Her newest great-grandchild, Sienna Moffatt, had just been born and 74-year-old Smith home she had lived in for the past 15 years was on the market and, after two years of planning, she was “just a signature away” from emigrating to Australia to live with one of her four daughters, Lara Colley, and her family. Smith, who lived alone, never got to see her new great-granddaughter, celebrate with her friend or pack her bags for a new life in Brisbane. For last Thursday night she was strangled to death in her home at the Victoria Park complex, Waterfall, seven kilometres from Hillcrest.
“And all for a cellphone and a very old TV which was later dumped,” said one of her daughters, Adele Downing, who flew from her home in Ireland when she got the tragic news of her mother’s death. Her sister, Lara, boarded the first plane from Australia and arrived in Durban at the weekend, joining up with her sister, Brenda Moffatt, who lives in Durban. A fourth sister, Cheryl Barrett, was unable to make it from America. Their mother’s handbag, containing her purse and R300, which she was going to use to pay her car licence, was also stolen. “We knew she had that in her purse as Cheryl had sent her $50, which mom changed so that she could pay her tax,” Downing said.
Neighbours became suspicious on Friday morning, and when they called out Smith’s name and got no response, they went to investigate - and discovered her body. Smith’s brother, Rodney Copeland, who telephoned relatives all over the world to tell them the horrible news, had the dreadful job of identifying his sister’s body yesterday.Other members of the family converged on the pensioner’s home and tried to make sense of the tragedy. “It was a very tough day. We found the gifts she had bought for little Sienna. “And when we opened the fridge, we found a lovely tart she had made for her friend’s birthday,” Downing said.“My mom did not deserve this. She never harmed anyone in her life. She was the nicest, kindest person you could ever wish to meet and would have given her last penny away to anyone who needed it,” Downing said.Smith lived in Durban all her life, first in Stellawood Road and then Durban North before moving to Waterfall. She was a divorcee, whose ex-husband had since died.She used to do administration work at Addington Hospital and was well known, said Downing, adding that “the phone has been ringing all day with people who knew her calling in”.Everyone was hopeful that whoever was responsible would be brought to book and justice served.“It would be a relief,” Downing said. Provincial police spokesman, Captain Thulani Zwane, said no arrests had been made.
•Smith’s murder came three weeks after another pensioner, Evelyn Hodnett, was beaten to death in her Prince Street flat on Durban’s beachfront. - Daily News
•Hodnett :
•Hodnett, Evelyn, pensioner, beaten to death, Prince Street, Durban beachfront Dec 31 2010
VICTORIA PARK, Waterfall, Hillcrest, KZN. Above is kind-hearted pensioner Mavis Smith’s last photograph, taken on Christmas Day at the home of her daughter, Brenda Moffatt in Glen Anil. Mavis Smith was strangled to death on Jan 13 2011 by intruders in her home. Three weeks earlier, pensioner Evelyn Hodnett was also beaten to death in her Prince Street, Durban beachfront flat.
Daily News reporter Barbara Cole writes: ‘great-grandmother Mavis Smith of Waterfall had everything to live for. Her newest great-grandchild, Sienna Moffatt, had just been born and 74-year-old Smith home she had lived in for the past 15 years was on the market and, after two years of planning, she was “just a signature away” from emigrating to Australia to live with one of her four daughters, Lara Colley, and her family. Smith, who lived alone, never got to see her new great-granddaughter, celebrate with her friend or pack her bags for a new life in Brisbane. For last Thursday night she was strangled to death in her home at the Victoria Park complex, Waterfall, seven kilometres from Hillcrest.
“And all for a cellphone and a very old TV which was later dumped,” said one of her daughters, Adele Downing, who flew from her home in Ireland when she got the tragic news of her mother’s death. Her sister, Lara, boarded the first plane from Australia and arrived in Durban at the weekend, joining up with her sister, Brenda Moffatt, who lives in Durban. A fourth sister, Cheryl Barrett, was unable to make it from America. Their mother’s handbag, containing her purse and R300, which she was going to use to pay her car licence, was also stolen. “We knew she had that in her purse as Cheryl had sent her $50, which mom changed so that she could pay her tax,” Downing said.
Neighbours became suspicious on Friday morning, and when they called out Smith’s name and got no response, they went to investigate - and discovered her body. Smith’s brother, Rodney Copeland, who telephoned relatives all over the world to tell them the horrible news, had the dreadful job of identifying his sister’s body yesterday.Other members of the family converged on the pensioner’s home and tried to make sense of the tragedy. “It was a very tough day. We found the gifts she had bought for little Sienna. “And when we opened the fridge, we found a lovely tart she had made for her friend’s birthday,” Downing said.“My mom did not deserve this. She never harmed anyone in her life. She was the nicest, kindest person you could ever wish to meet and would have given her last penny away to anyone who needed it,” Downing said.Smith lived in Durban all her life, first in Stellawood Road and then Durban North before moving to Waterfall. She was a divorcee, whose ex-husband had since died.She used to do administration work at Addington Hospital and was well known, said Downing, adding that “the phone has been ringing all day with people who knew her calling in”.Everyone was hopeful that whoever was responsible would be brought to book and justice served.“It would be a relief,” Downing said. Provincial police spokesman, Captain Thulani Zwane, said no arrests had been made.
•Smith’s murder came three weeks after another pensioner, Evelyn Hodnett, was beaten to death in her Prince Street flat on Durban’s beachfront. - Daily News
•Hodnett :
Afrikaner cop Johan Nortje executed, KZN
Afrikaner cop Johan Nortje, 51, Jan 15 2011 anti-corruption-investigator at Maydon Wharf, Durban, murdered execution-style: nothing robbed
Jan 18 2011 – MONTCLAIR KZN – Highly-experienced warrant-officer Johan Nortje - killed execution-style outside his home in Montclair yesterday - had been involved in major investigations involving corruption in the harbour. Nortje, 51, was shot and killed in a hit by two black men who fired shots at him as he reversed his car out of his driveway. Nothing was robbed.
SAPS Brig Phindile Radebe said warrant/officer Nortje was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. She said Nortje had been stationed at the harbour in the Maydon Wharf Protection Security Services unit for 33 years.
“What we know is that nothing was taken from the officer.”She said Nortje had been involved in internal investigations and had contributed to major drug busts. One of Nortje’s colleagues, who refused to be named because he is not authorised to speak to the press, said the policeman was always available to help with investigations. Nortje’s family refused to comment on the matter. -
Jan 18 2011 – MONTCLAIR KZN – Highly-experienced warrant-officer Johan Nortje - killed execution-style outside his home in Montclair yesterday - had been involved in major investigations involving corruption in the harbour. Nortje, 51, was shot and killed in a hit by two black men who fired shots at him as he reversed his car out of his driveway. Nothing was robbed.
SAPS Brig Phindile Radebe said warrant/officer Nortje was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. She said Nortje had been stationed at the harbour in the Maydon Wharf Protection Security Services unit for 33 years.
“What we know is that nothing was taken from the officer.”She said Nortje had been involved in internal investigations and had contributed to major drug busts. One of Nortje’s colleagues, who refused to be named because he is not authorised to speak to the press, said the policeman was always available to help with investigations. Nortje’s family refused to comment on the matter. -
Namibian murder: 2 Americans arrested
Cattle Baron owner’s son Andre Heckmair assassinated in Namibia Jan 7 2011:
•African-American suspects Marcus Kevin Tomas, Kevin Townsend arrested
The Namibian – Hundreds of relatives and friends joined the influential Heckmair family in Namibia on Friday to grieve the unexpected loss of 24-year-old André Heckmair, murdered execution-style on Friday January 7, 2011 in Klein Windhoek. Young Heckmair’s body was found in a Land Cruiser station wagon at noon, slumped behind the steering wheel, shortly after he was shot execution-style: one bullet, fired through the right temple.
Picture source for commercial news media, purchase from:
Police say the gunman must have stood outside the car and fired the shot shortly before a motorist spotted the Land Cruiser in the middle of the road in a small street at about 13h00 and called the police. Heckmair was shot in broad daylight. The police’s immediate investigation put them on the trail of two American men who were arrested late on Friday afternoon at a guest house in Windhoek West on charges of illegal marijuana-possession.
Grief-stricken family and friends spilled out of the church’s main hall into staircases and onto the entrance steps of the Christuskirche, as the church was filled to the brim with a community still trying to come to terms with the brutal murder of a young man at the start of his life. Peter, Birgit and Bianca Heckmair, the grieving father, mother and sister of the deceased, listened as friends and family summarised a young man’s life, a task no one had imagined would be necessary for many years to come.
Heckmair’s girlfriend in Switzerland, Christine Brühwiler, did not attend the Windhoek memorial, but a video montage put together by her was shown at the memorial. On the same day as the memorial held in Windhoek, another was held in Switzerland, where Heckmair was studying.The two Americans accused of the murder, Kevin Townsend and Marcus Kevin Tomas, made a third appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Friday. This time, the men appeared on charges of murder, robbery, possession of firearms without a licence and possession of ammunition.
NamPol Deputy Commissioner Silvanus Nghishidimbwa on Friday confirmed that shortly after the Police arrested Tomas and Townsend at a guesthouse on the day of Heckmair’s murder, the barrel of a gun and a silencer was found in their luggage. This evidence, plus SMSes linking the accused with Heckmair and witness accounts stating that the Americans had made several enquiries about Heckmair after their arrival in Namibia, are seen as strong evidence of their involvement in the murder.
•Speculation as to the motive is rife, but increasingly there are indications, reports Namibian, that Heckmair became known to Tomas and Townsend through a third party, Heckmair’s girlfriend Brühwiler. According to sources, Brühwiler is ‘being questioned by police and other authorities investigating the murder, in order to establish a motive for the murder’, reports Namibian.
March 7 2011 bail application:
State prosecutor Meriam Kenaruzo asked the court to postpone their next appearance to March 7 to allow further investigation. Nolan Swarts, Tomas’s legal representative, and Vetumbuavi Uanivi, Townsend’s lawyer, confirmed that a formal bail application will be made on the same day.
•African-American suspects Marcus Kevin Tomas, Kevin Townsend arrested
The Namibian – Hundreds of relatives and friends joined the influential Heckmair family in Namibia on Friday to grieve the unexpected loss of 24-year-old André Heckmair, murdered execution-style on Friday January 7, 2011 in Klein Windhoek. Young Heckmair’s body was found in a Land Cruiser station wagon at noon, slumped behind the steering wheel, shortly after he was shot execution-style: one bullet, fired through the right temple.
Picture source for commercial news media, purchase from:
Police say the gunman must have stood outside the car and fired the shot shortly before a motorist spotted the Land Cruiser in the middle of the road in a small street at about 13h00 and called the police. Heckmair was shot in broad daylight. The police’s immediate investigation put them on the trail of two American men who were arrested late on Friday afternoon at a guest house in Windhoek West on charges of illegal marijuana-possession.
Grief-stricken family and friends spilled out of the church’s main hall into staircases and onto the entrance steps of the Christuskirche, as the church was filled to the brim with a community still trying to come to terms with the brutal murder of a young man at the start of his life. Peter, Birgit and Bianca Heckmair, the grieving father, mother and sister of the deceased, listened as friends and family summarised a young man’s life, a task no one had imagined would be necessary for many years to come.
Heckmair’s girlfriend in Switzerland, Christine Brühwiler, did not attend the Windhoek memorial, but a video montage put together by her was shown at the memorial. On the same day as the memorial held in Windhoek, another was held in Switzerland, where Heckmair was studying.The two Americans accused of the murder, Kevin Townsend and Marcus Kevin Tomas, made a third appearance in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Friday. This time, the men appeared on charges of murder, robbery, possession of firearms without a licence and possession of ammunition.
NamPol Deputy Commissioner Silvanus Nghishidimbwa on Friday confirmed that shortly after the Police arrested Tomas and Townsend at a guesthouse on the day of Heckmair’s murder, the barrel of a gun and a silencer was found in their luggage. This evidence, plus SMSes linking the accused with Heckmair and witness accounts stating that the Americans had made several enquiries about Heckmair after their arrival in Namibia, are seen as strong evidence of their involvement in the murder.
•Speculation as to the motive is rife, but increasingly there are indications, reports Namibian, that Heckmair became known to Tomas and Townsend through a third party, Heckmair’s girlfriend Brühwiler. According to sources, Brühwiler is ‘being questioned by police and other authorities investigating the murder, in order to establish a motive for the murder’, reports Namibian.
March 7 2011 bail application:
State prosecutor Meriam Kenaruzo asked the court to postpone their next appearance to March 7 to allow further investigation. Nolan Swarts, Tomas’s legal representative, and Vetumbuavi Uanivi, Townsend’s lawyer, confirmed that a formal bail application will be made on the same day.
2 sien van dak af hoe man moor
Jacques Steenkamp
Twee mans het gisteroggend van hul werkgewer se dak in Krugersdorp gesien hoe ’n bejaarde vrou in haar erf vermoor word.
Mnre. Maxwell Nsube (41) en Bob Metshe (40) het me. Abbie Phillipson (80) hoor gil in haar erf direk langsaan dié van me. Joekie Rautenbach (70), waar hulle gewerk het.
Rautenbach het gesê sy het die werkers gevra om op die dak te klim en te kyk wat aangaan.
Nsube het gesê toe hulle in die erf kyk, het Phillipson se tuinwerker, net bekend as Star, oor haar gestaan en was hy besig om haar mond met kleefband toe te plak.
Hulle het dadelik afgeklim en Rautenbach het die polisie gebel, “maar toe niemand antwoord nie, het ek my seun Louis gebel en gevra om sy buurtwag te ontbied”.
Lede van die Mindalore-buurtwag was binne minute op die toneel. Phillipson se erf is deeglik met onder meer palissades en elektriese draad beveilig, wat beteken die buurtwaglede moes ook op Rautenbach se dak klim en oor die muur spring om toegang te verkry.
Volgens kapt. Jacob Raboroko, polisiewoordvoerder, was die Krugersdorp-polisie kort op hul hakke en het Star Phillipson vermoedelik met ’n skoenveter probeer verwurg voordat hy ’n lap in haar mond gedwing en met kleefband vasgeplak het. Sy is in die buitekamer gekry.
“Sy het nog geleef en deur haar neus asemgehaal. Ongelukkig is sy minute later by die paramedici se aankoms dood,” het Raboroko gesê.
Polisielede het Star in Phillipson se tuin opgespoor waar hy geskuil het. Hy is vir die moord in hegtenis geneem en Phillipson se juwele is in die grassnyer se bak gevind. Haar selfoon word steeds vermis.
Me. Elaine Ackerman (54), Phillipson se dogter, het gesê haar ma, wat jare lank as kassier by die Roodepoortse stadsraad gewerk het, woon reeds sedert haar pa se dood in 2003 alleen in die huis.
Sy het gesê Star het langer as drie jaar by sowat vyf gesinne in die gebied as tuinwerker gewerk.
Twee mans het gisteroggend van hul werkgewer se dak in Krugersdorp gesien hoe ’n bejaarde vrou in haar erf vermoor word.
Mnre. Maxwell Nsube (41) en Bob Metshe (40) het me. Abbie Phillipson (80) hoor gil in haar erf direk langsaan dié van me. Joekie Rautenbach (70), waar hulle gewerk het.
Rautenbach het gesê sy het die werkers gevra om op die dak te klim en te kyk wat aangaan.
Nsube het gesê toe hulle in die erf kyk, het Phillipson se tuinwerker, net bekend as Star, oor haar gestaan en was hy besig om haar mond met kleefband toe te plak.
Hulle het dadelik afgeklim en Rautenbach het die polisie gebel, “maar toe niemand antwoord nie, het ek my seun Louis gebel en gevra om sy buurtwag te ontbied”.
Lede van die Mindalore-buurtwag was binne minute op die toneel. Phillipson se erf is deeglik met onder meer palissades en elektriese draad beveilig, wat beteken die buurtwaglede moes ook op Rautenbach se dak klim en oor die muur spring om toegang te verkry.
Volgens kapt. Jacob Raboroko, polisiewoordvoerder, was die Krugersdorp-polisie kort op hul hakke en het Star Phillipson vermoedelik met ’n skoenveter probeer verwurg voordat hy ’n lap in haar mond gedwing en met kleefband vasgeplak het. Sy is in die buitekamer gekry.
“Sy het nog geleef en deur haar neus asemgehaal. Ongelukkig is sy minute later by die paramedici se aankoms dood,” het Raboroko gesê.
Polisielede het Star in Phillipson se tuin opgespoor waar hy geskuil het. Hy is vir die moord in hegtenis geneem en Phillipson se juwele is in die grassnyer se bak gevind. Haar selfoon word steeds vermis.
Me. Elaine Ackerman (54), Phillipson se dogter, het gesê haar ma, wat jare lank as kassier by die Roodepoortse stadsraad gewerk het, woon reeds sedert haar pa se dood in 2003 alleen in die huis.
Sy het gesê Star het langer as drie jaar by sowat vyf gesinne in die gebied as tuinwerker gewerk.
Monday, January 17, 2011
Student hoor: ‘Ek soek jou kop’
Jacques Steenkamp
Drie Tuks-studente is by ’n rotsklim-plek naby die Hartbeespoortdam oorval en langer as drie uur met messe aangehou.
Mnr. Jaco de Villiers (21) sê hy en mnre. Gert van der Walt (24) en Dennis Wevell (22) het verlede Woensdag besluit om by die Johann Rissik Estate, aan die Brits-kant van die dam, te gaan rotsklim.
“Ons het ons voertuig op ’n parkeerterrein langs die R512 gelos en sowat ’n kilometer na die gewilde Chosspile-kranse gestap. Toe ons by die piekniekplek kom, het ses gewapende mans uit die bosse gespring en ons oorval,” sê De Villiers.
Elkeen was met ’n mes gewapen en het aggressief opgetree. Die rowers het in drie groepe van twee opgedeel wat elk ’n student oorrompel en ’n mes teen elkeen se keel gedruk het.
“Ons is in die bosse in gedwing. Hulle het toe ons hande en voete met telefoonkabels vasgebind. Daarna het hulle al ons besittings gesteel,” vertel De Villiers.
Die rowers het Van der Walt se voete losgemaak en hom dieper in die bosse in geneem.
Die ander twee het gevrees hulle gaan vermoor word.
“Ek en Dennis het bekommerd geraak en wou weet wat van Van der Walt geword het. Hulle het my voete daarna losgemaak en my ook weggeneem. Ek het gedink ek gaan sterf.”
De Villiers is geneem na waar Van der Walt op sy maag met sy gesig in die grond gelê het. Wevell het kort daarna by hulle aangesluit. Al drie se voete is weer vasgebind.
“Twee van die rowers het ons bankkaarte en PIN’s gevra en is daar weg om geld by ’n kitsbank te trek,” vertel hy.
Daarna het een van die rowers aan De Villiers gesê: “Ek soek jou kop” en toe die student nie verstaan nie, het die man sy kop opgetel en met sy vingers oor De Villiers se keel gegly.
’n Ander rower het sy mes bly skerpmaak en herhaaldelik Van der Walt in sy kuite daarmee geprik.
“Die ander twee rowers het ná twee uur teruggekom en was woedend omrede hulle nie meer as ons daaglikse limiet kon trek nie. Hulle kon altesame R4 000 trek,” sê De Villiers.
Voordat die rowers gevlug het, het hulle die studente se hande losgemaak. Hulle het die voertuig se sleutel, die bankkaarte en selfone se SIM-kaarte agtergelaat.
De Villiers sê die rowers het met selfone, horlosies, kameras en klimtoerusting ter waarde van sowat R40 000 gevlug.
Mnr. Dean van der Merwe, woordvoerder van die Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, sê op 29 Desember verlede jaar is twee ander klimmers ook by Chosspile deur gewapende rowers aangeval en beroof.
“Die laaste paar jaar het rotsklimmers dieselfde probleme as fietsryers met misdaad ontwikkel. Dit gebeur al hoe meer dat klimmers deurloop onder rowers.
Dit word ’n groot probleem, want die publiek verloor toegang tot hul klimplekke,” sê Van der Merwe.
Volgens mnr. Neil Margetts, voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bergklimfederasie, het misdadigers reeds sowat vier van die meer as 12 plekke in en om Johannesburg en Pretoria oorgeneem.
Drie Tuks-studente is by ’n rotsklim-plek naby die Hartbeespoortdam oorval en langer as drie uur met messe aangehou.
Mnr. Jaco de Villiers (21) sê hy en mnre. Gert van der Walt (24) en Dennis Wevell (22) het verlede Woensdag besluit om by die Johann Rissik Estate, aan die Brits-kant van die dam, te gaan rotsklim.
“Ons het ons voertuig op ’n parkeerterrein langs die R512 gelos en sowat ’n kilometer na die gewilde Chosspile-kranse gestap. Toe ons by die piekniekplek kom, het ses gewapende mans uit die bosse gespring en ons oorval,” sê De Villiers.
Elkeen was met ’n mes gewapen en het aggressief opgetree. Die rowers het in drie groepe van twee opgedeel wat elk ’n student oorrompel en ’n mes teen elkeen se keel gedruk het.
“Ons is in die bosse in gedwing. Hulle het toe ons hande en voete met telefoonkabels vasgebind. Daarna het hulle al ons besittings gesteel,” vertel De Villiers.
Die rowers het Van der Walt se voete losgemaak en hom dieper in die bosse in geneem.
Die ander twee het gevrees hulle gaan vermoor word.
“Ek en Dennis het bekommerd geraak en wou weet wat van Van der Walt geword het. Hulle het my voete daarna losgemaak en my ook weggeneem. Ek het gedink ek gaan sterf.”
De Villiers is geneem na waar Van der Walt op sy maag met sy gesig in die grond gelê het. Wevell het kort daarna by hulle aangesluit. Al drie se voete is weer vasgebind.
“Twee van die rowers het ons bankkaarte en PIN’s gevra en is daar weg om geld by ’n kitsbank te trek,” vertel hy.
Daarna het een van die rowers aan De Villiers gesê: “Ek soek jou kop” en toe die student nie verstaan nie, het die man sy kop opgetel en met sy vingers oor De Villiers se keel gegly.
’n Ander rower het sy mes bly skerpmaak en herhaaldelik Van der Walt in sy kuite daarmee geprik.
“Die ander twee rowers het ná twee uur teruggekom en was woedend omrede hulle nie meer as ons daaglikse limiet kon trek nie. Hulle kon altesame R4 000 trek,” sê De Villiers.
Voordat die rowers gevlug het, het hulle die studente se hande losgemaak. Hulle het die voertuig se sleutel, die bankkaarte en selfone se SIM-kaarte agtergelaat.
De Villiers sê die rowers het met selfone, horlosies, kameras en klimtoerusting ter waarde van sowat R40 000 gevlug.
Mnr. Dean van der Merwe, woordvoerder van die Bergklub van Suid-Afrika, sê op 29 Desember verlede jaar is twee ander klimmers ook by Chosspile deur gewapende rowers aangeval en beroof.
“Die laaste paar jaar het rotsklimmers dieselfde probleme as fietsryers met misdaad ontwikkel. Dit gebeur al hoe meer dat klimmers deurloop onder rowers.
Dit word ’n groot probleem, want die publiek verloor toegang tot hul klimplekke,” sê Van der Merwe.
Volgens mnr. Neil Margetts, voorsitter van die Suid-Afrikaanse Bergklimfederasie, het misdadigers reeds sowat vier van die meer as 12 plekke in en om Johannesburg en Pretoria oorgeneem.
Magda Frazer, killed with hammer by two black males, Highlands north PO manager, Jan 15 2011
2011-01-16 Greater Johannesburg - Mrs Magda Frazer, 42, Afrikaans post-office manager at Highlands North in Balfour Shopping Centre, was ruthlessly bludgeoned to death with a hammer on Saturday Jan 15 2011 by two black men who followed the unarmed woman inside just as she was dropped off at work at 06:30 by her husband. SAPS spokesman Philip Maganedisa said one suspect was a parttime worker who was filmed on CCTV killing the white woman with another black man. However, Maganedisa said 'security officials watching on CCTV, 'thought nothing of it when they saw a man unlocking the back door of the post office. They identified the man as a post office worker." Frazer's husband had dropped her at work at 06:30 that day and Maganedisa said she entered through the front door, followed shortly thereafter by her two black murderers. One murderer was clearly identified on the CCTV video as a part-time worker at the PO. Mr Mike Sears from the local community policing organisation CAP said a client alerted security when they could not get inside... "Members of the CAP and the police went to investigate and discovered Mrs Frazer's lifeless body. Closed circuit television cameras in the post office filmed the entire murder”, Sears said. “The video shows Mrs Frazer being repeatedly beaten with a hammer." And one of the two black murderers was clearly identified as a part-time employee at the post office. Maganedisa said the post office's safe was found open and empty. Frazer's personal belongings were also stolen. Written by Salette Cloete and Jani Meyer,Beeld
109 people killed violently each day in SA
•109 people a day were killed violently between April 2009-April 2010; 177 families a day were robbed at gunpoint inside their homes; and 566 people (nearly two a day) also were murdered in the SAPS holding cells after their arrests…
•110 cops were killed in 2009/10 + 38,894 * civilians, all killed in armed violence that year (* the murders plus culpible homicides categories combined) :
•39,004 total violent deaths of civilians and cops combined in 2009/10 … and that does not include the 566 murders in the police holding cells last year…
•110 cops were killed in 2009/10 + 38,894 * civilians, all killed in armed violence that year (* the murders plus culpible homicides categories combined) :
•39,004 total violent deaths of civilians and cops combined in 2009/10 … and that does not include the 566 murders in the police holding cells last year…
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Vier boewe skiet man by vulstasie
Fanie van Rooyen
Een van vier gewapende rowers het eergister ’n 35-jarige bestuurder van ’n Engen-vulstasie in Soshanguve, noordwes van Pretoria, koelbloedig doodgeskiet en toe saam met sy makkers sonder enige buit gevlug.
Die rowers het die bestuurder glo geskiet omdat hy te lank gevat het om die sleutels van ’n kontantkluis op die perseel te vind.
Kapt. Dumisani Ndlazi, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die vier het omstreeks 08:30 in ’n silwer BMW-motor sonder nommerplate by die vulstasie stilgehou.
“Al vier was met vuurwapens gewapen en het uit die motor gespring, by die vulstasie se kantore ingebars en die bestuurder beveel om die sleutels van die kluis aan hulle te oorhandig,” het Ndlazi gesê.
“Hy het blykbaar te lank gevat om die sleutels te vind en toe skiet een van die rowers hom in die maag.”
Ndlazi het gesê omdat daar baie mense by die vulstasie was, het die rowers sonder enige buit weggejaag.
Die bestuurder is met ’n ambulans na die Dr. George Mukhari-hospitaal geneem, maar hy het later aan sy skietwond beswyk.
“Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van moord en gewapende roof. Ons hoop om die rowers gou vas te trek.”
Een van vier gewapende rowers het eergister ’n 35-jarige bestuurder van ’n Engen-vulstasie in Soshanguve, noordwes van Pretoria, koelbloedig doodgeskiet en toe saam met sy makkers sonder enige buit gevlug.
Die rowers het die bestuurder glo geskiet omdat hy te lank gevat het om die sleutels van ’n kontantkluis op die perseel te vind.
Kapt. Dumisani Ndlazi, polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê die vier het omstreeks 08:30 in ’n silwer BMW-motor sonder nommerplate by die vulstasie stilgehou.
“Al vier was met vuurwapens gewapen en het uit die motor gespring, by die vulstasie se kantore ingebars en die bestuurder beveel om die sleutels van die kluis aan hulle te oorhandig,” het Ndlazi gesê.
“Hy het blykbaar te lank gevat om die sleutels te vind en toe skiet een van die rowers hom in die maag.”
Ndlazi het gesê omdat daar baie mense by die vulstasie was, het die rowers sonder enige buit weggejaag.
Die bestuurder is met ’n ambulans na die Dr. George Mukhari-hospitaal geneem, maar hy het later aan sy skietwond beswyk.
“Die polisie ondersoek ’n saak van moord en gewapende roof. Ons hoop om die rowers gou vas te trek.”
Vrou by werk doodgeslaan
Salette Cloete en Jani Meyer
’n Teller van ’n poskantoor in Johannesburg is Saterdagoggend wreed met ’n hamer vermoor toe sy klaarblyklik twee rowers verras het.
’n Deeltydse werknemer van die Highlands-Noord-poskantoor in die Balfour Park-winkelsentrum in die noordooste van Johannesburg was vermoedelik by die moord op me. Magda Frazer (42) betrokke.
Kapt. Phillip Maganedisa, ’n polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê veiligheidsbeamptes van die winkelsentrum het omstreeks 07:00 op kringtelevisie ’n man gesien wat die agterdeur van die poskantoor oopsluit.
“Hulle het die man as ’n poskantoorwerker geïdentifiseer en hulle nie verder daaraan gesteur nie.”
Frazer se man het haar dié dag om 06:30 by die werk afgelaai en Maganedisa het gesê sy is by die voordeur in. Die rowers het vermoedelik niemand so vroeg daar verwag nie.
Mnr. Mike Sears van die gemeenskapsbeveiligingsorganisasie CAP het gesê ’n klant wat later by die poskantoor opgedaag het en nie kon inkom nie, het die winkelsentrum se veiligheidsbeamptes laat weet iets skort.
“Lede van CAP en die polisie het gaan ondersoek instel en op mev. Frazer lyk afgekom.”
Kringtelevisiekameras in die poskantoor het die moord verfilm, het Sears gesê. Dit wys hoe Frazer herhaaldelik met ’n hamer geslaan word.
Een van die twee mans wat by die voorval betrokke was, is as ’n deeltydse werknemer van die poskantoor geïdentifiseer.
Die beeldmateriaal wys die mans het die poskantoor kort ná Frazer binnegekom.
Maganedisa het gesê die poskantoor se kluis is oop en leeg gevind. Persoonlike besittings van Frazer is ook geroof.
Mnr. Mark Makhubele van Orange Farm kan die polisie moontlik in hul ondersoek help, het Maganedisa gesê.
Me. Lulami Luti, ’n woordvoerder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor, het gesê hulle is “diep geskok” oor die voorval en sal alles in hul vermoë doen om die polisie by te staan
in hul ondersoek. Luti het Saterdag tyd saam met Frazer se medewerkers op die toneel deurgebring.
Sy het gesê hulle ontvang traumaberading. “Dit was ’n Saterdagoggend. Niemand het verwag so iets sou gebeur nie.”
’n Teller van ’n poskantoor in Johannesburg is Saterdagoggend wreed met ’n hamer vermoor toe sy klaarblyklik twee rowers verras het.
’n Deeltydse werknemer van die Highlands-Noord-poskantoor in die Balfour Park-winkelsentrum in die noordooste van Johannesburg was vermoedelik by die moord op me. Magda Frazer (42) betrokke.
Kapt. Phillip Maganedisa, ’n polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê veiligheidsbeamptes van die winkelsentrum het omstreeks 07:00 op kringtelevisie ’n man gesien wat die agterdeur van die poskantoor oopsluit.
“Hulle het die man as ’n poskantoorwerker geïdentifiseer en hulle nie verder daaraan gesteur nie.”
Frazer se man het haar dié dag om 06:30 by die werk afgelaai en Maganedisa het gesê sy is by die voordeur in. Die rowers het vermoedelik niemand so vroeg daar verwag nie.
Mnr. Mike Sears van die gemeenskapsbeveiligingsorganisasie CAP het gesê ’n klant wat later by die poskantoor opgedaag het en nie kon inkom nie, het die winkelsentrum se veiligheidsbeamptes laat weet iets skort.
“Lede van CAP en die polisie het gaan ondersoek instel en op mev. Frazer lyk afgekom.”
Kringtelevisiekameras in die poskantoor het die moord verfilm, het Sears gesê. Dit wys hoe Frazer herhaaldelik met ’n hamer geslaan word.
Een van die twee mans wat by die voorval betrokke was, is as ’n deeltydse werknemer van die poskantoor geïdentifiseer.
Die beeldmateriaal wys die mans het die poskantoor kort ná Frazer binnegekom.
Maganedisa het gesê die poskantoor se kluis is oop en leeg gevind. Persoonlike besittings van Frazer is ook geroof.
Mnr. Mark Makhubele van Orange Farm kan die polisie moontlik in hul ondersoek help, het Maganedisa gesê.
Me. Lulami Luti, ’n woordvoerder van die Suid-Afrikaanse Poskantoor, het gesê hulle is “diep geskok” oor die voorval en sal alles in hul vermoë doen om die polisie by te staan
in hul ondersoek. Luti het Saterdag tyd saam met Frazer se medewerkers op die toneel deurgebring.
Sy het gesê hulle ontvang traumaberading. “Dit was ’n Saterdagoggend. Niemand het verwag so iets sou gebeur nie.”
Farmer Jurie Louw of Krugersdorp dies from Nov assault
Farmer Jurie Louw dies 13 Dec 2010 - from vicious assault 28 Nov 2010, Kromdraai, Rietfontein farm, Krugersdorp: nothing robbed
It has been brought to our attention by one of our members who sent us a brief notice from The Cradle News, a community paper published in the Cradle of Humankind region and surroundings, that the Kromdraai farmer Jurie Louw, 38, has died on December 13 2010 from injuries sustained in a vicious assault by black men armed with a hatchet and a knobkierie on the night of Nov 27-28 2010. He had been taken in comatose condition to hospital when he was found next to his car. He died on December 13 from his injuries. Nothing was robbed. Police described it as an ‘armed robbery’ at the time.
A neighbour had reportedly found the farmer next to his Toyoto Corolla’s opened doors and a flat tyre on the tar-road leading to his farm on Nov 28. He had suffered ‘serious facial, leg and back injuries’ and was rushed to the local hospital, . Doctors said the injuries show that he was assaulted by someone with a hatchet and another person with a knobkierie, a ‘traditional weapon’.
Local SAPS w/o Dennis Jones told Beeld newspaper that he believed that the Boer was attacked either late Friday evening or in the early-morning hours of Saturday November 28 2010. The police confirmed that ‘an unknown number of black men had gained access to the Louw farmhouse.” The police ‘could not say’ whether anything was robbed but they were at the time of his hospitalisation, not investigating attempted any attempted murder charges, only ‘armed robbery’. The farm is located near the Brookwood trout farm and the rural Kloofzicht Tourist Lodge. The police tried to interrogate the comatose farmer in hospital but unsurprisingly, ‘were ‘unable to communicate’ with him.
And just as unsurprisingly no-one was arrested as far as we are aware: the SAPS specialised farm-tracking units which could have followed their traces were disbanded during ex-pres Thabo Mbeki ‘s inept reign. The SAPS did lift ‘fingerprints’ off the abandoned car but did not bother with DNA traces – which are no use at all because South Africa does not have a no centralised DNA-database due to the ANC’s excessive obsession with ‘privacy laws’.
Beeld report:
It has been brought to our attention by one of our members who sent us a brief notice from The Cradle News, a community paper published in the Cradle of Humankind region and surroundings, that the Kromdraai farmer Jurie Louw, 38, has died on December 13 2010 from injuries sustained in a vicious assault by black men armed with a hatchet and a knobkierie on the night of Nov 27-28 2010. He had been taken in comatose condition to hospital when he was found next to his car. He died on December 13 from his injuries. Nothing was robbed. Police described it as an ‘armed robbery’ at the time.
A neighbour had reportedly found the farmer next to his Toyoto Corolla’s opened doors and a flat tyre on the tar-road leading to his farm on Nov 28. He had suffered ‘serious facial, leg and back injuries’ and was rushed to the local hospital, . Doctors said the injuries show that he was assaulted by someone with a hatchet and another person with a knobkierie, a ‘traditional weapon’.
Local SAPS w/o Dennis Jones told Beeld newspaper that he believed that the Boer was attacked either late Friday evening or in the early-morning hours of Saturday November 28 2010. The police confirmed that ‘an unknown number of black men had gained access to the Louw farmhouse.” The police ‘could not say’ whether anything was robbed but they were at the time of his hospitalisation, not investigating attempted any attempted murder charges, only ‘armed robbery’. The farm is located near the Brookwood trout farm and the rural Kloofzicht Tourist Lodge. The police tried to interrogate the comatose farmer in hospital but unsurprisingly, ‘were ‘unable to communicate’ with him.
And just as unsurprisingly no-one was arrested as far as we are aware: the SAPS specialised farm-tracking units which could have followed their traces were disbanded during ex-pres Thabo Mbeki ‘s inept reign. The SAPS did lift ‘fingerprints’ off the abandoned car but did not bother with DNA traces – which are no use at all because South Africa does not have a no centralised DNA-database due to the ANC’s excessive obsession with ‘privacy laws’.
Beeld report:
Afrikaner shop mgr. Lodie Grobler killed, Ladybrand
Lodie Grobler, 27, Cambridge Wholesalers manager, Ladybrand, stabbed to death by berserker worker Jan14_2011
2011-01-15 LADYBRAND. Volksblad. Lodie Grobler, 27, the Afrikaner manager of the Cambridge Wholesalers shop in Ladybrand, was stabbed to death by a berserker black employee after the butchery-worker became ‘dissatisfied’ over the results of an internal hearing just hours earlier.
Jana van der Merwe reported that Grobler, who leaves behind his wife Melanie and two-year-old-son Ludwig, was stabbed to death in front of his mother-in-law, shoppers and other workers.
The murder was confirmed by SAPS. Lt-col Thandi Mbambo: she said the man worked in the butchery-department and colleagues ‘suspected nothing when he stabbed out with a knife in his hand’. She didn’t say whether the man was arrested.
His mother-in-law Christine Botha said she was in the shop to buy some on-sale items. She saw her son-in-law collapsing outside his office and dying on the scene. He had been stabbed several times in the stomach and lost a great deal of blood.
The mother-in-law took charge at once it seems: saying that “We immediately closed up the shop and let the clients leave. Only a few workers remained and they were hysterical, I felt so sorry for them,’ she said.
•“I could not have asked for a better son-in-law,’ she said.
Rev Danie Kleynhans of the Dutch Reformed Church Ladybrand, a personal friend of the murdered man, also said he was ‘a good, and clever man’. “Lodie’s death is a big loss for the village. I know about all the emotional heavy times which he has already suffered through at that shop. Under his management it expanded from a small village shop to a flourishing business. I also know that he was good to his workers even though it was hard for him at those times when people had to be laid off.’ Jana van der Merwe
2011-01-15 LADYBRAND. Volksblad. Lodie Grobler, 27, the Afrikaner manager of the Cambridge Wholesalers shop in Ladybrand, was stabbed to death by a berserker black employee after the butchery-worker became ‘dissatisfied’ over the results of an internal hearing just hours earlier.
Jana van der Merwe reported that Grobler, who leaves behind his wife Melanie and two-year-old-son Ludwig, was stabbed to death in front of his mother-in-law, shoppers and other workers.
The murder was confirmed by SAPS. Lt-col Thandi Mbambo: she said the man worked in the butchery-department and colleagues ‘suspected nothing when he stabbed out with a knife in his hand’. She didn’t say whether the man was arrested.
His mother-in-law Christine Botha said she was in the shop to buy some on-sale items. She saw her son-in-law collapsing outside his office and dying on the scene. He had been stabbed several times in the stomach and lost a great deal of blood.
The mother-in-law took charge at once it seems: saying that “We immediately closed up the shop and let the clients leave. Only a few workers remained and they were hysterical, I felt so sorry for them,’ she said.
•“I could not have asked for a better son-in-law,’ she said.
Rev Danie Kleynhans of the Dutch Reformed Church Ladybrand, a personal friend of the murdered man, also said he was ‘a good, and clever man’. “Lodie’s death is a big loss for the village. I know about all the emotional heavy times which he has already suffered through at that shop. Under his management it expanded from a small village shop to a flourishing business. I also know that he was good to his workers even though it was hard for him at those times when people had to be laid off.’ Jana van der Merwe
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Vryheid en demokrasie gaan agteruit
Leopold Scholtz
Den Haag - Vryheid en demokrasie het vir die vyfde agtereenvolgende jaar wêreldwyd agteruitgegaan. In Afrika en die Midde-Ooste gaan dit die slegste.
Só rapporteer die internasionale organisasie Freedom House in sy jaarlikse verslag oor die stand van vryheid in die wêreld.
Altesaam 194 lande en gebiede is ondersoek aan die hand van die stand van hul demokrasie, en dan gekategoriseer as vry, deels vry en onvry.
Vanjaar het 25 lande agteruitgegaan op dié indeks, terwyl 11 hul posisie verbeter het. Onder die 25 is 10 in Afrika: Burundi, die Ivoorkus, Djibouti, Egipte, Ethiopië, Guinee-Bissau, Madagaskar, Rwanda, Swaziland en Zambië.
Ofskoon Suid-Afrika onveranderd in die kategorie “vry” ingedeel word, het Freedom House se direkteur vir navorsing, dr. Arch Puddington, die land weens sy gebrek aan solidariteit met verdruktes gekritiseer. Hoewel die meerderheid so sterk staatgemaak het op internasionale maatreëls teen die apartheidsregering, “voel hulle geen solidariteit met ander mense wat in die ontwikkelingsrol ly nie,” het hy in ’n verklaring gesê.
Puddington het gesê die “aggressiwiteit en selfversekerdheid en die minagting van internasionale mening” wat die diktature kenmerk, is kommerwekkend.
Die wyse waarop China die toekenning van die Nobelprys vir vrede aan die burgerregte-aktivis Liu Xiaobo hanteer het, is ’n tipiese voorbeeld. “Geen regering – selfs nie die Sowjet-unie of Nazi-Duitsland nie – het die Nobelprys met vergelykbare minagting behandel as Beijing nie.”
Luidens die verslag was daar verlede jaar 115 demokrasieë, vergeleke met 123 in 2005, 87 state word as vry beskou, 60 as deels vry en 47 as onvry.
Die state waar die ergste onvryheid heers, is Noord-Korea, Toerkmenistan, Oesbekistan, Libië, Birma, Ekwatoriaal-Guinee, Eritrea en Somalië. Kort op hul hakke volg China, Kuba en Saoedi-Arabië.
- Die Burger
Den Haag - Vryheid en demokrasie het vir die vyfde agtereenvolgende jaar wêreldwyd agteruitgegaan. In Afrika en die Midde-Ooste gaan dit die slegste.
Só rapporteer die internasionale organisasie Freedom House in sy jaarlikse verslag oor die stand van vryheid in die wêreld.
Altesaam 194 lande en gebiede is ondersoek aan die hand van die stand van hul demokrasie, en dan gekategoriseer as vry, deels vry en onvry.
Vanjaar het 25 lande agteruitgegaan op dié indeks, terwyl 11 hul posisie verbeter het. Onder die 25 is 10 in Afrika: Burundi, die Ivoorkus, Djibouti, Egipte, Ethiopië, Guinee-Bissau, Madagaskar, Rwanda, Swaziland en Zambië.
Ofskoon Suid-Afrika onveranderd in die kategorie “vry” ingedeel word, het Freedom House se direkteur vir navorsing, dr. Arch Puddington, die land weens sy gebrek aan solidariteit met verdruktes gekritiseer. Hoewel die meerderheid so sterk staatgemaak het op internasionale maatreëls teen die apartheidsregering, “voel hulle geen solidariteit met ander mense wat in die ontwikkelingsrol ly nie,” het hy in ’n verklaring gesê.
Puddington het gesê die “aggressiwiteit en selfversekerdheid en die minagting van internasionale mening” wat die diktature kenmerk, is kommerwekkend.
Die wyse waarop China die toekenning van die Nobelprys vir vrede aan die burgerregte-aktivis Liu Xiaobo hanteer het, is ’n tipiese voorbeeld. “Geen regering – selfs nie die Sowjet-unie of Nazi-Duitsland nie – het die Nobelprys met vergelykbare minagting behandel as Beijing nie.”
Luidens die verslag was daar verlede jaar 115 demokrasieë, vergeleke met 123 in 2005, 87 state word as vry beskou, 60 as deels vry en 47 as onvry.
Die state waar die ergste onvryheid heers, is Noord-Korea, Toerkmenistan, Oesbekistan, Libië, Birma, Ekwatoriaal-Guinee, Eritrea en Somalië. Kort op hul hakke volg China, Kuba en Saoedi-Arabië.
- Die Burger
We are going to kill all you white people - killer shouted while executing Pretoria resident in front garden
Afrikaner-Boer paramedic-student Albie Greyling, 24, shot dead, Eldoraigne Pta Jan 7 2011
Hilda Fourie writes that the black killer shouted ‘we are going to kill all you white people’ , just moments after executing 25-year-old Afrikaner Albie Greyling at 19:30 on the lawn of his mother’s house in Eldoraigne, Pta. The unarmed Greyling, a paramedic, was shot above the left-eye, said his friend and witness Martin Vermeulen, 28.
Greyling – who had just become engaged in December to Ms Sandra Barnard and had paid off the last payment on her ring on Friday – was a final-year paramedical student at the University of Johannesburg. Ms Barnard’s sister Yolanda Barnard said Greyling was at his mother’s house to offload his clothing for his weekend stay and had walked into the armed-robber gang who had just attacked his mother Susan, 60 half an hour earlier. The gangsters had pistol-whipped her over the head and ran from her flat with her cellphone and a mere $70 in cash loot – when they ran into Mr Greyling and his friend Martin Vermeulen. The gang immediately started shooting at the unarmed Afrikaners – and while Martin managed to flee, Mr Greyling was trapped behind the swimming pool. He yelled at them that they ‘could take everything but just leave him alone,’ said Ms Barnard. However Mr Greyling was shot dead execution-style, with one yelling that they would kill all ‘you white people’ while fleeing. The armed black gangsters spoke in Afrikaans, witnesses said. SAPS inspector Katlego Mogale said ‘no suspects were arrested.’ Greyling leaves his dad Gert, 72, his mom Susan, 60, and five brothers – all paramedics. His funeral was scheduled for today, Wednesday, from the Dutch Reformed Church in Eldoraigne.
Afrikaner-Boer paramedic-student Albie Greyling, 24, shot dead, Eldoraigne Pta Jan 7 2011
Hilda Fourie writes that the black killer shouted ‘we are going to kill all you white people’ , just moments after executing 25-year-old Afrikaner Albie Greyling at 19:30 on the lawn of his mother’s house in Eldoraigne, Pta. The unarmed Greyling, a paramedic, was shot above the left-eye, said his friend and witness Martin Vermeulen, 28.
Greyling – who had just become engaged in December to Ms Sandra Barnard and had paid off the last payment on her ring on Friday – was a final-year paramedical student at the University of Johannesburg. Ms Barnard’s sister Yolanda Barnard said Greyling was at his mother’s house to offload his clothing for his weekend stay and had walked into the armed-robber gang who had just attacked his mother Susan, 60 half an hour earlier. The gangsters had pistol-whipped her over the head and ran from her flat with her cellphone and a mere $70 in cash loot – when they ran into Mr Greyling and his friend Martin Vermeulen. The gang immediately started shooting at the unarmed Afrikaners – and while Martin managed to flee, Mr Greyling was trapped behind the swimming pool. He yelled at them that they ‘could take everything but just leave him alone,’ said Ms Barnard. However Mr Greyling was shot dead execution-style, with one yelling that they would kill all ‘you white people’ while fleeing. The armed black gangsters spoke in Afrikaans, witnesses said. SAPS inspector Katlego Mogale said ‘no suspects were arrested.’ Greyling leaves his dad Gert, 72, his mom Susan, 60, and five brothers – all paramedics. His funeral was scheduled for today, Wednesday, from the Dutch Reformed Church in Eldoraigne.
UK tourist gangraped, Happy Valley Nature Reserve, Bloemfontein
White UK tourist gang-raped in Happy Valley Nature Reserve, Bloemfontein
January 13 2011 A British tourist was raped while taking a walk in the Happy Valley nature reserve in Bloemfontein which is used by homeless people at night, Free State police said on Thursday.Captain Rulene Kuhn said the 51-year-old woman went for a walk in the small nature reserve on Monday morning when she was overpowered by two black men. She was raped and robbed of her cellphone and some cash. Free State police spokesman Colonel Motantsi Makhele said twenty people were arrested, of which five were known criminals to local police, as well as two illegal immigrants. The Happy Valley reserve is a small nature reserve with a short walking route next to Free State house - the official residence of Free State premier Ace Magashule. The Volksblad reported that the woman was treated in a local hospital after the incident and discharged the same day.
January 13 2011 A British tourist was raped while taking a walk in the Happy Valley nature reserve in Bloemfontein which is used by homeless people at night, Free State police said on Thursday.Captain Rulene Kuhn said the 51-year-old woman went for a walk in the small nature reserve on Monday morning when she was overpowered by two black men. She was raped and robbed of her cellphone and some cash. Free State police spokesman Colonel Motantsi Makhele said twenty people were arrested, of which five were known criminals to local police, as well as two illegal immigrants. The Happy Valley reserve is a small nature reserve with a short walking route next to Free State house - the official residence of Free State premier Ace Magashule. The Volksblad reported that the woman was treated in a local hospital after the incident and discharged the same day.
Tolstoy Schoeman, 86, last scion of original Boer family Hartbeespoort
Tolstoy Schoeman, (86) last Boer scion of original Hartbeespoort Schoeman family brutally murdered Dec 16 2010
Thursday 13 January 2011 By Cynthia Dreyer, Madibeng Pulse - Shock waves are still rippling through the Hartbeespoort Community at the news of the murder on his Badplaas farm Vygeboom on 16 December of Tolstoy Schoeman, elder son of the founder of Hartbeespoort, Johan Schoeman and grandson of Boer-Generaal Hendrik Schoeman. He had been farming in the Badplaas area for 46 years and was described as an extremely calm and gentle person.
Tolstoy’s younger brother was Lincoln Schoeman who lived in Hartbeespoort for many years before his death several years ago. Tolstoy farmed on the southern side of Hartbeespoort Dam near where Pecanwood is situated today. Tolstoy and his wife Güdryn (65) were sleeping when robbers gained access to the farmhouse through the back door, according to a report at the time in They attacked Schoeman who put up a terrific fight, after which they tied up his hands and feet then strangled him using his pyjama pants. The robbers then demanded money and arms from Güdryn and shoved her into her car to draw money at an ATM. According to police, it seems as if the robbers knew exactly where the car keys of Mrs Schoeman’s Honda Tazz were kept. They also appeared to have used a duplicate kitchen door key to gain access to the house. After driving to an ATM in Machadadorp, the robbers forced their victim to draw money and then drove in the direction of Carolina. On the way there they overturned the car and then fled the scene on foot. When police discovered the wreck with the injured Güdryn inside, she told them about the attack on the farm on Tolstoy and that she suspected that her husband was dead.
Güdryn was taken to hospital in Carolina and then transferred to a Barberton clinic. Police have detained suspects after they allegedly boasted in a local tavern about having murdered one old person and having robbed a second one. On Monday, MadibengPulse will publish a comprehensive commemoration with photos of the Schoeman brothers as youngsters on their farm.
Farm murders in South Africa – According to the website “Nicolas Stix Uncensored” Mr. Tolstoy Schoeman's death brings the total number of South African farmers and their families murdered since 1994 to at least 3,132, although some believe the number is as high as 3,700. Although the actual figures are covered up by the South African police and a controlled international media, it is widely estimated that the total number of South African whites murdered since 1994 is in excess of 35,000.
Thursday 13 January 2011 By Cynthia Dreyer, Madibeng Pulse - Shock waves are still rippling through the Hartbeespoort Community at the news of the murder on his Badplaas farm Vygeboom on 16 December of Tolstoy Schoeman, elder son of the founder of Hartbeespoort, Johan Schoeman and grandson of Boer-Generaal Hendrik Schoeman. He had been farming in the Badplaas area for 46 years and was described as an extremely calm and gentle person.
Tolstoy’s younger brother was Lincoln Schoeman who lived in Hartbeespoort for many years before his death several years ago. Tolstoy farmed on the southern side of Hartbeespoort Dam near where Pecanwood is situated today. Tolstoy and his wife Güdryn (65) were sleeping when robbers gained access to the farmhouse through the back door, according to a report at the time in They attacked Schoeman who put up a terrific fight, after which they tied up his hands and feet then strangled him using his pyjama pants. The robbers then demanded money and arms from Güdryn and shoved her into her car to draw money at an ATM. According to police, it seems as if the robbers knew exactly where the car keys of Mrs Schoeman’s Honda Tazz were kept. They also appeared to have used a duplicate kitchen door key to gain access to the house. After driving to an ATM in Machadadorp, the robbers forced their victim to draw money and then drove in the direction of Carolina. On the way there they overturned the car and then fled the scene on foot. When police discovered the wreck with the injured Güdryn inside, she told them about the attack on the farm on Tolstoy and that she suspected that her husband was dead.
Güdryn was taken to hospital in Carolina and then transferred to a Barberton clinic. Police have detained suspects after they allegedly boasted in a local tavern about having murdered one old person and having robbed a second one. On Monday, MadibengPulse will publish a comprehensive commemoration with photos of the Schoeman brothers as youngsters on their farm.
Farm murders in South Africa – According to the website “Nicolas Stix Uncensored” Mr. Tolstoy Schoeman's death brings the total number of South African farmers and their families murdered since 1994 to at least 3,132, although some believe the number is as high as 3,700. Although the actual figures are covered up by the South African police and a controlled international media, it is widely estimated that the total number of South African whites murdered since 1994 is in excess of 35,000.
Afrikaans matriculant in hospital with cracked skull from mystery attack, Hatfield
Afrikaans Garsfontein High school pupil Wiehahn Wehmeyer lands in hospital with a fractured skull: after mystery-attack by celebrating fellow-matriculants in Hatfield, Jan 6 2010
2011-01-07 Hatfield, Pretoria – Afrikaans teen Wiehahn Wehmeyer, 18, a matriculant at Afrikaans High School Garsfontein, was rushed to Netcare Unitas Hospital with a fractured skull after he was attacked by fellow-matriculants. His mother Linda du Toit said ‘nobody can say exactly what happened.” His father Hennie Wehmeyer urges fellow-pupils to come forward if they know anything…
“It seems as if someone attacked him in the dark from behind and beat him with a fist against the back of his skull,’ said his mother. His father Hennie Wehmeyer urges the teen’s fellow-pupils to please urgently email him if they know anything about it - at hennie1@ mtn
The Afrikaans youngster was bleeding from his ears and vomited blood after the attack, wrote Hanti Otto in the Pretoria News. “Wake up, son. You have passed matric, you have to celebrate,” Linda du Toit had still said cheerfully on her son’s voicemail yesterday. She presumed he was safely tucked into bed at a friend’s house after celebrating the end of his high school career. However only half an hour later she learnt that he was in hospital with bleeding on the brain and a fractured skull after being attacked in Hatfield on Wednesday night while with friends celebrating the end of his high school career.
Instead of excitedly scanning newspapers for his results like the rest of the country’s matric pupils yesterday, Wiehann Wehmeyer was admitted to the Netcare Unitas hospital, bleeding from the ears and vomiting blood. Wiehann, who turned 18 on December 10 last year, matriculated from Hoërskool Garsfontein.
Mrs Du Toit said she was ‘devastated and confused”, trying to figure out how it happened that she was standing at her only child’s hospital bed instead of celebrating his matric results. “No one can tell me what exactly happened. Wiehann went out with friends and would have slept over at one of them. It sounds as if during the night someone came from behind and hit my son with a fist on the back of his head. Apparently Wiehann went down like a bag of potatoes and fell against the pavement,” Du Toit said.
His friends apparently picked him up and took him to where he would have slept over. Yesterday morning someone – it is not clear who – went to check on Wiehann. Blood was oozing from one of his ears and the friend’s mother rushed him to hospital. Du Toit said Wiehann’s father, Hennie Wehmeyer, who lived in Pretoria, sent her a message at about 6.30am, saying Wiehann had passed matric and had done very well. “I phoned my son, but he did not answer. I left an excited message on his voicemail, saying he should wake up to celebrate. Thirty minutes later Hennie phoned to say Wiehann was badly hurt and I needed to come to Pretoria,” she recalled.
Wehmeyer said he had returned from buying a newspaper for Wiehann’s results, when he got the call that his son was being taken to hospital. He had instructed the friends to take Wiehann to Pretoria East hospital, the nearest but, as the neurosurgeon was on leave, Wiehann was transferred to Netcare Unitas. “We could not even celebrate this big achievement (his matric results) with my son,” Wehmeyer said. After seeing Wiehann in hospital, Du Toit said: “My child was so badly hurt. The doctor said his condition could go either way. He kept vomiting blood. He could speak to me, but cannot remember much.”
She said Wiehann was not a fighter or aggressive, but usually the one to keep the peace. “Someone must have seen something. Please, someone help us with answers. While other children were receiving their results, my son did not even know how well he had done. Instead he is in hospital, hurting,” his mother said.
Netcare Unitas spokeswoman Isobel Fowler said Wiehann was admitted to the trauma ICU. She confirmed that he had a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain, but said he was in a stable condition. The family is considering opening an assault case once Wiehann has recovered enough to make a statement. Anyone with information may e-mail Wehmeyer at hennie1@ mtn - Pretoria News
2011-01-07 Hatfield, Pretoria – Afrikaans teen Wiehahn Wehmeyer, 18, a matriculant at Afrikaans High School Garsfontein, was rushed to Netcare Unitas Hospital with a fractured skull after he was attacked by fellow-matriculants. His mother Linda du Toit said ‘nobody can say exactly what happened.” His father Hennie Wehmeyer urges fellow-pupils to come forward if they know anything…
“It seems as if someone attacked him in the dark from behind and beat him with a fist against the back of his skull,’ said his mother. His father Hennie Wehmeyer urges the teen’s fellow-pupils to please urgently email him if they know anything about it - at hennie1@ mtn
The Afrikaans youngster was bleeding from his ears and vomited blood after the attack, wrote Hanti Otto in the Pretoria News. “Wake up, son. You have passed matric, you have to celebrate,” Linda du Toit had still said cheerfully on her son’s voicemail yesterday. She presumed he was safely tucked into bed at a friend’s house after celebrating the end of his high school career. However only half an hour later she learnt that he was in hospital with bleeding on the brain and a fractured skull after being attacked in Hatfield on Wednesday night while with friends celebrating the end of his high school career.
Instead of excitedly scanning newspapers for his results like the rest of the country’s matric pupils yesterday, Wiehann Wehmeyer was admitted to the Netcare Unitas hospital, bleeding from the ears and vomiting blood. Wiehann, who turned 18 on December 10 last year, matriculated from Hoërskool Garsfontein.
Mrs Du Toit said she was ‘devastated and confused”, trying to figure out how it happened that she was standing at her only child’s hospital bed instead of celebrating his matric results. “No one can tell me what exactly happened. Wiehann went out with friends and would have slept over at one of them. It sounds as if during the night someone came from behind and hit my son with a fist on the back of his head. Apparently Wiehann went down like a bag of potatoes and fell against the pavement,” Du Toit said.
His friends apparently picked him up and took him to where he would have slept over. Yesterday morning someone – it is not clear who – went to check on Wiehann. Blood was oozing from one of his ears and the friend’s mother rushed him to hospital. Du Toit said Wiehann’s father, Hennie Wehmeyer, who lived in Pretoria, sent her a message at about 6.30am, saying Wiehann had passed matric and had done very well. “I phoned my son, but he did not answer. I left an excited message on his voicemail, saying he should wake up to celebrate. Thirty minutes later Hennie phoned to say Wiehann was badly hurt and I needed to come to Pretoria,” she recalled.
Wehmeyer said he had returned from buying a newspaper for Wiehann’s results, when he got the call that his son was being taken to hospital. He had instructed the friends to take Wiehann to Pretoria East hospital, the nearest but, as the neurosurgeon was on leave, Wiehann was transferred to Netcare Unitas. “We could not even celebrate this big achievement (his matric results) with my son,” Wehmeyer said. After seeing Wiehann in hospital, Du Toit said: “My child was so badly hurt. The doctor said his condition could go either way. He kept vomiting blood. He could speak to me, but cannot remember much.”
She said Wiehann was not a fighter or aggressive, but usually the one to keep the peace. “Someone must have seen something. Please, someone help us with answers. While other children were receiving their results, my son did not even know how well he had done. Instead he is in hospital, hurting,” his mother said.
Netcare Unitas spokeswoman Isobel Fowler said Wiehann was admitted to the trauma ICU. She confirmed that he had a fractured skull and bleeding on the brain, but said he was in a stable condition. The family is considering opening an assault case once Wiehann has recovered enough to make a statement. Anyone with information may e-mail Wehmeyer at hennie1@ mtn - Pretoria News
Cricket official Luke Fairweather shot dead
2011-01-05 Luke Fairweather, Presidential suite guest at cricket test Newlands shot dead
Prominent cricket official Luke Fairweather, who was a guest at the President’s Suite during a test match between South Africa and India, was shot dead outside Sahara Park while in his car with his mother on Wednesday. The announcement was made by the Western Province Cricket Association (WPCA).
The details surrounding the incident, which took place during a Test match between South Africa and India, were not clear, said the association's CEO Andre Odendaal. Luke Fairweather, an official of Alma Marist CC, who managed a Western Province underage team, had been a guest in the President's Suite at Sahara Park.
Police confirmed they are ‘investigating a case of murder against a Cape Town traffic officer after he allegedly shot and killed a motorist on Wednesday. “The official confronted former Western Province cricketer 49-year-old Luke Fairweather about an alleged traffic violation near the Newlands cricket stadium. Fairweather refused to accept the parking ticket and this resulted in a scuffle. Shortly thereafter a shot went off.”
Police spokesperson André Traut said the officer is recovering in hospital after being arrested. "Information at our disposal was that the traffic official approached the victim and his mother for a claimed traffic violation and then an argument broke out. The traffic officer was arrested and will make a court appearance in Wynberg once he is charged," he said.
“This news defies belief and the cricket fraternity is in deep shock,” WPCA president Mohamed Ebrahim said. The organisation sent its condolences to the family. Flags at the stadium will be flown at half-mast in memory of Fairweather during the final day's play.
Prominent cricket official Luke Fairweather, who was a guest at the President’s Suite during a test match between South Africa and India, was shot dead outside Sahara Park while in his car with his mother on Wednesday. The announcement was made by the Western Province Cricket Association (WPCA).
The details surrounding the incident, which took place during a Test match between South Africa and India, were not clear, said the association's CEO Andre Odendaal. Luke Fairweather, an official of Alma Marist CC, who managed a Western Province underage team, had been a guest in the President's Suite at Sahara Park.
Police confirmed they are ‘investigating a case of murder against a Cape Town traffic officer after he allegedly shot and killed a motorist on Wednesday. “The official confronted former Western Province cricketer 49-year-old Luke Fairweather about an alleged traffic violation near the Newlands cricket stadium. Fairweather refused to accept the parking ticket and this resulted in a scuffle. Shortly thereafter a shot went off.”
Police spokesperson André Traut said the officer is recovering in hospital after being arrested. "Information at our disposal was that the traffic official approached the victim and his mother for a claimed traffic violation and then an argument broke out. The traffic officer was arrested and will make a court appearance in Wynberg once he is charged," he said.
“This news defies belief and the cricket fraternity is in deep shock,” WPCA president Mohamed Ebrahim said. The organisation sent its condolences to the family. Flags at the stadium will be flown at half-mast in memory of Fairweather during the final day's play.
Mystery UNHCR-camp near Wallmansthal, Pretoria
PRETORIA. There is growing concern in the Afrikaans community about the highly secretive activities of UNHCR – its tents are being used to set up a rapidly-growing tent-town where South African citizens from as far away as Pietersburg allegedly pay R1,000 for each erf. They are being moved into UNHCR tents at a highly-disputed land-site in the smallholding area of Wallmansthal, north of Pretoria. It is located near Grand Central airport and a military base and resorts under the Pienaarsrivier area.
They don’t look like impoverished refugees:
People were already moving into mystery UNHCR-camp near Wallmansthal: one man, a South African named Sipho Ledwaba, told Beeld newspaper that he had to ‘pay just above R1,000 for my erf”, but he didn’t know the person he’d paid the money to. Another man who refused to give his name, but had also moved into one of the 30 tents erected thus far, said he came from Pietersburg.
While Beeld was visiting the site two days ago, countless people showed up who said they came to inspect the site . Local residents also photographed people who were pacing out and measuring erven. The residents said none of these visitors ‘looked like impoverished refugees, many showing up in luxury cars’…
The site is highly controversial: in December 2010, the Pretoria High Court had ruled that no-one was allowed to be settled on the ecologically-fragile site until all the infrastructure facilities were first installed.
Cobus Claassen reported in Beeld yesterday that no-one in the neighbouring Afrikaans communities has any inkling as to who might be behind the tent-camp and who will be living inside these UNHCR tents .Local Ward 5 councillor Arnold van Niekerk of the DA said nobody seemed to know who was behind it – but the proper procedures are certainly not being followed: there is no infrastructure at all, he pointed out.
The UNHCR’s spokeswoman Pumla Rulashe could not be reached for comment as to why their tents were being erected on the controversial site: it was originally handed over to a black local community by the then-minister of Land Affairs Lulu Xingwana in 2007. Residents in the Buffelsdrift environmentally-fragile area have also lodged formal objections to a later decision by the land-claims commissioner that the land be handed over to a local black community which had demanded to be given land at the Defence Force’s training centre, which is located next to the site.
The photographs taken by local residents yesterday show that the tent city is still being erected and that it thus far has no ablution facilities. The people moving in show up in luxury cars and ‘don’t look like poor refugees,’ residents noted.
UN boosted refugee-budget in Southern Africa to $62-m last year…
The UN refugee agency boosted its southern African budget from more than $52-million in 2009 to $62-million (USD) last year. The southern African refugee commissioner’s office in Johannesburg handles all the regional refugee-activities for South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The largest number of refugees and displaced persons come or are still inside the increasingly dysfunctional country of Zimbabwe: totalling 9,200,000 persons according to the UNHCR’s latest known statistics. In December 2010 alone, more than 200,000 Zimbabweans applied for residency and/or political asylum in neighbouring South Africa.
Beeld newspaper :
They don’t look like impoverished refugees:
People were already moving into mystery UNHCR-camp near Wallmansthal: one man, a South African named Sipho Ledwaba, told Beeld newspaper that he had to ‘pay just above R1,000 for my erf”, but he didn’t know the person he’d paid the money to. Another man who refused to give his name, but had also moved into one of the 30 tents erected thus far, said he came from Pietersburg.
While Beeld was visiting the site two days ago, countless people showed up who said they came to inspect the site . Local residents also photographed people who were pacing out and measuring erven. The residents said none of these visitors ‘looked like impoverished refugees, many showing up in luxury cars’…
The site is highly controversial: in December 2010, the Pretoria High Court had ruled that no-one was allowed to be settled on the ecologically-fragile site until all the infrastructure facilities were first installed.
Cobus Claassen reported in Beeld yesterday that no-one in the neighbouring Afrikaans communities has any inkling as to who might be behind the tent-camp and who will be living inside these UNHCR tents .Local Ward 5 councillor Arnold van Niekerk of the DA said nobody seemed to know who was behind it – but the proper procedures are certainly not being followed: there is no infrastructure at all, he pointed out.
The UNHCR’s spokeswoman Pumla Rulashe could not be reached for comment as to why their tents were being erected on the controversial site: it was originally handed over to a black local community by the then-minister of Land Affairs Lulu Xingwana in 2007. Residents in the Buffelsdrift environmentally-fragile area have also lodged formal objections to a later decision by the land-claims commissioner that the land be handed over to a local black community which had demanded to be given land at the Defence Force’s training centre, which is located next to the site.
The photographs taken by local residents yesterday show that the tent city is still being erected and that it thus far has no ablution facilities. The people moving in show up in luxury cars and ‘don’t look like poor refugees,’ residents noted.
UN boosted refugee-budget in Southern Africa to $62-m last year…
The UN refugee agency boosted its southern African budget from more than $52-million in 2009 to $62-million (USD) last year. The southern African refugee commissioner’s office in Johannesburg handles all the regional refugee-activities for South Africa, Angola, Botswana, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.
The largest number of refugees and displaced persons come or are still inside the increasingly dysfunctional country of Zimbabwe: totalling 9,200,000 persons according to the UNHCR’s latest known statistics. In December 2010 alone, more than 200,000 Zimbabweans applied for residency and/or political asylum in neighbouring South Africa.
Beeld newspaper :
Janine Meintjies dies from hammer attack, Dundee AH
2010-12-25 Janine Meintjies, dies next day of knife-and hammer attack, Dundee smallholding: widowed mother of 2 small children
Jan 5 2011 – Dundee, KZN - It has been confirmed by two sources and the SAPS Dundee that a young widowed mother of two small children, Mrs. Janine Meintjies, died on 25/12/2010 from injuries sustained due to a knife and hammer attack on her smallholding in Dundee on the Friday-evening before.
Roy Carroll, one of the sources, wrote on his Face book page and on that her two young children fortunately were not home at the time.
A friend of the family, Gary Potgieter, also wrote on Face book on January 7 2011 that ‘her attacker was apprehended on the night of December 30/31 by a Newcastle Task Force. He was arrested in his shack about 40km from Dundee. The motive for the attack is still unclear, but what was clear is that only minor items were stolen. So far, it appears he was acting alone. He had cut a pane of glass out of one of her windows and placed it back, so that he could gain entry easily at a later time. “
The Dundee SAPS, tel. 034 299-9700 and/or 034 212-2121 confirmed that ‘the incident is being investigated.’ "
Gary Potgieter wrote: “Janine was a single mother of two young children (under 6 years old). She lost her husband in a motorcycle accident a couple years ago.I know this as she lived next door to my parents." Gary Potgieter.
Jan 5 2011 – Dundee, KZN - It has been confirmed by two sources and the SAPS Dundee that a young widowed mother of two small children, Mrs. Janine Meintjies, died on 25/12/2010 from injuries sustained due to a knife and hammer attack on her smallholding in Dundee on the Friday-evening before.
Roy Carroll, one of the sources, wrote on his Face book page and on that her two young children fortunately were not home at the time.
A friend of the family, Gary Potgieter, also wrote on Face book on January 7 2011 that ‘her attacker was apprehended on the night of December 30/31 by a Newcastle Task Force. He was arrested in his shack about 40km from Dundee. The motive for the attack is still unclear, but what was clear is that only minor items were stolen. So far, it appears he was acting alone. He had cut a pane of glass out of one of her windows and placed it back, so that he could gain entry easily at a later time. “
The Dundee SAPS, tel. 034 299-9700 and/or 034 212-2121 confirmed that ‘the incident is being investigated.’ "
Gary Potgieter wrote: “Janine was a single mother of two young children (under 6 years old). She lost her husband in a motorcycle accident a couple years ago.I know this as she lived next door to my parents." Gary Potgieter.
Afrikaans teachers brutally attacked, Kameeldrift
Karen and Johan Joubert, teachers Via-Nova School, brutally assaulted by 3 armed blacks Kameel-Drift Jan 3 2011
PRETORIA. – Two ‘Via Nova school for Disabled Children’ teachers Karen, 45, and Johan Joubert, 52, were brutally and repeatedly assaulted by three armed black men on their Derdepoort smallholding right next to high-crime Kameeldrift on Monday night, Jan 3 2011. The SAPS confirmed the ‘armed robbery’ only after they were asked to do so by Beeld Afrikaans daily three days later. The police are not investigating two cases of attempted-murder.
Two ‘Via Nova school for Disabled Children’ teachers Karen, 45, and Johan Joubert, 52, were brutally and repeatedly assaulted by three armed black men on their Derdepoort smallholding right next to high-crime Kameeldrift on Monday night. The blacks stole her laptop computer containing her entire Master’s Degree Thesis. She will have to start all over again…
Fanie van Rooyen of Beeld newspaper writes that teachers Karen and Johan Joubert were astonished that they had even survived the 40-minute ordeal, when they were assaulted repeatedly while being tied up and were forced to kneel while they were waiting to be executed, with a gunman holding a pistol against their heads.
Mr Joubert received eight blows over the head with a massive spanner, he said after his discharge from hospital on Wednesday. The couple still had difficulty walking during the interview with the Beeld team.
Heavy rain muffled the sounds of the breakin:
It all started while the Joubert couple watched TV on Monday-evening at around 20:15 – when three black men walked into their living room after breaking apart the outer door of their bedroom to gain entrance.
Due to the noise from the heavy rain beating down on their tin-roof they had turned up the sound of the TV and did not hear the break-in. Their pitbul-terrier Noenoe, kept inside in the living room, also didn’t hear the break-in: only raising the alarm when the attackers were inside.
‘The first (black) man stormed towards us with a pistol, and the other two were armed with heavy spanners, shouting that we had to ‘sleep’, ordering us to lie down. One immediately bashed Mr Joubert over the head with a spanner while Mrs Joubert’s right-arm received a brutal beating.
After their hands were tied together with rusty barbed-wire, Mrs Joubert was dragged around, forced to show the attackers where their valuables were. Two men, who were threatening to rape Mrs Joubert, dragged her through the homestead. “When one took a wallet from a cupboard a package of ammunition fell out,’ she said, ‘then they demanded to know where we keep our firearms, and I was threatened with rape.’
She was constantly being threatened at gunpoint and had to also hand over her laptop computer which contains her Master’s Degree thesis. She is going to have to repeat it because it’s now lost, she said.
Kneeling for their execution:
The Afrikaans couple then were forced to kneel in the living room while the gunman pushed the barrel of his gun against their heads – as if he was going to execute them. “I thought it ws the end,’ said Mr Joubert – and then offered to show the blacks the location of the safe. “It drew their attention away from their plans and I am sure it saved our lives,” said Mrs Joubert. Her ordeal then started all over again as they kicked her around brutally while forcing her to get jewellery and money from the safe.
“Just before they left one said ‘I want to kiss you goodbye’, kissed me on the back and then pushed me hard so that I fell against a cupboard.’
They waited about 15 minutes after the black males departed before scraping together the courage to go and seek help from neighbours.
SAPS captain Johannes Maheso was asked to confirm ‘the incident’ and he did, also adding that they were merely investigating a case of ‘robbery with extinuating circumstances’ – but not attempted double-murder.
Of course nobody was arrested. No SAPS-search team was sent out to search for the three attackers. The rate of convictions emanating from the Kameeldrift police station is hardly worth the mention, despite the great many hidious crimes committed there over the past ten years.
PRETORIA. – Two ‘Via Nova school for Disabled Children’ teachers Karen, 45, and Johan Joubert, 52, were brutally and repeatedly assaulted by three armed black men on their Derdepoort smallholding right next to high-crime Kameeldrift on Monday night, Jan 3 2011. The SAPS confirmed the ‘armed robbery’ only after they were asked to do so by Beeld Afrikaans daily three days later. The police are not investigating two cases of attempted-murder.
Two ‘Via Nova school for Disabled Children’ teachers Karen, 45, and Johan Joubert, 52, were brutally and repeatedly assaulted by three armed black men on their Derdepoort smallholding right next to high-crime Kameeldrift on Monday night. The blacks stole her laptop computer containing her entire Master’s Degree Thesis. She will have to start all over again…
Fanie van Rooyen of Beeld newspaper writes that teachers Karen and Johan Joubert were astonished that they had even survived the 40-minute ordeal, when they were assaulted repeatedly while being tied up and were forced to kneel while they were waiting to be executed, with a gunman holding a pistol against their heads.
Mr Joubert received eight blows over the head with a massive spanner, he said after his discharge from hospital on Wednesday. The couple still had difficulty walking during the interview with the Beeld team.
Heavy rain muffled the sounds of the breakin:
It all started while the Joubert couple watched TV on Monday-evening at around 20:15 – when three black men walked into their living room after breaking apart the outer door of their bedroom to gain entrance.
Due to the noise from the heavy rain beating down on their tin-roof they had turned up the sound of the TV and did not hear the break-in. Their pitbul-terrier Noenoe, kept inside in the living room, also didn’t hear the break-in: only raising the alarm when the attackers were inside.
‘The first (black) man stormed towards us with a pistol, and the other two were armed with heavy spanners, shouting that we had to ‘sleep’, ordering us to lie down. One immediately bashed Mr Joubert over the head with a spanner while Mrs Joubert’s right-arm received a brutal beating.
After their hands were tied together with rusty barbed-wire, Mrs Joubert was dragged around, forced to show the attackers where their valuables were. Two men, who were threatening to rape Mrs Joubert, dragged her through the homestead. “When one took a wallet from a cupboard a package of ammunition fell out,’ she said, ‘then they demanded to know where we keep our firearms, and I was threatened with rape.’
She was constantly being threatened at gunpoint and had to also hand over her laptop computer which contains her Master’s Degree thesis. She is going to have to repeat it because it’s now lost, she said.
Kneeling for their execution:
The Afrikaans couple then were forced to kneel in the living room while the gunman pushed the barrel of his gun against their heads – as if he was going to execute them. “I thought it ws the end,’ said Mr Joubert – and then offered to show the blacks the location of the safe. “It drew their attention away from their plans and I am sure it saved our lives,” said Mrs Joubert. Her ordeal then started all over again as they kicked her around brutally while forcing her to get jewellery and money from the safe.
“Just before they left one said ‘I want to kiss you goodbye’, kissed me on the back and then pushed me hard so that I fell against a cupboard.’
They waited about 15 minutes after the black males departed before scraping together the courage to go and seek help from neighbours.
SAPS captain Johannes Maheso was asked to confirm ‘the incident’ and he did, also adding that they were merely investigating a case of ‘robbery with extinuating circumstances’ – but not attempted double-murder.
Of course nobody was arrested. No SAPS-search team was sent out to search for the three attackers. The rate of convictions emanating from the Kameeldrift police station is hardly worth the mention, despite the great many hidious crimes committed there over the past ten years.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Media Blackout over South African genocide of the Boer people PROTEST IN JERUSALEM ISRAEL VIDEO
There is a Total Media blackout about the Genocide of the Boer people, this MUST be changed ASAP. PROTEST IN JERUSALEM ISRAEL JANUARY 3 2011 AGAINST ANC-REGIME'S GENOCIDE OF THE BOER PEOPLE: Protest against ANC-regime against the secret genocide of the Boers/Afrikaners in South Africa in Jerusalem, Israel, January 2 2010. "The world is silent but we will not be silent", says Avigdor. "These Boers were always the best friends of the State of Israel...we must help them...' PHOTOGRAPH OF ISRAELI ACTIVIST AVIGDOR ESLIN IN CONFERENCE WITH AFRIFORUM AND DR DAN ROODT OF THE PRO AFRIKAANS ACTION GROUP IN OCTOBER 2010, DISCUSSING THE PROBLEMS FACING THE AFRIKANER-BOER MINORITY IN SOUTH AFRICA.
Aanvalle op plase is polities gemotiveer
Alicestine October
Plaasaanvalle is polities gemotiveer, het die Christelike Demokratiese Party gesê.
Mnr. Richard Botha, woordvoerder van die party, het die regering gekritiseer vir sy “apatie” teenoor plaasaanvalle.
“Dit is nie noodwendig net ’n misdaad-element nie. Die regering se apatie in die hantering van die kwessie laat ’n mens wonder oor sy motiewe.”
Botha het gesê die besluit om die eertydse kommando’s af te skaf was verkeerd.
“Dit was die eerste linie van verdediging. Nou is daar niks, en plaasaanvalle raak al hoe gewelddadiger.”
Sedert 1991 was daar na raming 11785 plaasaanvalle en 1804 plaasmoorde, het die parlement verlede jaar gehoor.
Botha het gesê dié aanvalle neem steeds toe en raak bloeddorstiger.
“Met die moord op Eugène Terre’Blanche, voormalige leier van die Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging, was die land reeds op ’n mespunt. Daar kon ernstige probleme gewees het.”
Hy het gesê die regering se hantering van plaasaanvalle dra by tot die polarisering tussen rassegroepe. “Dit herinner sterk aan wat in Zimbabwe met plaasaanvalle gebeur het. Indien daar nie opgetree word nie, sál mense groepeer en hulself begin beskerm, en dít wek kommer.”
Mnr. André Botha, voorsitter van Agri SA se landelike veiligheidskomitee, het egter gesê misdaad bly die grootste dryfveer vir plaasaanvalle.
“Daar is gemiddeld 2,7 plaasaanvalle per dag, en in klein landelike gemeenskappe is dit baie.”
Hy het gesê plase is maklike teikens, en gebrekkige polisiëring vererger die probleem.
“Die politieke wil is daar. Daar is ’n beleidstrategie, maar die implementering daarvan is gebrekkig. Daar is enorme probleme met bevel en beheer in landelike gemeenskappe.”
Hy het bygevoeg dat plaasaanvalle beslis toeneem en bloeddorstiger word.
“Tussen Oktober en begin Desember verlede jaar was daar veral ’n skerp toename.”
- Die Burger
Plaasaanvalle is polities gemotiveer, het die Christelike Demokratiese Party gesê.
Mnr. Richard Botha, woordvoerder van die party, het die regering gekritiseer vir sy “apatie” teenoor plaasaanvalle.
“Dit is nie noodwendig net ’n misdaad-element nie. Die regering se apatie in die hantering van die kwessie laat ’n mens wonder oor sy motiewe.”
Botha het gesê die besluit om die eertydse kommando’s af te skaf was verkeerd.
“Dit was die eerste linie van verdediging. Nou is daar niks, en plaasaanvalle raak al hoe gewelddadiger.”
Sedert 1991 was daar na raming 11785 plaasaanvalle en 1804 plaasmoorde, het die parlement verlede jaar gehoor.
Botha het gesê dié aanvalle neem steeds toe en raak bloeddorstiger.
“Met die moord op Eugène Terre’Blanche, voormalige leier van die Afrikaner-Weerstandsbeweging, was die land reeds op ’n mespunt. Daar kon ernstige probleme gewees het.”
Hy het gesê die regering se hantering van plaasaanvalle dra by tot die polarisering tussen rassegroepe. “Dit herinner sterk aan wat in Zimbabwe met plaasaanvalle gebeur het. Indien daar nie opgetree word nie, sál mense groepeer en hulself begin beskerm, en dít wek kommer.”
Mnr. André Botha, voorsitter van Agri SA se landelike veiligheidskomitee, het egter gesê misdaad bly die grootste dryfveer vir plaasaanvalle.
“Daar is gemiddeld 2,7 plaasaanvalle per dag, en in klein landelike gemeenskappe is dit baie.”
Hy het gesê plase is maklike teikens, en gebrekkige polisiëring vererger die probleem.
“Die politieke wil is daar. Daar is ’n beleidstrategie, maar die implementering daarvan is gebrekkig. Daar is enorme probleme met bevel en beheer in landelike gemeenskappe.”
Hy het bygevoeg dat plaasaanvalle beslis toeneem en bloeddorstiger word.
“Tussen Oktober en begin Desember verlede jaar was daar veral ’n skerp toename.”
- Die Burger
Disabled Boer couple assaulted by SAPS Die Moot
Willemina Laynes, 69, hip broken; Willem Laynes 72, son Adriaan Strydom, 44, brutally assaulted by SAPS, Die Moot, Rietfontein Dec 31 2010.
The fracas erupted on Friday-night December 31 2010 when the Laynes couple, their son Adriaan and his fiancee Mrs Martina van der Merwe, 35 and her 16-year-old son were enroute in Rietfontein to Jan Niemand Park, driving on Frates Road, with the elderly Mr Laynes driving his Nissan Maxima passenger car: View ‘Die Moot ‘ region Google map for the route they were on
DIE MOOT POLICE STATION, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Sixty-nine-year-old frail pensioner Willemina Laynes – whose left foot was amputated in 2010 – had her hip broken in two places and her knee-bone chipped during an assault by the SAPS who then also beat and kicked her husband Willem, 72 and her son Adriaan Strydom, 44.
The fracas erupted on Friday-night December 31 2010 when the Laynes couple, their son Adriaan and his fiancee Mrs Martina van der Merwe, 35 and her 16-year-old son were enroute in Rietfontein to Jan Niemand Park, driving on Frates Road, with the elderly Mr Laynes driving his Nissan Maxima passenger car: View ‘Die Moot ‘ region Google map for the route they were on
DIE MOOT POLICE STATION, Rietfontein, Pretoria. Sixty-nine-year-old frail pensioner Willemina Laynes – whose left foot was amputated in 2010 – had her hip broken in two places and her knee-bone chipped during an assault by the SAPS who then also beat and kicked her husband Willem, 72 and her son Adriaan Strydom, 44.
White Germiston couple endure brutal attack Dec 9 2010
Karl Gaiduschek, 80, survives brutal 3-hour beating, Dec 9 2010 - friend Ursula Arkner, 76, died of heart attack afterwards
Dec 31 2010 - GERMISTON, Klopper Park. Marius Avenant writes that 'an attack on 80-year old man and his 76-year old lady friend on December 9 2010 still is not deemed important enough to be reported in the newspaper or on the news.”
Unarmed old man beaten with knobkieries in bed:
On Thursday 9 December 2010 at 12h00 - in broad daylight - Mr Karl Gaiduschek (80) was resting in his Klopper Park, Germiston, residence, when his partner, Ms Ursula Arkner (76) was attacked by three blacks, who apparently gained access via the backyard and a door that was left unlocked. Ms Arkner was tied up and Mr Gaiduschek was attacked with knobkieries and beaten while he was still laying in the bed. It is said that he refused to give them the keys to his safe. He was beaten until he was unconscious and laying bloody and almost dead. The attackers spent the next 3 hours assaulting him and ransacking the house. They left the scene with Ms Arkner's vehicle - taking with them clothing, food, liquor, cellphones etc.
Ms Arkner had to listen to her partner being assaulted and eventually she managed to free herself and pressed the panic button - which did not function. Her daughter's friend later turned up with the police. It is believed that she called for help by telephone.Ms Arkner stated at that time that she ‘was not hurt’ and refused medical attention. Mr Gaiduschek was hospitalized and is recovering physically, but is very weak and severely traumatized. Ms Arkner died in her sleep last Monday night December 20 2010 - presumably from the after-effects of the shock and the trauma she went through. For Mr Gaiduschek it will be a long road to recovery."
•Tel Germiston Police crime office 011 871 5000
Attacks on ‘white ‘ residents in greater Johannesburg since June 1 2010
Why was this not reported to the news media? Why was Mrs Arkner not offered trauma-counselling?
•We sent the following request to the SAPS Gauteng media liaison office, Lt-Col Lungelo Dlamini (Contact numbers : 082 411 5311 E-mail : Tel (011) 274 7373 Cell: 082 411 5311 Email:
Urgent to Lt -col. Lungelo Dlamini, SAPS Gauteng Media Liaison Office of the Provincial Commissioner Dec 31 2010 -
Subject: December 9 2010 - assault and armed house-robbery against Mr Karl Gaiduschek, 80, Klopper Park, Germiston
I am enquiring about a crime-incident targetting frail elderly people in the Germiston area, which the SAPS has not bothered to report to the local news media. Since May 2010, a group of people have started maintaining an online archive of all such violent crime incidents which are not reported by the SA police… but should be.
Could you please comment on/confirm the following crime:
•On Thursday 9 December 2010 at 12h00 - in broad daylight - Mr Karl Gaiduschek (80) was resting in his Klopper Park, Germiston, residence, when his life-partner, Ms Ursula Arkner (76) was attacked by three males with knobkieries inside their home. Old Ms Arkner was tied up and the unarmed Mr Gaiduschek was attacked with knobkieries and beaten while he was still laying in bed. He was beaten until he was unconscious and laying bloody and almost dead. The attackers spent the next 3 hours assaulting him and ransacking the house. They left the scene with Mrs Arkner's vehicle - taking with them clothing, food, liquor, cellphones. Throughout this attack, Ms Arkner had to listen to her partner being assaulted and eventually she managed to free herself and pressed the panic button - which did not function. Her daughter's friend later turned up with the police. It is believed that she called for help by telephone. Ms Arkner stated at that time that she ‘was not hurt’ and refused medical attention. However trauma-counselling was not offered to her either. Mr Gaiduschek was hospitalized and is recovering physically, but is very weak and severely traumatized. Ms Arkner died in her sleep last Monday night December 20 2010 - doctors presume that her death was due to the after-effects of the shock and the trauma she went through."
QUESTION 1: I would appreciate your advice as to the accuracy of the description above, i .e. did this incident take place as described?
QUESTION 2: Did the Germiston police obtain or even offer any trauma-counselling to these frail victims of this heinous crime against two defenceless pensioners? If not, why not?
QUESTION 3: Has anyone been arrested? If yes, please advise when they will appear on court, where and on which date. Please advise the contact number of the investigating officer and name so that we may follow up this case by obtaining counselling and support for Mr Gaiduschek during the trial.
Dec 31 2010 - GERMISTON, Klopper Park. Marius Avenant writes that 'an attack on 80-year old man and his 76-year old lady friend on December 9 2010 still is not deemed important enough to be reported in the newspaper or on the news.”
Unarmed old man beaten with knobkieries in bed:
On Thursday 9 December 2010 at 12h00 - in broad daylight - Mr Karl Gaiduschek (80) was resting in his Klopper Park, Germiston, residence, when his partner, Ms Ursula Arkner (76) was attacked by three blacks, who apparently gained access via the backyard and a door that was left unlocked. Ms Arkner was tied up and Mr Gaiduschek was attacked with knobkieries and beaten while he was still laying in the bed. It is said that he refused to give them the keys to his safe. He was beaten until he was unconscious and laying bloody and almost dead. The attackers spent the next 3 hours assaulting him and ransacking the house. They left the scene with Ms Arkner's vehicle - taking with them clothing, food, liquor, cellphones etc.
Ms Arkner had to listen to her partner being assaulted and eventually she managed to free herself and pressed the panic button - which did not function. Her daughter's friend later turned up with the police. It is believed that she called for help by telephone.Ms Arkner stated at that time that she ‘was not hurt’ and refused medical attention. Mr Gaiduschek was hospitalized and is recovering physically, but is very weak and severely traumatized. Ms Arkner died in her sleep last Monday night December 20 2010 - presumably from the after-effects of the shock and the trauma she went through. For Mr Gaiduschek it will be a long road to recovery."
•Tel Germiston Police crime office 011 871 5000
Attacks on ‘white ‘ residents in greater Johannesburg since June 1 2010
Why was this not reported to the news media? Why was Mrs Arkner not offered trauma-counselling?
•We sent the following request to the SAPS Gauteng media liaison office, Lt-Col Lungelo Dlamini (Contact numbers : 082 411 5311 E-mail : Tel (011) 274 7373 Cell: 082 411 5311 Email:
Urgent to Lt -col. Lungelo Dlamini, SAPS Gauteng Media Liaison Office of the Provincial Commissioner Dec 31 2010 -
Subject: December 9 2010 - assault and armed house-robbery against Mr Karl Gaiduschek, 80, Klopper Park, Germiston
I am enquiring about a crime-incident targetting frail elderly people in the Germiston area, which the SAPS has not bothered to report to the local news media. Since May 2010, a group of people have started maintaining an online archive of all such violent crime incidents which are not reported by the SA police… but should be.
Could you please comment on/confirm the following crime:
•On Thursday 9 December 2010 at 12h00 - in broad daylight - Mr Karl Gaiduschek (80) was resting in his Klopper Park, Germiston, residence, when his life-partner, Ms Ursula Arkner (76) was attacked by three males with knobkieries inside their home. Old Ms Arkner was tied up and the unarmed Mr Gaiduschek was attacked with knobkieries and beaten while he was still laying in bed. He was beaten until he was unconscious and laying bloody and almost dead. The attackers spent the next 3 hours assaulting him and ransacking the house. They left the scene with Mrs Arkner's vehicle - taking with them clothing, food, liquor, cellphones. Throughout this attack, Ms Arkner had to listen to her partner being assaulted and eventually she managed to free herself and pressed the panic button - which did not function. Her daughter's friend later turned up with the police. It is believed that she called for help by telephone. Ms Arkner stated at that time that she ‘was not hurt’ and refused medical attention. However trauma-counselling was not offered to her either. Mr Gaiduschek was hospitalized and is recovering physically, but is very weak and severely traumatized. Ms Arkner died in her sleep last Monday night December 20 2010 - doctors presume that her death was due to the after-effects of the shock and the trauma she went through."
QUESTION 1: I would appreciate your advice as to the accuracy of the description above, i .e. did this incident take place as described?
QUESTION 2: Did the Germiston police obtain or even offer any trauma-counselling to these frail victims of this heinous crime against two defenceless pensioners? If not, why not?
QUESTION 3: Has anyone been arrested? If yes, please advise when they will appear on court, where and on which date. Please advise the contact number of the investigating officer and name so that we may follow up this case by obtaining counselling and support for Mr Gaiduschek during the trial.
Three Witbank Boers shot with .765 pistol: three attacks
Gordon Cooke, Jannie Brits and Martin Maree of Witbank smallholdings were all shot with .765-calibre bullets this month: prison warden Brits has died, Cooke and Maree are seriously injured.
Dec 29 2010 – WITBANK. It is very likely that 27-year-old Gordon Cooke, who was shot in the neck execution-style with a .7654-calibre weapon, will be paralysed for the rest of his life. Two weeks earlier prison warden Jannie Brits was also shot dead in the same region with a .765 weapon. And so was another Witbank smallholder, Martin Maree of Kromdraai, also on Sunday December 26.
Gordon Cooke, 27, fiancee Bianca Barrand and their baby girl Abigail, 8 months, were attacked at their Witbank smallholding rental cottage on Sunday . Cooke was shot in the neck and the .765 calibre bullet lodged in his spine. Doctors fear that he may be permanently paralysed from the neck down. Ms Barrand and baby daughter Abigail (8 months) were asleep when Cooke was ambushed upon his return from work.
Cooke told Beeld news reporters Buks Viljoen and Cobus Claassen from his hospital bed that he was deeply grateful that his loved ones remained unharmed throughout their ordeal. Ms Barrand had hid with Abigail on the floor underneath a blanket when she heard Gordon yelling while he was fighting off his attackers. "A new and unexpected life-battle now awaits us,' said Ms Barrand, referring to Cooke’s medical condition.
Jannie Brits, shot in stomach with .765 calibre-gun, home on Leeuwpoort prison grounds, Witbank Dec 14 2010
Police also investigate two other cases which were carried out in the same region with the same calibre .765 weapon.
Two weeks ago prison warden Jannie Brits was shot dead in his house on the prison terrain on Dec 14 2010.
And on the same day when Gordon Cooke was shot in the neck; only 3 km away, smallholder Martin Mare at Kromdraai AH was also shot at point-blank range in the stomach by three black men with .765 pistol later that evening.
Martin Maree, Kromdraai plot 132, Witbank, shot in stomach Dec 26 2010 with .765 calibre-gun
SAPS captain Eddie Hall said smallholder Martin Mare of Kromdraai plot 132 was also attacked and shot in the stomach with an .765 pistol.The men invaded his homestead at about 02:50 and pushed the gun-barrel against his stomach, and simply fired a shot. Mr Mare is under treatment at the Life Kosmos Hospital in Witbank. "The same caliber firearm was used in each attack and we have formed a task-force and expanded our investigation to all three attacks,' said Hall.
Dec 29 2010 – WITBANK. It is very likely that 27-year-old Gordon Cooke, who was shot in the neck execution-style with a .7654-calibre weapon, will be paralysed for the rest of his life. Two weeks earlier prison warden Jannie Brits was also shot dead in the same region with a .765 weapon. And so was another Witbank smallholder, Martin Maree of Kromdraai, also on Sunday December 26.
Gordon Cooke, 27, fiancee Bianca Barrand and their baby girl Abigail, 8 months, were attacked at their Witbank smallholding rental cottage on Sunday . Cooke was shot in the neck and the .765 calibre bullet lodged in his spine. Doctors fear that he may be permanently paralysed from the neck down. Ms Barrand and baby daughter Abigail (8 months) were asleep when Cooke was ambushed upon his return from work.
Cooke told Beeld news reporters Buks Viljoen and Cobus Claassen from his hospital bed that he was deeply grateful that his loved ones remained unharmed throughout their ordeal. Ms Barrand had hid with Abigail on the floor underneath a blanket when she heard Gordon yelling while he was fighting off his attackers. "A new and unexpected life-battle now awaits us,' said Ms Barrand, referring to Cooke’s medical condition.
Jannie Brits, shot in stomach with .765 calibre-gun, home on Leeuwpoort prison grounds, Witbank Dec 14 2010
Police also investigate two other cases which were carried out in the same region with the same calibre .765 weapon.
Two weeks ago prison warden Jannie Brits was shot dead in his house on the prison terrain on Dec 14 2010.
And on the same day when Gordon Cooke was shot in the neck; only 3 km away, smallholder Martin Mare at Kromdraai AH was also shot at point-blank range in the stomach by three black men with .765 pistol later that evening.
Martin Maree, Kromdraai plot 132, Witbank, shot in stomach Dec 26 2010 with .765 calibre-gun
SAPS captain Eddie Hall said smallholder Martin Mare of Kromdraai plot 132 was also attacked and shot in the stomach with an .765 pistol.The men invaded his homestead at about 02:50 and pushed the gun-barrel against his stomach, and simply fired a shot. Mr Mare is under treatment at the Life Kosmos Hospital in Witbank. "The same caliber firearm was used in each attack and we have formed a task-force and expanded our investigation to all three attacks,' said Hall.
Van Wyk couple thrown in Brits SAPS cells, racially abused
Police anti-white racist attack against Van Wyk family, Dec 25 2010, Brits – Van Wyk couple dumped in Brits SAPS cells, racially abused, threatened with rape:
Statement by Brits Freedom Front Plus councillor Elsa Lourens
On December 25 2010 Jaco van Wyk, his wife Mona, their three children and adult family friend Lee Mark left their home at Sonop to spend the day together for a family Christmas outing. They didn’t have an inkling that the Van Wyk parents would be dumped in the Brits SAPS cells at 6pm that evening, racially abused by crude-mouthed black police officers in front of their small children - and the father threatened with gang-rape in the holding cells.
Freedom Front plus councillor Elsa Lourens – who spent many hours trying to get the arrested Afrikaans couple released from the Brits police cells – has issued a detailed statement with visual evidence. After her intervention, the Brits police dropped the charges against the couple. However the party has initiated proceedings to lodge formal charges against the police- and traffic-officials involved in the incident. Ms Lourens condemned the racist abuse this defenceless family was targetted with by government officials. She released evidence in the form of pictures and video material taken of the incidents.
Know your Rights
The Freedom Front Plus says they have received a stream of complaints of racist-abuse and police-aggression against their electorate this season - and today posted a statement on their Facebook page, ‘Know your Rights” , in Afrikaans. VIEW THE VIDEO on the FREEDOM FRONT PLUS FACEBOOK PAGE
Ms Lourens said the Van Wyk couple were first pulled over in a police roadblock because their numberplate was not attacked to the front; however it had fallen off enroute and Mr Van Wyk had put it in clear view in the front window and told the officials at the first roadblock that he would have it re-attached upon their return home. In that first roadblock the police official also assured the family that it would not be a problem as long as the numberplate was clearly visible – which is was... (picture below)
“However when the Van Wyk family car was stopped at a second roadblock, a black police officer started cursing Mr Van Wyk for a ‘white bastard’ and cursed the entire Afrikaner family with foul and very crude language while writing a ticket. Mrs Van Wyk, angered by these crude insults, tore up the ticket and they drove on. A few kilometres further down the road, the Van Wyk vehicle was suddenly surrounded by a large number of police vehicles and forced off the road. Mr Van Wyk was physically dragged from the car after he told the police he did not want to abandon his family in such an unsafe place and would rather follow them to the police station. Mr Van Wyk was then assaulted, and forced at gunpoint by a police officer to lie down,” wrote Ms Lourens.
“You have killed my daddy…’ shouted the weeping child
Ms Lourens continued: ‘One of the small Van Wyk children then jumped from the car, thinking that they had killed her father, and beat at one of the officers with a small plastic toy golfing stick, shouting that they ‘had shot her daddy’. Mrs Van Wyk was in hysterics and tried to get out of her seatbelt while the officers were assaulting her, trying to drag her out of the car. Mr Van Wyk then jumped to his wife’s defence, shouting for them to leave his wife alone. Family friend Lee Mark was meanwhile sitting inside the car, holding the little Van Wyk boy close to his chest to protect him. Another police officer then stuck a gun inside the car, and held it to Lee’s head, ordering Lee to ‘shut the children up’. An eye-witness at the scene who was taking photos and videos with her cellphone also was threatened that they would confiscate her phone: and they broke her keys when trying to rip them out of the ignition while Mr van Wyk was still being beaten repeatedly in the face before he and his wife were handcuffed and taken to the Brits police cells. He was there forced to undergo blood-tests which will only be available in July, the police claimed at the charge-office. Mr Lee then took back the family car to Brits with the three Van Wyk children, taking them to a family-member for safekeeping,” wrote Mrs Lourens.
She spent hours on Christmas Day, trying to get the Van Wyk couple released from the Brits police cells. Initially the SAPS even denied that the Van Wyk’s were arrested and inside. It took her three hours before she could reach officials at the cells by phone.
Police officers told 14 black detainees in the Brits holding cell: ‘we have brought you a Paulina to rape…’
Lourens wrote: “While driving the cells, one official had pushed Van Wyk’s head outside the window while other officers were constantly beating him against the ear and his head while cursing him constantly. He then was taken to Cell 11 of the Brits police station where the black officers told the 15 black detainees inside that they had brought them a ‘Paulina’ for the weekend and that Van Wyk would be raped until he had ‘learned some manners’ . Van Wyk said he then was subjected to a constant stream of threats of rape and also called “Paulina’ by the detainees who demanded that he send out for cigarettes for them or he would be gang-raped. Meanwhile Mrs Van Wyk was also accosted in the female-section cells because the black women detained there tried to rob her jewellery. She hid her earrings underneath her tongue.
SAPS at Brits denied any knowledge of the arrested Van Wyk parents:
The Freedom Front councillor said that she tried to reach the police station at Brits from 8pm to 11pm by telephone that night and finally obtained some confirmaiton from officials at the cells after the complaints-officials had repeatedly denied that the Van Wyk couple were inside the police station and had denied all knowledge of the incident. However, the official at the holding cells told Ms Lourens at 11pm that the ‘Van Wyks had already been released and were in the complaints office’. The Van Wyk couple denied this, saying they were held until well after 11pm and that throughout their arrest and incarceration, they were not informed under what charges they were being held. The Brits police also vehemently denied they had carried out acts of brutality and had shouted racist abuse at the couple. Early the next day, the councillor went to the Brits magistrate’s court where Mrs Van Wyk had been ordered to appear purportedly to face charges of ‘interfering in an arrest’ and ‘malicious damage to property". While she waited in court, Mrs Lourens obtained the video material and photographs from an eye-witnesses there -- and went to the Brits police station commander with it.
“A person in civilian clothing at the Brits police station then tried to convince me that the Van Wyks were ‘distorting the case’ and that there had been ‘no police brutality,’ she said. “However, when I informed him of the visual evidence he fell silent,’ she said. “I informed him that it even looked from the videos as of an article was taken from the vehicle and placed inside the pocket of an official. I also told him that when Mrs Van Wyk was plucked from the car, her cellphone had fallen out of her pocket, and that an official, dressed in black civilian clothing, then put it in his own pocket. Mrs Van Wyk then demanded her cellphone back and fought with this man who then returned it”. The official then left. Within ten minutes the Van Wyk couple phoned Ms Lourens – informing her that the case against them was dropped. The Freedom Front Plus councillor said however they are not letting this incident rest - they have in turn already initiated proceedings against the traffic officials and the police officers. “What is so worrying is that whenever there is a real emergency, the police claims that they have no vehicles available or officers to respond to the scene. However it was clear that there was no shortage of officials nor vehicles. And the racist comments coupled with the brutal behaviour of the police is not in line with the official “Batho-pele’ policies of the SAPS, which claims that they ‘put people first’. Clearly these Batho Pele principles posted above the door of this police station, hold no meaning for those officials’. She called on the community to inform them of any police violence and racist actions by officials.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS:!/video/video.php?v=477503396215&oid=187645864452&comments
Know your rights:!/notes/vryheidsfront-plusfreedomfront-plus/wat-is-my-regte-/10150114994464180
Statement by Brits Freedom Front Plus councillor Elsa Lourens
On December 25 2010 Jaco van Wyk, his wife Mona, their three children and adult family friend Lee Mark left their home at Sonop to spend the day together for a family Christmas outing. They didn’t have an inkling that the Van Wyk parents would be dumped in the Brits SAPS cells at 6pm that evening, racially abused by crude-mouthed black police officers in front of their small children - and the father threatened with gang-rape in the holding cells.
Freedom Front plus councillor Elsa Lourens – who spent many hours trying to get the arrested Afrikaans couple released from the Brits police cells – has issued a detailed statement with visual evidence. After her intervention, the Brits police dropped the charges against the couple. However the party has initiated proceedings to lodge formal charges against the police- and traffic-officials involved in the incident. Ms Lourens condemned the racist abuse this defenceless family was targetted with by government officials. She released evidence in the form of pictures and video material taken of the incidents.
Know your Rights
The Freedom Front Plus says they have received a stream of complaints of racist-abuse and police-aggression against their electorate this season - and today posted a statement on their Facebook page, ‘Know your Rights” , in Afrikaans. VIEW THE VIDEO on the FREEDOM FRONT PLUS FACEBOOK PAGE
Ms Lourens said the Van Wyk couple were first pulled over in a police roadblock because their numberplate was not attacked to the front; however it had fallen off enroute and Mr Van Wyk had put it in clear view in the front window and told the officials at the first roadblock that he would have it re-attached upon their return home. In that first roadblock the police official also assured the family that it would not be a problem as long as the numberplate was clearly visible – which is was... (picture below)
“However when the Van Wyk family car was stopped at a second roadblock, a black police officer started cursing Mr Van Wyk for a ‘white bastard’ and cursed the entire Afrikaner family with foul and very crude language while writing a ticket. Mrs Van Wyk, angered by these crude insults, tore up the ticket and they drove on. A few kilometres further down the road, the Van Wyk vehicle was suddenly surrounded by a large number of police vehicles and forced off the road. Mr Van Wyk was physically dragged from the car after he told the police he did not want to abandon his family in such an unsafe place and would rather follow them to the police station. Mr Van Wyk was then assaulted, and forced at gunpoint by a police officer to lie down,” wrote Ms Lourens.
“You have killed my daddy…’ shouted the weeping child
Ms Lourens continued: ‘One of the small Van Wyk children then jumped from the car, thinking that they had killed her father, and beat at one of the officers with a small plastic toy golfing stick, shouting that they ‘had shot her daddy’. Mrs Van Wyk was in hysterics and tried to get out of her seatbelt while the officers were assaulting her, trying to drag her out of the car. Mr Van Wyk then jumped to his wife’s defence, shouting for them to leave his wife alone. Family friend Lee Mark was meanwhile sitting inside the car, holding the little Van Wyk boy close to his chest to protect him. Another police officer then stuck a gun inside the car, and held it to Lee’s head, ordering Lee to ‘shut the children up’. An eye-witness at the scene who was taking photos and videos with her cellphone also was threatened that they would confiscate her phone: and they broke her keys when trying to rip them out of the ignition while Mr van Wyk was still being beaten repeatedly in the face before he and his wife were handcuffed and taken to the Brits police cells. He was there forced to undergo blood-tests which will only be available in July, the police claimed at the charge-office. Mr Lee then took back the family car to Brits with the three Van Wyk children, taking them to a family-member for safekeeping,” wrote Mrs Lourens.
She spent hours on Christmas Day, trying to get the Van Wyk couple released from the Brits police cells. Initially the SAPS even denied that the Van Wyk’s were arrested and inside. It took her three hours before she could reach officials at the cells by phone.
Police officers told 14 black detainees in the Brits holding cell: ‘we have brought you a Paulina to rape…’
Lourens wrote: “While driving the cells, one official had pushed Van Wyk’s head outside the window while other officers were constantly beating him against the ear and his head while cursing him constantly. He then was taken to Cell 11 of the Brits police station where the black officers told the 15 black detainees inside that they had brought them a ‘Paulina’ for the weekend and that Van Wyk would be raped until he had ‘learned some manners’ . Van Wyk said he then was subjected to a constant stream of threats of rape and also called “Paulina’ by the detainees who demanded that he send out for cigarettes for them or he would be gang-raped. Meanwhile Mrs Van Wyk was also accosted in the female-section cells because the black women detained there tried to rob her jewellery. She hid her earrings underneath her tongue.
SAPS at Brits denied any knowledge of the arrested Van Wyk parents:
The Freedom Front councillor said that she tried to reach the police station at Brits from 8pm to 11pm by telephone that night and finally obtained some confirmaiton from officials at the cells after the complaints-officials had repeatedly denied that the Van Wyk couple were inside the police station and had denied all knowledge of the incident. However, the official at the holding cells told Ms Lourens at 11pm that the ‘Van Wyks had already been released and were in the complaints office’. The Van Wyk couple denied this, saying they were held until well after 11pm and that throughout their arrest and incarceration, they were not informed under what charges they were being held. The Brits police also vehemently denied they had carried out acts of brutality and had shouted racist abuse at the couple. Early the next day, the councillor went to the Brits magistrate’s court where Mrs Van Wyk had been ordered to appear purportedly to face charges of ‘interfering in an arrest’ and ‘malicious damage to property". While she waited in court, Mrs Lourens obtained the video material and photographs from an eye-witnesses there -- and went to the Brits police station commander with it.
“A person in civilian clothing at the Brits police station then tried to convince me that the Van Wyks were ‘distorting the case’ and that there had been ‘no police brutality,’ she said. “However, when I informed him of the visual evidence he fell silent,’ she said. “I informed him that it even looked from the videos as of an article was taken from the vehicle and placed inside the pocket of an official. I also told him that when Mrs Van Wyk was plucked from the car, her cellphone had fallen out of her pocket, and that an official, dressed in black civilian clothing, then put it in his own pocket. Mrs Van Wyk then demanded her cellphone back and fought with this man who then returned it”. The official then left. Within ten minutes the Van Wyk couple phoned Ms Lourens – informing her that the case against them was dropped. The Freedom Front Plus councillor said however they are not letting this incident rest - they have in turn already initiated proceedings against the traffic officials and the police officers. “What is so worrying is that whenever there is a real emergency, the police claims that they have no vehicles available or officers to respond to the scene. However it was clear that there was no shortage of officials nor vehicles. And the racist comments coupled with the brutal behaviour of the police is not in line with the official “Batho-pele’ policies of the SAPS, which claims that they ‘put people first’. Clearly these Batho Pele principles posted above the door of this police station, hold no meaning for those officials’. She called on the community to inform them of any police violence and racist actions by officials.
PHOTOGRAPHS AND VIDEOS:!/video/video.php?v=477503396215&oid=187645864452&comments
Know your rights:!/notes/vryheidsfront-plusfreedomfront-plus/wat-is-my-regte-/10150114994464180
Dec 27 farm attacks: one Boer murdered, Free State
Hennie Viljoen, Bloemspruit smallholding, Bloemfontein Dec 27 2010 bludgeoned to death with rocks
BLOEMFONTEIN. – Mr Hennie Viljoen was ambushed on Monday December 27 2010 and bludgeoned to death by armed black men who were waiting for him at the entrance to his Bloemspruit smallholding near Bloemfontein. Volksblad journalist Vicus Bürger was told at the crime scene that the Boer had withdrawn cash from a nearby cashpoint shortly before. He had stepped from his Peugeot 407 to open the entrance gate to the homestead when he was killed. The attackers tried to use his Peugeot as a getaway car but crashed it shortly after fleeing. They then fled on foot. Mr Viljoen is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Willem Jacobus Serfontein, wife Anna injured, armed attack by three blacks, Ficksburg homestead Free State Dec 27 2010
‘Willem Jacobus Serfontein and wife Anna, a farm couple in their sixties, were attacked by three black men in their homestead on December 27 2010. Mr Serfontein had stepped outside to turn on his water-pump and when he returned to the homestead his wife was attacked by three black men who were trying to strangle her to death with an electric cord. Serfontein was injured while fighting with the men in an attempt to save her life. He was bashed over the head with an iron bar and sustained heavy bruising across his body as well as an injured hand and arm. He was treated at a local hospital. The Volksblad report does not describe how the couple were rescued and whether anything was stolen at all..
BLOEMFONTEIN. – Mr Hennie Viljoen was ambushed on Monday December 27 2010 and bludgeoned to death by armed black men who were waiting for him at the entrance to his Bloemspruit smallholding near Bloemfontein. Volksblad journalist Vicus Bürger was told at the crime scene that the Boer had withdrawn cash from a nearby cashpoint shortly before. He had stepped from his Peugeot 407 to open the entrance gate to the homestead when he was killed. The attackers tried to use his Peugeot as a getaway car but crashed it shortly after fleeing. They then fled on foot. Mr Viljoen is survived by his wife and two daughters.
Willem Jacobus Serfontein, wife Anna injured, armed attack by three blacks, Ficksburg homestead Free State Dec 27 2010
‘Willem Jacobus Serfontein and wife Anna, a farm couple in their sixties, were attacked by three black men in their homestead on December 27 2010. Mr Serfontein had stepped outside to turn on his water-pump and when he returned to the homestead his wife was attacked by three black men who were trying to strangle her to death with an electric cord. Serfontein was injured while fighting with the men in an attempt to save her life. He was bashed over the head with an iron bar and sustained heavy bruising across his body as well as an injured hand and arm. He was treated at a local hospital. The Volksblad report does not describe how the couple were rescued and whether anything was stolen at all..
Two Witbank smallholders survive attacks with injuries
Gordon Cooke, shot in spine, Witbank Blesbok Country lodge AH Witbank, 26 Dec 2010 1am, four black attackers, serious condition in Pretoria hospital – other unnamed smallholder also shot and injured same evening…
Two smallholding residents shot, injured outside Witbank December 26
Marius Avenant writes on Facebook December 28 2010. PRETORIA, South Africa. “I was in personal contact with Miss Bianca Barrand who lives with her fiance on a smallholding outside Witbank. They were awoken on Sunday Morning 26 December 2010 shortly after 01h00 by intruders who were in the process of gaining access through a bathroom window. Her fiance Mr Gordon Cooke was shot in the neck by one of the two intruders who were already inside. According to Mr Cooke, there were more attackers on the outside - probably two more.
“His fiancee Ms Barrand hit the panic button and the attackers fled the scene.The panic alarm was answered by a member of the property owner's family and the neighbourhood watch and police were quick to react to the call. Mr Cooke is in the hospital in Pretoria in a serious, stable condition: the bullet is still lodged in his neck and the doctors suspect that he may be paralysed, but will only know for sure once the swelling is down and more scans and tests can be done. According to miss Barrand she was informed this morning, December 28 2010, that there was another attack on a nearby smallholding where an elderly gentleman was also shot in the stomach. More information is not available yet.” Avenant:
Two smallholding residents shot, injured outside Witbank December 26
Marius Avenant writes on Facebook December 28 2010. PRETORIA, South Africa. “I was in personal contact with Miss Bianca Barrand who lives with her fiance on a smallholding outside Witbank. They were awoken on Sunday Morning 26 December 2010 shortly after 01h00 by intruders who were in the process of gaining access through a bathroom window. Her fiance Mr Gordon Cooke was shot in the neck by one of the two intruders who were already inside. According to Mr Cooke, there were more attackers on the outside - probably two more.
“His fiancee Ms Barrand hit the panic button and the attackers fled the scene.The panic alarm was answered by a member of the property owner's family and the neighbourhood watch and police were quick to react to the call. Mr Cooke is in the hospital in Pretoria in a serious, stable condition: the bullet is still lodged in his neck and the doctors suspect that he may be paralysed, but will only know for sure once the swelling is down and more scans and tests can be done. According to miss Barrand she was informed this morning, December 28 2010, that there was another attack on a nearby smallholding where an elderly gentleman was also shot in the stomach. More information is not available yet.” Avenant:
Pretoria hairdresser Alden Smith strangled in own Audi
Alden Smith, 37, owner Options Hair Design, Brooklyn Pretoria, strangled to death in his AudiA3 Dec252010 – his shoes were missing…
PRETORIA - Well-known Pretoria hairdressing-salon owner Alden Smith, 37, was strangled to death inside his Audi A3, found parked at the Superspar shop in Menlopark on Christmas Day. The businessman had recently exposed the extortion practices of the Pretoria Metropolitan Police on Carte Blanche TV on the Mnet channel in South Africa.
Mr Smith recently appeared on the TV programme Carte Blanche, describing the Pretoria Metropolitan Police force’s extortion practices and widespread corruption . He had described details of being constantly terrorised by the metro-cops for not giving in to their demands for bribes. An exposé by the Pretoria News also revealed claims of torture, assault, kidnapping, extortion and widespread corruption within the Metro Police force.
Hilda Fourie of Beeld wrote that murdered hairdresser Alden Smith had spent Christmas day with his sister Mrs Onica Jakob, 45 and her husband Chris, 35, in Wonderboom. He left around 17:15 in his Audi, which according to police had been stolen a month earlier and recovered by the police. Brig André Wiese, the Brooklyn police station commander who heads the investigation said they don’t exactly know the circumstances of Smith’s death as yet. ‘One possibility being examined is that Smith was attacked and kidnapped at his house in Charles Street and then driven to the cash-withdrawal point in Menlopark”. He was seated on the passenger seat, strangled to death, when a police patrol found him. That same Christmas evening at around 22:30 the alarm had gone off at Smith’s hair salon next to his home and the security company had contacted his sister – who also works at her brother’s salon – because the company was unable to contact Mr Smith. Mr Jakob drove to the salon while Mrs Jakob kept trying from home to contact him on his cellphone. “What we didn’t know was that he was already dead by that time,’ she said. When Mr Jakob stood in front of the salon a police patrol showed up. “I told the police woman that my brother-in-law’s white Audi A3 was stolen and recovered a month ago. She told me that there was an Audi A3 parked at a crime scene and asked her to follow me,’ he said. Mr Jakob was asked to identify his brother’s body at the scene. His wife then joined him there and the couple sat next to Smith’s body until the coroner van showed up to fetch him. “I will never forget the way my brother looked in that car. His glasses were broken and his shoes were stolen from his feet. This destroys everyone’s life.”
PRETORIA - Well-known Pretoria hairdressing-salon owner Alden Smith, 37, was strangled to death inside his Audi A3, found parked at the Superspar shop in Menlopark on Christmas Day. The businessman had recently exposed the extortion practices of the Pretoria Metropolitan Police on Carte Blanche TV on the Mnet channel in South Africa.
Mr Smith recently appeared on the TV programme Carte Blanche, describing the Pretoria Metropolitan Police force’s extortion practices and widespread corruption . He had described details of being constantly terrorised by the metro-cops for not giving in to their demands for bribes. An exposé by the Pretoria News also revealed claims of torture, assault, kidnapping, extortion and widespread corruption within the Metro Police force.
Hilda Fourie of Beeld wrote that murdered hairdresser Alden Smith had spent Christmas day with his sister Mrs Onica Jakob, 45 and her husband Chris, 35, in Wonderboom. He left around 17:15 in his Audi, which according to police had been stolen a month earlier and recovered by the police. Brig André Wiese, the Brooklyn police station commander who heads the investigation said they don’t exactly know the circumstances of Smith’s death as yet. ‘One possibility being examined is that Smith was attacked and kidnapped at his house in Charles Street and then driven to the cash-withdrawal point in Menlopark”. He was seated on the passenger seat, strangled to death, when a police patrol found him. That same Christmas evening at around 22:30 the alarm had gone off at Smith’s hair salon next to his home and the security company had contacted his sister – who also works at her brother’s salon – because the company was unable to contact Mr Smith. Mr Jakob drove to the salon while Mrs Jakob kept trying from home to contact him on his cellphone. “What we didn’t know was that he was already dead by that time,’ she said. When Mr Jakob stood in front of the salon a police patrol showed up. “I told the police woman that my brother-in-law’s white Audi A3 was stolen and recovered a month ago. She told me that there was an Audi A3 parked at a crime scene and asked her to follow me,’ he said. Mr Jakob was asked to identify his brother’s body at the scene. His wife then joined him there and the couple sat next to Smith’s body until the coroner van showed up to fetch him. “I will never forget the way my brother looked in that car. His glasses were broken and his shoes were stolen from his feet. This destroys everyone’s life.”
Willie van Zyl shot in face, Kameeldrift smallholding
Smallholder Willie van Zyl, 58, survives shot in face, found bleeding six hours later Sunday Dec 26 2010
58-year-old pensioner Willie van Zyl lay bleeding for six hours after he was shot in the face during an armed attack by four black males on his smallholdings near the Baviaanspoort prison in the Kameeldrift region of Pretoria. He couldn’t alert anyone because his cellphone was stolen.
His nephew Johan Pretorius, 47, who lives nearby, said Van Zyl was shot while he was asleep at 1:30am in his bedroom. Pretorius went by his homestead early the next morning when he could not raise him on the phone,writes Hilda Fourie in Beeld. Warrant officer Mike Mbewe confirmed the farm-attack after Beeld approached him for comment.
“Willie was conscious but didn’t speak when I found him. He was lying underneath a duvet. He later told the paramedics who stabilised him for transport by a Netcare helicopter, that four black men did this to him.’ Mbewi was unable to confirm whether anything else was actually ‘robbed’ from the smallholding except the cheap cellphone. Van Zyl is single and unmarried.
58-year-old pensioner Willie van Zyl lay bleeding for six hours after he was shot in the face during an armed attack by four black males on his smallholdings near the Baviaanspoort prison in the Kameeldrift region of Pretoria. He couldn’t alert anyone because his cellphone was stolen.
His nephew Johan Pretorius, 47, who lives nearby, said Van Zyl was shot while he was asleep at 1:30am in his bedroom. Pretorius went by his homestead early the next morning when he could not raise him on the phone,writes Hilda Fourie in Beeld. Warrant officer Mike Mbewe confirmed the farm-attack after Beeld approached him for comment.
“Willie was conscious but didn’t speak when I found him. He was lying underneath a duvet. He later told the paramedics who stabilised him for transport by a Netcare helicopter, that four black men did this to him.’ Mbewi was unable to confirm whether anything else was actually ‘robbed’ from the smallholding except the cheap cellphone. Van Zyl is single and unmarried.
Boer shiftboss Willie Diesel murdered, Virginia FS
Masimong Mine shift boss Willie Diesel knifed to death 11 Dec 2010 on Virginia street.
VIRGINIA. – On December 11 2010, Masimong Mine’s shift boss Willie Diesel, 49, was knifed down by three black males enroute to his job when he stabbed to death while withdrawing cash. He put up a fierce fight: his clothes were shredded.
Volksblad journalist Tom de Wet wrote that Mr Diesel was stabbed to death by three black knifemen while he was withdrawing money early in the morning at 4:18am so that he could pay for a sheep which he and his workers were planning to braai at work that day.
SAPS constable Konst. Antoinette Pakela said two of the three suspected murderers were tracked down by warrant-officer Jaco van Rensburg of the Viriginia police in the Meloding township. A third suspect was already in custody, arrested as a rape-accused.
The unemployed black males aged 20, 21 and 23, were remanded for their bail-application date on Friday, December 31 (? on New Year’s eve?). The cowards had allegedly stabbed the Afrikaner shift-boss in the back and in the heart while he struggled fiercely. He apparently still tried to stagger away to find help because his car-keys were stolen but he collapsed 300 metres from the scene and died. The bank does not have any security guards, the newspaper noted. Strangely, although his car-keys were stolen, Diesel’s car was still parked at the crime scene when the police arrived.
VIRGINIA. – On December 11 2010, Masimong Mine’s shift boss Willie Diesel, 49, was knifed down by three black males enroute to his job when he stabbed to death while withdrawing cash. He put up a fierce fight: his clothes were shredded.
Volksblad journalist Tom de Wet wrote that Mr Diesel was stabbed to death by three black knifemen while he was withdrawing money early in the morning at 4:18am so that he could pay for a sheep which he and his workers were planning to braai at work that day.
SAPS constable Konst. Antoinette Pakela said two of the three suspected murderers were tracked down by warrant-officer Jaco van Rensburg of the Viriginia police in the Meloding township. A third suspect was already in custody, arrested as a rape-accused.
The unemployed black males aged 20, 21 and 23, were remanded for their bail-application date on Friday, December 31 (? on New Year’s eve?). The cowards had allegedly stabbed the Afrikaner shift-boss in the back and in the heart while he struggled fiercely. He apparently still tried to stagger away to find help because his car-keys were stolen but he collapsed 300 metres from the scene and died. The bank does not have any security guards, the newspaper noted. Strangely, although his car-keys were stolen, Diesel’s car was still parked at the crime scene when the police arrived.
Two Boer labour brokers shot in Bloemfontein
Two Afrikaans labour-brokers gunned down in Bloemfontein: Desiré Hall (42) killed; Madeleine Bezuidenhout, 52, injured – only a week after Cosatu declared war on labour-brokers. Nothing robbed..
Dec 24 2010 – BLOEMFONTEIN. Only a week after Cosatu trade union ‘declared war on labour brokers’, two Afrikaans labour-brokers, Mrs Desire Hall(42) and partner Mrs Madeleine Bezuidenhout, 52, were shot by two black men on a busy street on Christmas Eve. Nothing was robbed. Mrs Hall was shot dead assassination-style while Mrs Bezuidenhout, 52, who was driving, was struck by the same bullet in an arm.
Labour-broker Desire Hall was shot through the heart and lung and died within seconds while the injured Mrs Bezuidenhout was rushing her Life Rose Park hospital in Bloemfontein. This was the second attack within a month on the same women, whose labour-brokering business also supplied staffers to Volksblad newspaper’s distribution company ‘On the Dot’ and “NND’. The women had to pay some workers in cash each month because the workers didn’t have bank accounts.
Cosatu trade union – the co-ruling partner of the African National Congress – on December 20 2010 ‘declared war on labour brokers. Its general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi said at a press conference that the workers ‘had to re-energise themselves and be ready for a mother of all battles in 2011 to get labour brokers banned.’ He also said that more than 1-million workers had lost their jobs in SA since January 2009.
The women had just paid out the wages to workers in Enterprise Street, Hamilton when two black men accosted them on both sides of the car. One reached inside and shot Mrs Hall at point-blank distance. Mrs Hall was armed with a stungun and Mrs Bezuidenhout said when she heard the shot she initially thought that Mrs Hall had fired it. “Desire screamed at me to drive away fast. I chased away and when I looked oer to my left I saw Desiree fall forward, making gurgling sounds.’
The emergency staff tried to revive Mrs Hall but she was declared dead. Mrs Bezuidenhout said the bullet was removed from her arm and she was discharged from hospital. The women had to pay out the wages of some of their workers in cash because some do not have bank accounts, said Mrs Bezuidenhout. They were also attacked by armed robbers on 19 November and the robbers had then tried to rip their jewellery and necklaces from their necks. “Desiré ‘s knee was still swollen and blue after that attack, and we decided to buy stunguns. I have known Desiré since 1980. She was a brilliant and harmless woman. The murderers did not even try to steal a cellphone or the envelope containing R254 in cash. She has lost her life for nothing,’ the heartbroken Mrs bezuidenhout said. “I am angry with the government for allowing such terror. I am angry with South Africa,’ she said. Volksblad
Dec 24 2010 – BLOEMFONTEIN. Only a week after Cosatu trade union ‘declared war on labour brokers’, two Afrikaans labour-brokers, Mrs Desire Hall(42) and partner Mrs Madeleine Bezuidenhout, 52, were shot by two black men on a busy street on Christmas Eve. Nothing was robbed. Mrs Hall was shot dead assassination-style while Mrs Bezuidenhout, 52, who was driving, was struck by the same bullet in an arm.
Labour-broker Desire Hall was shot through the heart and lung and died within seconds while the injured Mrs Bezuidenhout was rushing her Life Rose Park hospital in Bloemfontein. This was the second attack within a month on the same women, whose labour-brokering business also supplied staffers to Volksblad newspaper’s distribution company ‘On the Dot’ and “NND’. The women had to pay some workers in cash each month because the workers didn’t have bank accounts.
Cosatu trade union – the co-ruling partner of the African National Congress – on December 20 2010 ‘declared war on labour brokers. Its general secretary Zwelinzima Vavi said at a press conference that the workers ‘had to re-energise themselves and be ready for a mother of all battles in 2011 to get labour brokers banned.’ He also said that more than 1-million workers had lost their jobs in SA since January 2009.
The women had just paid out the wages to workers in Enterprise Street, Hamilton when two black men accosted them on both sides of the car. One reached inside and shot Mrs Hall at point-blank distance. Mrs Hall was armed with a stungun and Mrs Bezuidenhout said when she heard the shot she initially thought that Mrs Hall had fired it. “Desire screamed at me to drive away fast. I chased away and when I looked oer to my left I saw Desiree fall forward, making gurgling sounds.’
The emergency staff tried to revive Mrs Hall but she was declared dead. Mrs Bezuidenhout said the bullet was removed from her arm and she was discharged from hospital. The women had to pay out the wages of some of their workers in cash because some do not have bank accounts, said Mrs Bezuidenhout. They were also attacked by armed robbers on 19 November and the robbers had then tried to rip their jewellery and necklaces from their necks. “Desiré ‘s knee was still swollen and blue after that attack, and we decided to buy stunguns. I have known Desiré since 1980. She was a brilliant and harmless woman. The murderers did not even try to steal a cellphone or the envelope containing R254 in cash. She has lost her life for nothing,’ the heartbroken Mrs bezuidenhout said. “I am angry with the government for allowing such terror. I am angry with South Africa,’ she said. Volksblad
Boer dairy farmer Marie Weilbach in coma, attack Walkerville
Retired Walkerville dairy-farm owner Marie Weilbach, 79, was bashed into a coma by farm workers Mhlushwa Khoza and Mbongiseni Hornsby – who in turn were shot dead when they ambushed her grandson Eon Viljoen, Dec 22 2010 with a shotgun and a steel-pipe.
2010-12-23 WALKERVILLE, VEREENIGING. The supermarket chain who buys the dairy-products from 26-year-old dairy foreman Eon Viljoen has much to answer for. Their failure to pay the farm for its products has caused a chain of horrific events in which two former farm workers – angered and out of control because they did not get their Christmas bonuses in time – beat farm-owner Marie Weilbach, 79 into a braindead-coma with a steel-pipe. The two workers then were killed in turn when they waited for her grandson Villjoen in ambush and tried to kill him with a shotgun and a steelpipe…
Two dairy-farm workers – Mkhlushwa Khoza and Mbongiseni Hornsby - beat 79-year-old farm-owner Mrs Marie Weilbach into a braindead coma while the retired Boer dairy-farmer was watching a religious TV-programme. Both her hands were crushed from trying to ward off the blows. She’s on life-support in a Gauteng hospital – declared braindead.
Earlier this year the young Mr Viljoen had taken over management of the family-farm from his frail grandmother – its ownership dates from 1903 (from the era whenthe British colonial military forces attacked the independent Boer Republics).
Viljoen said that from the outset as its foreman, the farm had struggled to get paid for their dairy-products from their buyers.
Eon Viljoen worried about the Christmas bonuses, so two weeks ago their six workers were called together and told by Viljoen that that he would not be able to pay their annual Christmas bonuses before Christmas – but also promised that they would still get the bonuses immediately after the farm got paid by the buyers in the city. They had always received their wages on time: the problem was with the bonuses…
‘You are not wearing a bulletproof vest and I am going to shoot you..’
“One of the workers at the meeting then reacted very angrily, demanding his money immediately, said Viljoen. “He told me ‘you are not wearing a bullet-proof vest, and I am going to shoot you’.”
Viljoen said he then hurriedly borrowed money from a friend, called the workers together again and paid them their bonuses. However – he also fired the worker who had threatened to kill them and told the assembled workers that if this man had carried out his threat and Viljoen ‘ was no longer there to run the farm, they would all have been out of a job’.
He said a second worker then decided to quit his job as well. Then these two disgruntled workers started a campaign of terror against the remaining four farm workers and their families which got so bad that the four workers fled from their cottages to the township – one even left with his wife without getting paid. Another fleeing worker stole R800 – his last remaining cash – from Viljoen’s wallet before disappearing, he said.
His grandmother – in whose name the family farm is registered – took these threats and all these incidents very seriously and warned him to protect himself – giving him her legally-registered 9mm pistol on Tuesday-nigh (December 21, 2010), he said.
“I phoned the two workers Khoza and Hornsby on Wednesday, asking them to come to the farm so that we could find a solution to the problem,’ he said.
“They both showed up but then demanded more cash payments of R6,000 and R3,000 respectively as ‘entrenchment packages’. I told them that I didn’t have that kind of money and that they would have to contact their trade union to take the matter up with them to deal with it legally.”
Khoza and Hornsby then left the homestead and shortly thereafter, Viljoen also went outside to drive his usual rounds before stopping by a hiding-place in the stable to fetch his grandmother’s at around 18:20. He immediately wanted to give it back to her for her self-protection.
•(Comment: I would have asked him this question: Viljoen didn’t explain to Beeld why he did not carry the gun with him on the farm, since he’d been threatened by one of the workers. What good is a gun hidden away in a cow-shed when the lives of your grandmother and yourself were clearly in danger?)
When he returned to the homestead the back door stood open, he told Beeld.
“At that time of the evening my grandmother always feeds her dogs so I did not suspect anything amiss until I walked into the kitchen. The two workers, Khoza and Hornsby were waiting for me – one immediately fired a shot from a shotgun without saying a word, and I fired back at once. Both shots missed. The worker then fired again with the shotgun. Vijoen said he then shot the man with one shot to the head and as the other worker stormed towards him with a steelpipe Viljoen also shot him dead as well. The grandson then rushed inside to find his grandmother –“she is a very religious person and always sat and watched the church-channel on TV all day…’ -- and found her on her chair, her head caved-in and bloodied; critically injured. He immediately phoned the SAPS and medics from Netcare 911.
Mrs Weilbach was rushed to Sebokeng hospital where she was put on a life-support machine. She has been declared braindead, he said. “Why didn’t they just wait for me somewhere on the farm? Why didn’t they leave my grandmother alone?” he said.
•SAPS constable Makgauta Serathi said they are ‘investigating two murder-cases.
2010-12-23 WALKERVILLE, VEREENIGING. The supermarket chain who buys the dairy-products from 26-year-old dairy foreman Eon Viljoen has much to answer for. Their failure to pay the farm for its products has caused a chain of horrific events in which two former farm workers – angered and out of control because they did not get their Christmas bonuses in time – beat farm-owner Marie Weilbach, 79 into a braindead-coma with a steel-pipe. The two workers then were killed in turn when they waited for her grandson Villjoen in ambush and tried to kill him with a shotgun and a steelpipe…
Two dairy-farm workers – Mkhlushwa Khoza and Mbongiseni Hornsby - beat 79-year-old farm-owner Mrs Marie Weilbach into a braindead coma while the retired Boer dairy-farmer was watching a religious TV-programme. Both her hands were crushed from trying to ward off the blows. She’s on life-support in a Gauteng hospital – declared braindead.
Earlier this year the young Mr Viljoen had taken over management of the family-farm from his frail grandmother – its ownership dates from 1903 (from the era whenthe British colonial military forces attacked the independent Boer Republics).
Viljoen said that from the outset as its foreman, the farm had struggled to get paid for their dairy-products from their buyers.
Eon Viljoen worried about the Christmas bonuses, so two weeks ago their six workers were called together and told by Viljoen that that he would not be able to pay their annual Christmas bonuses before Christmas – but also promised that they would still get the bonuses immediately after the farm got paid by the buyers in the city. They had always received their wages on time: the problem was with the bonuses…
‘You are not wearing a bulletproof vest and I am going to shoot you..’
“One of the workers at the meeting then reacted very angrily, demanding his money immediately, said Viljoen. “He told me ‘you are not wearing a bullet-proof vest, and I am going to shoot you’.”
Viljoen said he then hurriedly borrowed money from a friend, called the workers together again and paid them their bonuses. However – he also fired the worker who had threatened to kill them and told the assembled workers that if this man had carried out his threat and Viljoen ‘ was no longer there to run the farm, they would all have been out of a job’.
He said a second worker then decided to quit his job as well. Then these two disgruntled workers started a campaign of terror against the remaining four farm workers and their families which got so bad that the four workers fled from their cottages to the township – one even left with his wife without getting paid. Another fleeing worker stole R800 – his last remaining cash – from Viljoen’s wallet before disappearing, he said.
His grandmother – in whose name the family farm is registered – took these threats and all these incidents very seriously and warned him to protect himself – giving him her legally-registered 9mm pistol on Tuesday-nigh (December 21, 2010), he said.
“I phoned the two workers Khoza and Hornsby on Wednesday, asking them to come to the farm so that we could find a solution to the problem,’ he said.
“They both showed up but then demanded more cash payments of R6,000 and R3,000 respectively as ‘entrenchment packages’. I told them that I didn’t have that kind of money and that they would have to contact their trade union to take the matter up with them to deal with it legally.”
Khoza and Hornsby then left the homestead and shortly thereafter, Viljoen also went outside to drive his usual rounds before stopping by a hiding-place in the stable to fetch his grandmother’s at around 18:20. He immediately wanted to give it back to her for her self-protection.
•(Comment: I would have asked him this question: Viljoen didn’t explain to Beeld why he did not carry the gun with him on the farm, since he’d been threatened by one of the workers. What good is a gun hidden away in a cow-shed when the lives of your grandmother and yourself were clearly in danger?)
When he returned to the homestead the back door stood open, he told Beeld.
“At that time of the evening my grandmother always feeds her dogs so I did not suspect anything amiss until I walked into the kitchen. The two workers, Khoza and Hornsby were waiting for me – one immediately fired a shot from a shotgun without saying a word, and I fired back at once. Both shots missed. The worker then fired again with the shotgun. Vijoen said he then shot the man with one shot to the head and as the other worker stormed towards him with a steelpipe Viljoen also shot him dead as well. The grandson then rushed inside to find his grandmother –“she is a very religious person and always sat and watched the church-channel on TV all day…’ -- and found her on her chair, her head caved-in and bloodied; critically injured. He immediately phoned the SAPS and medics from Netcare 911.
Mrs Weilbach was rushed to Sebokeng hospital where she was put on a life-support machine. She has been declared braindead, he said. “Why didn’t they just wait for me somewhere on the farm? Why didn’t they leave my grandmother alone?” he said.
•SAPS constable Makgauta Serathi said they are ‘investigating two murder-cases.
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