Hilda Fourie
Kaalbolyf het ’n vrou om haar lewe geveg terwyl ’n aanvaller haar met sy vuiste in die gesig geslaan het, op haar kop getrap en haar gewurg het.
Mev. Ingrid Kleingeld (65) het gister ’n neusoperasie in ’n Pretoriase hospitaal ondergaan nadat haar neus tydens dié aanval gebreek is.
Sy moet ook vir ses maande antiretrovirale behandeling ontvang nadat sy haar aanvaller se vinger gebyt het.
Dié nagmerrie-ondervinding het Vrydagoggend op Kleingeld en haar man, Chris, se wildplaas in Kameelfontein, noordoos van Pretoria, gebeur.
Om by dié wildplaas se eerste hek in te kom, het ’n mens ’n kode nodig. Die tweede hek kan net met ’n afstandbeheer deur iemand in die huis oopgemaak word.
Kleingeld en haar huiswerker was alleen tuis. Kleingeld het, net in haar kamerjas, op haar bed gelê en koerant lees.
Net ná 09:00 het die huiswerker die stofsuier aangeskakel “wat sy nooit daardie tyd van die oggend doen nie”, het Kleingeld gesê.
Kleingeld het toe ’n motordeur gehoor. Sy het by die badkamervenster en balkon gaan kyk of sy iets sien. Sy het vir die huiswerker, wat buitentoe gehardloop het, geskree om in die huis in te kom, maar dié wou nie.
Kleingeld het ’n broek aangetrek. Sy wou net ’n hemp aantrek, toe sy die eerste hou kry. “Ons het in die badkamer baklei waar hy geslaan, geskop en te kere gegaan het.
“Hy het my vyf, ses, sewe, agt keer met die vuis in die gesig geslaan, een keer op my kop getrap en my gewurg.
“Hy het my neus toegedruk. “Dit het gevoel of ek doodgaan. Toe byt ek hom.”
Ná die bakleiery het dié aanvaller en nog ’n man vir Kleingeld opgetel, op die bed neergesit en haar hande en voete vasgebind. Só, sonder ’n bloes aan, het sy op die bed gesit en kyk hoe hulle die kaste deursoek terwyl hulle vir vuurwapens en geld vra.
Die twee mans het ná sowat ’n uur gery. Die huiswerker was in ’n kamer op die onderste verdieping toegesluit.
Kleingeld kon haar voete loswikkel en het na die huiswerker gegaan wat haar gehelp het om haar hande los te kry. Sy het die noodknoppie gedruk en by die bure gaan hulp vra.
Intussen was mnr. Kleingeld op ’n visvanguitstappie in Mosambiek. Natuurbewaringsowerhede kon hom eers Saterdagoggend, ná ’n soektog van sowat ses uur, opspoor. Hy het dié aand teruggevlieg Suid-Afrika toe.
“Dit was vir my baie erg,” het Kleingeld gesê.
“Ek het gedink hier gaan ek vandag dood. Dit is my einde.
“Ek het hard baklei dat hy my nie doodmaak nie.”
Sers. Portia Maleka, polisiewoordvoerder, het bevestig ’n saak van huisroof word ondersoek. Geen arrestasies is nog gemaak nie.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Boer ernstig aangerand deur plaasbewoners
Harrismith – ’n Boer van die distrik lê in die hospitaal nadat hy met ’n mes in die gesig gesteek en met ’n ysterpyp geslaan is toe hy ’n staalstruktuur afgebreek het op ’n plaas van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap (Sanral).
Tjokkie Venter (36) van die plaas Gegund is Dinsdagaand vroeg aangerand nadat hy op die plaas Uitvlugt van Sanral gewerk het.
Sanral het die plaas vroeër vir padboudoeleindes gekoop, maar mense woon steeds op die plaas.
Volgens Piet Roetz, van die plaaslike buurtwag, is Venter deur van die plaasbewoners aangerand wat sê die plaas behoort aan hulle en nie aan Sanral nie.
Dit is een van die plase wat Sanral gekoop het vir die beplande uitbreiding van die N3-roete tussen Johannesburg en Durban. Die plaashuis en pakhuise is reeds afgebreek en Venter het gister ’n staalstruktuur hier afgebreek.
Een van die plaasbewoners, sy seun en nog twee mans is in hegtenis geneem nadat Venter met ’n mes in die gesig gesteek en met ’n ysterpyp teen die kop geslaan is, sê Roetz. Venter se pa, Albert, wat saam met hom was, het die polisie ontbied.
Sers. Majang Skalkie, polisiewoordvoerder, sê ’n klag van aanranding word ondersoek.
Harrismith – ’n Boer van die distrik lê in die hospitaal nadat hy met ’n mes in die gesig gesteek en met ’n ysterpyp geslaan is toe hy ’n staalstruktuur afgebreek het op ’n plaas van die Suid-Afrikaanse Nasionale Padagentskap (Sanral).
Tjokkie Venter (36) van die plaas Gegund is Dinsdagaand vroeg aangerand nadat hy op die plaas Uitvlugt van Sanral gewerk het.
Sanral het die plaas vroeër vir padboudoeleindes gekoop, maar mense woon steeds op die plaas.
Volgens Piet Roetz, van die plaaslike buurtwag, is Venter deur van die plaasbewoners aangerand wat sê die plaas behoort aan hulle en nie aan Sanral nie.
Dit is een van die plase wat Sanral gekoop het vir die beplande uitbreiding van die N3-roete tussen Johannesburg en Durban. Die plaashuis en pakhuise is reeds afgebreek en Venter het gister ’n staalstruktuur hier afgebreek.
Een van die plaasbewoners, sy seun en nog twee mans is in hegtenis geneem nadat Venter met ’n mes in die gesig gesteek en met ’n ysterpyp teen die kop geslaan is, sê Roetz. Venter se pa, Albert, wat saam met hom was, het die polisie ontbied.
Sers. Majang Skalkie, polisiewoordvoerder, sê ’n klag van aanranding word ondersoek.
Mrs Kleingeld, Plot 94, Byenespoort, Roodeplaat Dam, Pretoria assaulted: nose broken, in Montana hospital
On March 23 2012 an elderly woman, Mrs Kleingeld of Plot 94, Byenespoort, Roodeplaat Dam, was badly assaulted by an armed black male gang who took her jewellery, shotgun and small items. She is presently in Montana Hospital with a broken nose and is badly bruised. Her husband is overseas on a business trip and police are trying to trace him. Source: Jaypee Smuts jaypeesmuts@gmail.com
On March 23 2012 an elderly woman, Mrs Kleingeld of Plot 94, Byenespoort, Roodeplaat Dam, was badly assaulted by an armed black male gang who took her jewellery, shotgun and small items. She is presently in Montana Hospital with a broken nose and is badly bruised. Her husband is overseas on a business trip and police are trying to trace him. Source: Jaypee Smuts jaypeesmuts@gmail.com
Elderly Afrikaner couple assaulted, extensively tortured: Summer Strand, Port Elizabeth
Unnamed elderly Afrikaner couple attacked in Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Confirmed by HUMEWOOD police station (Port Elizabeth police station does not exist by that name:) Humewood tel Phone: 041-5045057 Fax: 041-5045208
2012-03-22 Port Elizabeth – Die Burger newspaper reports that the SAPS continue the search for the black assailants of an elderly Afrikaner couple in Somerstrand - who broke into the couple's house and threatened to torture the frail elderly people and assaulted them.
SAPS capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg said one man was arrested immediately after the gruesome incident and shortly thereafter they found two more men carrying a bag filled with 'items'.
The police still have to trace the origin of these latter items to determine whether those two men also were involved in the incident or not.
A total of five black males invaded the home of the couple by breaking through a small window in the garage of the double-storey home.They knew exactly where to go: first bursting into the bedroom of Katie, the long-term coloured medical carer of the 81-year-old Afrikaner who is completely reliant on the carer after suffering a stroke several years earlier. The woman, identified by a relative as 'Katie', said she was very devoted to the family and put up a spirited defence, during which she was badly beaten up.
Janse van Rensburg said next the attackers grabbed the elderly woman from her bed and carried her to her husband's bedroom. They turned on the hot-water kettle threatening to burn the couple with boiling water if they 'did not hand over the keys to the safe'. It's not known how the attackers knew the couple owned a safe.
The couple were assaulted brutally despite their surrending the safe-keys. The contents of the safe, containing a few original Kruger Rands, some jewellery and cash, were looted.
Alas unfortunately for SAPS director Ronald Koll of the Humewood (Port Elizabeth) police station, who claimed only a week earlier that they had 'probably arrested the master-brain behind a series of armed house robberies in this neighbourhood...'
Afrikaner origin of victims confirmed:
Mrs Chris Bezuidenhout wrote: "My oom en tannie is vandag in die vroe oggend ure in hul huis aangeval. Die hele ding het vir ongeveer 2-3 ure aangehou. My oom (81) slaap in die onderste verdieping en kan sedert n beroerte jare terug nie loop nie en is ook baie beperk in die gebruik van sy arms. Vier swartes het die elektriese heining van die bure se kant af gesny en by n garage venster ingebreuk waarna hul die sekuriteits deur oopgebuig het om toegang tot die huis te verkry. Die Kleurling verpleegkundige is eerste aangeval en het op die grond neergeval nadat sy n kwaai hou oor die kop en oog gekry het. Hulle het my oom toe met n skroewedraaier oor die neus gesny. Die veerpleegkundige het hulle gesmeek om hom te los en gese hy is baie swak. Later het van hulle boontoe gegaan en my tannie het eers wakker geword toe sy uit die bed uit getrek word. Hulle het haar gese sy moet nie n geluid maak nie. Hulle het haar op die vloer neer gegooi en herhaaldelik geskop. Haar ringe is van haar vingers af getrek. Een van hulle het haar met haar kussing begin versmoor. Sy het dit reg gekry om hom deur sy baadtjie op sy arm te byt en het nie laat los tot hy opgehou het nie. Hulle het haar ook met draad gewurg. Haar hande en voete is vas gemaak en sy is onder toe gedra, waar sy by my oom en die verpleegkundige neer gegooi is. Sy het hulle gesmeek om nie my oom leed aan te doen ne, maar elke keer wat sy gesmeek het is sy geskop in die ribbes. Daarna het hul aanhou vra vir die sleutel na die kluis. Een van hulle het selfs water gekook en gese hulle moet dit oor haar uitgooi. Gelukkige het hulle toe nie. n 5de swarte het aan die venster geklop en gese sy maats moet wikkel want daar het n sekuriteits kar verby gery. Hulle het die kluis oopgemaak en n paar ou Kruger rande gesteel as ook ongeveer R1000. Toe hul weg hardloop, het die verpleegkundige opgestaan en n sker gekry om my tannie mee los te sny. Die polisie is gebel en wonderbaarlik was hulle baie gou op die toneel. Die plek het glo gewemel van die polisie. My neef en sy vrou wat in dieselfde buurt woon, het gwese daar ws ongeveer 20 karre buite die huis. Een pes is gevang. My oom, tannie en die verpleegkundige is almal hospitaal toe geneem en weer ontslaan, maar erg geskok.
Ek ken nie die verpleegkundige nie, want sy werk aande en ons gaan kuier nie meer snags daar vandat my oom n beroerte in 2007 gehad het nie. Die verpleegkundige wat in die dag na my oom kyk, Katie, is ook n Kleurling dame en werk al van die begin af daar. Sy en my tannie is baie geheg aan mekaar, en sy het hulle vandag mooi bygestaan. Die een wat daar was tydens die aanval het voor sy huis toe is vir die dag, gese sy kom terug vanaand nes elke ander aand om na my oom te help kyk. Van nag afvat wou sy niks weet nie. Sy het n groot knop op haar kop en haar oog is geswel. My tannie se bolyf is veral erg swart van al die skoppe. Dankie tog hulle leef. Vandag het my tannie op een stadium vir n rukkie aan die slaap geraak toe sy op die bank gesit het, maar toe raak sy skielik wakker en het gedink die aanval is nog aan die gebeur.
Ai fok tog. Ek wil nie eens dink wat sou gebeur het as die sekuriteits kar nie daar verby gery het en hulle weg geskrik het nie. n Klompie jare terug is n bejaarde oom en tannie so blok van my oom hulle af vermoor. Ek se altyd vryheid se gat. Niemand van ons is vry nie, want ons lewe in vrees.
My suster kuier tans in Noorwee. Ons hou die nuus van haar tot sy terug kom. Sy post nou al haar fotos op FB. Mens wil dit nie vir haar bederf nie, maar dis moeilik om kommentaar te lewer op haar fotos terwyl die ander ding in mens se kop vas sit. Ek probeer maar cheerful klink vir haar onthalwe.
Unnamed elderly Afrikaner couple attacked in Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Confirmed by HUMEWOOD police station (Port Elizabeth police station does not exist by that name:) Humewood tel Phone: 041-5045057 Fax: 041-5045208
2012-03-22 Port Elizabeth – Die Burger newspaper reports that the SAPS continue the search for the black assailants of an elderly Afrikaner couple in Somerstrand - who broke into the couple's house and threatened to torture the frail elderly people and assaulted them.
SAPS capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg said one man was arrested immediately after the gruesome incident and shortly thereafter they found two more men carrying a bag filled with 'items'.
The police still have to trace the origin of these latter items to determine whether those two men also were involved in the incident or not.
A total of five black males invaded the home of the couple by breaking through a small window in the garage of the double-storey home.They knew exactly where to go: first bursting into the bedroom of Katie, the long-term coloured medical carer of the 81-year-old Afrikaner who is completely reliant on the carer after suffering a stroke several years earlier. The woman, identified by a relative as 'Katie', said she was very devoted to the family and put up a spirited defence, during which she was badly beaten up.
Janse van Rensburg said next the attackers grabbed the elderly woman from her bed and carried her to her husband's bedroom. They turned on the hot-water kettle threatening to burn the couple with boiling water if they 'did not hand over the keys to the safe'. It's not known how the attackers knew the couple owned a safe.
The couple were assaulted brutally despite their surrending the safe-keys. The contents of the safe, containing a few original Kruger Rands, some jewellery and cash, were looted.
Alas unfortunately for SAPS director Ronald Koll of the Humewood (Port Elizabeth) police station, who claimed only a week earlier that they had 'probably arrested the master-brain behind a series of armed house robberies in this neighbourhood...'
Afrikaner origin of victims confirmed:
Mrs Chris Bezuidenhout wrote: "My oom en tannie is vandag in die vroe oggend ure in hul huis aangeval. Die hele ding het vir ongeveer 2-3 ure aangehou. My oom (81) slaap in die onderste verdieping en kan sedert n beroerte jare terug nie loop nie en is ook baie beperk in die gebruik van sy arms. Vier swartes het die elektriese heining van die bure se kant af gesny en by n garage venster ingebreuk waarna hul die sekuriteits deur oopgebuig het om toegang tot die huis te verkry. Die Kleurling verpleegkundige is eerste aangeval en het op die grond neergeval nadat sy n kwaai hou oor die kop en oog gekry het. Hulle het my oom toe met n skroewedraaier oor die neus gesny. Die veerpleegkundige het hulle gesmeek om hom te los en gese hy is baie swak. Later het van hulle boontoe gegaan en my tannie het eers wakker geword toe sy uit die bed uit getrek word. Hulle het haar gese sy moet nie n geluid maak nie. Hulle het haar op die vloer neer gegooi en herhaaldelik geskop. Haar ringe is van haar vingers af getrek. Een van hulle het haar met haar kussing begin versmoor. Sy het dit reg gekry om hom deur sy baadtjie op sy arm te byt en het nie laat los tot hy opgehou het nie. Hulle het haar ook met draad gewurg. Haar hande en voete is vas gemaak en sy is onder toe gedra, waar sy by my oom en die verpleegkundige neer gegooi is. Sy het hulle gesmeek om nie my oom leed aan te doen ne, maar elke keer wat sy gesmeek het is sy geskop in die ribbes. Daarna het hul aanhou vra vir die sleutel na die kluis. Een van hulle het selfs water gekook en gese hulle moet dit oor haar uitgooi. Gelukkige het hulle toe nie. n 5de swarte het aan die venster geklop en gese sy maats moet wikkel want daar het n sekuriteits kar verby gery. Hulle het die kluis oopgemaak en n paar ou Kruger rande gesteel as ook ongeveer R1000. Toe hul weg hardloop, het die verpleegkundige opgestaan en n sker gekry om my tannie mee los te sny. Die polisie is gebel en wonderbaarlik was hulle baie gou op die toneel. Die plek het glo gewemel van die polisie. My neef en sy vrou wat in dieselfde buurt woon, het gwese daar ws ongeveer 20 karre buite die huis. Een pes is gevang. My oom, tannie en die verpleegkundige is almal hospitaal toe geneem en weer ontslaan, maar erg geskok.
Ek ken nie die verpleegkundige nie, want sy werk aande en ons gaan kuier nie meer snags daar vandat my oom n beroerte in 2007 gehad het nie. Die verpleegkundige wat in die dag na my oom kyk, Katie, is ook n Kleurling dame en werk al van die begin af daar. Sy en my tannie is baie geheg aan mekaar, en sy het hulle vandag mooi bygestaan. Die een wat daar was tydens die aanval het voor sy huis toe is vir die dag, gese sy kom terug vanaand nes elke ander aand om na my oom te help kyk. Van nag afvat wou sy niks weet nie. Sy het n groot knop op haar kop en haar oog is geswel. My tannie se bolyf is veral erg swart van al die skoppe. Dankie tog hulle leef. Vandag het my tannie op een stadium vir n rukkie aan die slaap geraak toe sy op die bank gesit het, maar toe raak sy skielik wakker en het gedink die aanval is nog aan die gebeur.
Ai fok tog. Ek wil nie eens dink wat sou gebeur het as die sekuriteits kar nie daar verby gery het en hulle weg geskrik het nie. n Klompie jare terug is n bejaarde oom en tannie so blok van my oom hulle af vermoor. Ek se altyd vryheid se gat. Niemand van ons is vry nie, want ons lewe in vrees.
My suster kuier tans in Noorwee. Ons hou die nuus van haar tot sy terug kom. Sy post nou al haar fotos op FB. Mens wil dit nie vir haar bederf nie, maar dis moeilik om kommentaar te lewer op haar fotos terwyl die ander ding in mens se kop vas sit. Ek probeer maar cheerful klink vir haar onthalwe.
Roodepoort family attacked by five men from Soweto: police track suspects to their homes, arrest them
Roodepoort family attacked by five men from Soweto
2012-03-24 Five males from Soweto were arrested said SAPS spokesman Katlego Mogale, suspected of attacking an Afrikaner family in Roodepoort and holding them at gunpoint in their home.
Mogale said the Gauteng police's provincial strike-team arrested the gang members in several homes in Soweto "after information was received'.
Stolen goods, four unlicensed firearms, and ammunition were found at the home. The gang was tracked down after they fled in the family's Mercedes-Benz.
Three of the confiscated weapons 'can also be linked to other violent crimes,' he said.
The five suspects are appearing Monday in the Roodepoort regional court for a remand date.
Roodepoort family attacked by five men from Soweto
2012-03-24 Five males from Soweto were arrested said SAPS spokesman Katlego Mogale, suspected of attacking an Afrikaner family in Roodepoort and holding them at gunpoint in their home.
Mogale said the Gauteng police's provincial strike-team arrested the gang members in several homes in Soweto "after information was received'.
Stolen goods, four unlicensed firearms, and ammunition were found at the home. The gang was tracked down after they fled in the family's Mercedes-Benz.
Three of the confiscated weapons 'can also be linked to other violent crimes,' he said.
The five suspects are appearing Monday in the Roodepoort regional court for a remand date.
ANCYL members beat up Afrikaner SABC cameraman Rudi Le Roux Feb 24: got concussed
ANC youth league members assault Afrikaner SABC-cameraman Rudi Le Roux, Feb 24: was ANYBODY ever charged for this? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=393842667308951&set=a.178568022169751.48293.116298045063416&type=1&theater
ANC youth league members assault Afrikaner SABC-cameraman Rudi Le Roux, Feb 24: was ANYBODY ever charged for this? https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=393842667308951&set=a.178568022169751.48293.116298045063416&type=1&theater
Rower brand los; boer verlam
Ügen Vos
’n Boer van Magaliesburg is gedeeltelik verlam nadat hy in ’n plaasaanval in die rugmurg geskiet is.
Mnr. Bouke Tack (57) en sy vrou, Olga (53), bedryf Golden Valley, hul melkboerdery en kaasfabriek, al drie dekades sonder voorvalle.
Nou lê hy in die Milpark-hospitaal in Johannesburg sonder enige gevoel in sy een been en sal hy maande lank rehabilitasie moet kry.
Volgens me. Tack is een van die koeëls nog in sy rugmurg, maar kan die dokters dit nie verwyder nie omdat dit naby ’n sensitiewe werwel is.
Sy het gister vertel sy, haar man en hul seun Marnus (18) het verlede Sondagoggend net voor 07:00 weens blaffende honde en ’n verskriklike gehamer aan hul agterdeur wakker geword.
Hulle het ’n vreemde, gewapende man in die kombuis aangetref wat gesê het iemand slag hul beeste – en toe sy rewolwer op hulle leeg geskiet het.
“Hy was glad nie eens gespanne nie. Dit was vir hom ’n normale gesprek.”
Die egpaar het gehardloop en hul vuurwapen in die kamer gaan haal, waarna mnr. Tack twee skote op die indringer afgevuur het.
Hy het die man verwilder, maar dié het hom in sy vlugtog deur die ruit gewond.
Die aanvaller en nog vier mans het in ’n motor weggejaag.
Marnus het noodhulp op sy gewonde pa toegepas terwyl sy ma gesukkel het om ’n selfoonsein te kry en hulp te ontbied.
Sy het uiteindelik ’n buurvrou bereik en dié het die polisie en paramedici ontbied.
Die bure het mnr. Tack in die motor help laai en twee paramedici het hulle langs die pad ontmoet, waarna mnr. Tack per helikopter na Milpark geneem is.
“Oom Bouke was dadelik verlam en daar was baie bloed, maar ek het nog nooit in my lewe ’n geval gesien waar bure só saamstaan nie,” het me. Tack gesê.
Intussen het die aanvallers hulle in die polisie vasgery. Drie, onder wie ’n plaaswerker wat drie maande by die Tacks gewerk het, is aangekeer. Die skieter en nog ’n man het weggekom.
“Ek dink nie dit was ’n rasseding of dat dit oor politieke sensasie gaan nie, maar was ’n fyn beplande en afstootlike aanval,” het me. Tack gesê.
“Daar is ’n eiegeregtigheid en ’n wetteloosheid wat in Suid-Afrika posvat en of sulke aanvalle op plase of in die townships plaasvind, maak nie saak nie; iemand moet die slagoffers ’n stem gee.”
’n Boer van Magaliesburg is gedeeltelik verlam nadat hy in ’n plaasaanval in die rugmurg geskiet is.
Mnr. Bouke Tack (57) en sy vrou, Olga (53), bedryf Golden Valley, hul melkboerdery en kaasfabriek, al drie dekades sonder voorvalle.
Nou lê hy in die Milpark-hospitaal in Johannesburg sonder enige gevoel in sy een been en sal hy maande lank rehabilitasie moet kry.
Volgens me. Tack is een van die koeëls nog in sy rugmurg, maar kan die dokters dit nie verwyder nie omdat dit naby ’n sensitiewe werwel is.
Sy het gister vertel sy, haar man en hul seun Marnus (18) het verlede Sondagoggend net voor 07:00 weens blaffende honde en ’n verskriklike gehamer aan hul agterdeur wakker geword.
Hulle het ’n vreemde, gewapende man in die kombuis aangetref wat gesê het iemand slag hul beeste – en toe sy rewolwer op hulle leeg geskiet het.
“Hy was glad nie eens gespanne nie. Dit was vir hom ’n normale gesprek.”
Die egpaar het gehardloop en hul vuurwapen in die kamer gaan haal, waarna mnr. Tack twee skote op die indringer afgevuur het.
Hy het die man verwilder, maar dié het hom in sy vlugtog deur die ruit gewond.
Die aanvaller en nog vier mans het in ’n motor weggejaag.
Marnus het noodhulp op sy gewonde pa toegepas terwyl sy ma gesukkel het om ’n selfoonsein te kry en hulp te ontbied.
Sy het uiteindelik ’n buurvrou bereik en dié het die polisie en paramedici ontbied.
Die bure het mnr. Tack in die motor help laai en twee paramedici het hulle langs die pad ontmoet, waarna mnr. Tack per helikopter na Milpark geneem is.
“Oom Bouke was dadelik verlam en daar was baie bloed, maar ek het nog nooit in my lewe ’n geval gesien waar bure só saamstaan nie,” het me. Tack gesê.
Intussen het die aanvallers hulle in die polisie vasgery. Drie, onder wie ’n plaaswerker wat drie maande by die Tacks gewerk het, is aangekeer. Die skieter en nog ’n man het weggekom.
“Ek dink nie dit was ’n rasseding of dat dit oor politieke sensasie gaan nie, maar was ’n fyn beplande en afstootlike aanval,” het me. Tack gesê.
“Daar is ’n eiegeregtigheid en ’n wetteloosheid wat in Suid-Afrika posvat en of sulke aanvalle op plase of in die townships plaasvind, maak nie saak nie; iemand moet die slagoffers ’n stem gee.”
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Umarmed Mr Blignaut attacked, knifed, Brackenfell Tygerberg home: cursed for 'white trash' - video
The unarmed Mr Blignaut was attacked, knifed at Brackenfell, Tygerberg home: cursed for 'white trash" http://youtu.be/DdlmQrYjJvc
He says the first thought was to 'survive' and that these men were targetting him to 'get to him personally'. That they called him 'white trash' and tried to tear off the security door in their attempt to get to him.
Afrikaners are under siege all over South Africa: including from their own government who has barred the working-class Afrikaners like this specifically from the job market - even their disabled and their women now are barred from working in the labour market -- by law.
And then they get attacked at their own homes and cursed as 'white trash' - because they are growing very poor now.
The unarmed Mr Blignaut was attacked, knifed at Brackenfell, Tygerberg home: cursed for 'white trash" http://youtu.be/DdlmQrYjJvc
He says the first thought was to 'survive' and that these men were targetting him to 'get to him personally'. That they called him 'white trash' and tried to tear off the security door in their attempt to get to him.
Afrikaners are under siege all over South Africa: including from their own government who has barred the working-class Afrikaners like this specifically from the job market - even their disabled and their women now are barred from working in the labour market -- by law.
And then they get attacked at their own homes and cursed as 'white trash' - because they are growing very poor now.
Trevor and Laura Rees: murdered Sunday, Masefield Street, Farrarmere, Benoni
Laura Rees' throat was cut, Trevor Rees was killed with hammer-blows:
Elderly couple, in their eighties, were all set to travel to visit family Australia
2012-03-21 2 Wolfram Zwecker Die bejaarde egpaar wie se lyke eergisteraand in hul huis in Farrarmere, Benoni, gekry is, was twee pragtige, goeie mense wat hul oudag wou geniet en daarna uitgesien het om hul seun en die kleinkinders in Australië te gaan besoek. Hulle dood was so sinloos, het eerw. William Mostert van die Anglikaanse kerk in Farrarmere gistermiddag voor die huis gesê waar mnr. Trevor Rees en sy vrou, Laura, vermoedelik ’n paar dae gelede vermoor is. Albei was in die 80.
Hul seun, Glenn, ook ’n predikant, woon ’n paar honderd kilometer noord van Melbourne in Australië. Hy sou gisteraand na Suid-Afrika vlieg vir die begrafnisse, het me. Dianne van Niekerk, ’n vriendin van die egpaar, gister gesê. Forensiese kundiges het gisteroggend nog na leidrade in die huis in Masefieldstraat gesoek. Volgens kapt. Alfred Nakana, woordvoerder van die Benoni-polisiegroep, het hulle die man se lyk in die buitekamer, waar hy houtwerk gedoen het, gekry.
Die vrou se lyk is op haar bed in die slaapkamer gekry. Sy het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n beroerte gekry en gesukkel om te loop. Haar loopraam het langs die bed gestaan. Hy is blykbaar met ’n hamer geslaan en verskeie kere met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek. Me. Rees se keel is blykbaar afgesny. Sy het vermoedelik doodgebloei. Die toestand van die lyke het die vermoede laat ontstaan dat die egpaar reeds ’n dag of twee tevore vermoor is.
In dié stadium word net die egpaar se Daihatsu Charade en selfone vermis. Dis onbekend of daar geld in die huis was.
Mostert het hulle verlede Donderdag laas gesien toe hy hulle dokumente vir hul beplande vakansie in Australië laat onderteken het. Hulle sou die naweek vertrek het. “Blykbaar het die seun of vriende probeer om die egpaar te bel, maar geen antwoord gekry nie en die kerk gevra om ondersoek in te stel. Ek bly net so ’n straat weg en het toe Dinsdagmiddag kom kyk, maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Later het ek weer kom kyk, maar weer geen antwoord gekry nie en toe die veiligheidsbeamptes laat kom,” het Mostert gesê. Veiligheidsbeamptes en die polisie het van die huisdeure afgebreek en die twee lyke gekry. Niemand is nog in verband met die moorde in hegtenis geneem nie.
RT @PigSpotter: March 21 2012: Keep eye out for black males in 1980 FVX551GP Red Charade: Linked to slaughter of 3 elderly Afrikaners in Benoni
2012-03-20 23:10 Beeld: Louise Ferreira
-- Die lyke van ’n bejaarde egpaar wat vermoedelik Sondag vermoor is, is gisteraand in hul huis in Benoni ontdek.
Die man en vrou, albei in die 70, het in Masefieldstraat in Farrarmere gewoon. Kapt. Alfred Nakana van die polisie het gesê daar was baie bloed op die toneel. ’n Skerp voorwerp is waarskynlik gebruik. BENONI SAPS Phone: 011-7470000 Fax: 011-7470219 -
Laura Rees' throat was cut, Trevor Rees was killed with hammer-blows:
Elderly couple, in their eighties, were all set to travel to visit family Australia
2012-03-21 2 Wolfram Zwecker Die bejaarde egpaar wie se lyke eergisteraand in hul huis in Farrarmere, Benoni, gekry is, was twee pragtige, goeie mense wat hul oudag wou geniet en daarna uitgesien het om hul seun en die kleinkinders in Australië te gaan besoek. Hulle dood was so sinloos, het eerw. William Mostert van die Anglikaanse kerk in Farrarmere gistermiddag voor die huis gesê waar mnr. Trevor Rees en sy vrou, Laura, vermoedelik ’n paar dae gelede vermoor is. Albei was in die 80.
Hul seun, Glenn, ook ’n predikant, woon ’n paar honderd kilometer noord van Melbourne in Australië. Hy sou gisteraand na Suid-Afrika vlieg vir die begrafnisse, het me. Dianne van Niekerk, ’n vriendin van die egpaar, gister gesê. Forensiese kundiges het gisteroggend nog na leidrade in die huis in Masefieldstraat gesoek. Volgens kapt. Alfred Nakana, woordvoerder van die Benoni-polisiegroep, het hulle die man se lyk in die buitekamer, waar hy houtwerk gedoen het, gekry.
Die vrou se lyk is op haar bed in die slaapkamer gekry. Sy het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n beroerte gekry en gesukkel om te loop. Haar loopraam het langs die bed gestaan. Hy is blykbaar met ’n hamer geslaan en verskeie kere met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek. Me. Rees se keel is blykbaar afgesny. Sy het vermoedelik doodgebloei. Die toestand van die lyke het die vermoede laat ontstaan dat die egpaar reeds ’n dag of twee tevore vermoor is.
In dié stadium word net die egpaar se Daihatsu Charade en selfone vermis. Dis onbekend of daar geld in die huis was.
Mostert het hulle verlede Donderdag laas gesien toe hy hulle dokumente vir hul beplande vakansie in Australië laat onderteken het. Hulle sou die naweek vertrek het. “Blykbaar het die seun of vriende probeer om die egpaar te bel, maar geen antwoord gekry nie en die kerk gevra om ondersoek in te stel. Ek bly net so ’n straat weg en het toe Dinsdagmiddag kom kyk, maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Later het ek weer kom kyk, maar weer geen antwoord gekry nie en toe die veiligheidsbeamptes laat kom,” het Mostert gesê. Veiligheidsbeamptes en die polisie het van die huisdeure afgebreek en die twee lyke gekry. Niemand is nog in verband met die moorde in hegtenis geneem nie.
RT @PigSpotter: March 21 2012: Keep eye out for black males in 1980 FVX551GP Red Charade: Linked to slaughter of 3 elderly Afrikaners in Benoni
2012-03-20 23:10 Beeld: Louise Ferreira
-- Die lyke van ’n bejaarde egpaar wat vermoedelik Sondag vermoor is, is gisteraand in hul huis in Benoni ontdek.
Die man en vrou, albei in die 70, het in Masefieldstraat in Farrarmere gewoon. Kapt. Alfred Nakana van die polisie het gesê daar was baie bloed op die toneel. ’n Skerp voorwerp is waarskynlik gebruik. BENONI SAPS Phone: 011-7470000 Fax: 011-7470219 -
Afrikaans high school kid stabbed, critically injured, Vryheid HS, charged is Mpilo Mthobisi Khoza (19)
Met mes gesteek by skole se rugby
2012-03-19 Alet Rademeyer - ’n Uitblinker-rugbyspeler van die Hoërskool Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal is Saterdagoggend erg beseer toe ’n medeskolier hom kort voor die wedstryd met ’n mes toegetakel het.
GPS 27.4601 30.4706
Net voordat die skool se eerste span op die veld sou draf, is die speler in die tonnel voorgelê en twee keer in die rug gesteek.
Hy het die derde messteek glo met sy hand probeer keer en is lelik gesny.
Hy is na ’n hospitaal gehaas waar spiere aan sy hand geheg moes word en kommer oor die gebruik van twee van sy vingers uitgespreek is, het Beeld verneem.
Hy is gister ontslaan en sal vir die res van die week tuis aansterk.
Plaaslike man Mpilo Mthobisi Khoza (19) is die naweek in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem. Hy is in die plaaslike landdroshof van aanranding met die opset om ernstig te beseer aangekla.
Die saak is vir verdere ondersoek uitgestel en hy sal volgende maand weer in die hof verskyn.Hy is gister op borgtog van R1 000 vrygelaat.
’n Ingeligte het gesê in ag geneme die posisie van die messteke was die slagoffer baie, baie 'gelukkig'.
Die messekery spruit glo uit ’n voorval verlede week in ’n klas waar ’n geskil tussen die rugbyspeler en die vermeende messteker ontstaan het toe laasgenoemde aangespreek is oor sy houding en taalgebruik teenoor ’n onderwyseres.
Die skool het navrae gister na mnr. Johan Coetzer, voorsitter van die beheerliggaam, verwys. Hy het gesê die saak is sub judice en hy kan nie kommentaar lewer nie.
Met mes gesteek by skole se rugby
2012-03-19 Alet Rademeyer - ’n Uitblinker-rugbyspeler van die Hoërskool Vryheid in KwaZulu-Natal is Saterdagoggend erg beseer toe ’n medeskolier hom kort voor die wedstryd met ’n mes toegetakel het.
GPS 27.4601 30.4706
Net voordat die skool se eerste span op die veld sou draf, is die speler in die tonnel voorgelê en twee keer in die rug gesteek.
Hy het die derde messteek glo met sy hand probeer keer en is lelik gesny.
Hy is na ’n hospitaal gehaas waar spiere aan sy hand geheg moes word en kommer oor die gebruik van twee van sy vingers uitgespreek is, het Beeld verneem.
Hy is gister ontslaan en sal vir die res van die week tuis aansterk.
Plaaslike man Mpilo Mthobisi Khoza (19) is die naweek in verband met die voorval in hegtenis geneem. Hy is in die plaaslike landdroshof van aanranding met die opset om ernstig te beseer aangekla.
Die saak is vir verdere ondersoek uitgestel en hy sal volgende maand weer in die hof verskyn.Hy is gister op borgtog van R1 000 vrygelaat.
’n Ingeligte het gesê in ag geneme die posisie van die messteke was die slagoffer baie, baie 'gelukkig'.
Die messekery spruit glo uit ’n voorval verlede week in ’n klas waar ’n geskil tussen die rugbyspeler en die vermeende messteker ontstaan het toe laasgenoemde aangespreek is oor sy houding en taalgebruik teenoor ’n onderwyseres.
Die skool het navrae gister na mnr. Johan Coetzer, voorsitter van die beheerliggaam, verwys. Hy het gesê die saak is sub judice en hy kan nie kommentaar lewer nie.
Afrikaner Lourens family attacked in Parys: two prized German Shephard dogs poisoned - PICS
Lourens Erasmus: dad's two beloved shepherd dogs poisoned in Parys -- March 20 2012 -Louerasmus@hotmail.com:
GPS 26.53 and 27.27
PARYS, Free State, South Africa. The heartless barbarians have poisoned my dad's beloved two German Shephard dogs last Wednesday-night in Parys.My dad says it will take him a year just to get over their deaths. Losing those dogs was like losing one's family.The male was a superbreed-dog with his own character and a one-off.
They poisoned the dogs with sausage stuffed with Two Step agricultural poison and then broke into his home at 3am the same morning.Thepictures show an entire bag of sausages mixed with two-step which they dropped in their hurry to flee.My dad woke up and when he wanted to run and get his gun OUT OF THE GUN-SAFE my brother shouted when they shone a flashlight on his face in his bedroom. They ran away before my dad could fetch his gun.My dad figured that with the dogs he felt safe.
Lourens Erasmus: dad's two beloved shepherd dogs poisoned in Parys -- March 20 2012 -Louerasmus@hotmail.com:
GPS 26.53 and 27.27
PARYS, Free State, South Africa. The heartless barbarians have poisoned my dad's beloved two German Shephard dogs last Wednesday-night in Parys.My dad says it will take him a year just to get over their deaths. Losing those dogs was like losing one's family.The male was a superbreed-dog with his own character and a one-off.
They poisoned the dogs with sausage stuffed with Two Step agricultural poison and then broke into his home at 3am the same morning.Thepictures show an entire bag of sausages mixed with two-step which they dropped in their hurry to flee.My dad woke up and when he wanted to run and get his gun OUT OF THE GUN-SAFE my brother shouted when they shone a flashlight on his face in his bedroom. They ran away before my dad could fetch his gun.My dad figured that with the dogs he felt safe.
Elderly Afrikaner couple assaulted, extensively tortured: Summer Strand, Port Elizabeth
Unnamed elderly Afrikaner couple attacked in Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Confirmed by HUMEWOOD police station (Port Elizabeth police station does not exist by that name:) Humewood tel Phone: 041-5045057 Fax: 041-5045208
2012-03-22 Port Elizabeth – Die Burger newspaper reports that the SAPS continue the search for the black assailants of an elderly Afrikaner couple in Somerstrand - who broke into the couple's house and threatened to torture the frail elderly people and assaulted them.
SAPS capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg said one man was arrested immediately after the gruesome incident and shortly thereafter they found two more men carrying a bag filled with 'items'.
The police still have to trace the origin of these latter items to determine whether those two men also were involved in the incident or not.
A total of five black males invaded the home of the couple by breaking through a small window in the garage of the double-storey home.They knew exactly where to go: first bursting into the bedroom of Katie, the long-term coloured medical carer of the 81-year-old Afrikaner who is completely reliant on the carer after suffering a stroke several years earlier. The woman, identified by a relative as 'Katie', said she was very devoted to the family and put up a spirited defence, during which she was badly beaten up.
Janse van Rensburg said next the attackers grabbed the elderly woman from her bed and carried her to her husband's bedroom. They turned on the hot-water kettle threatening to burn the couple with boiling water if they 'did not hand over the keys to the safe'. It's not known how the attackers knew the couple owned a safe.
The couple were assaulted brutally despite their surrending the safe-keys. The contents of the safe, containing a few original Kruger Rands, some jewellery and cash, were looted.
Alas unfortunately for SAPS director Ronald Koll of the Humewood (Port Elizabeth) police station, who claimed only a week earlier that they had 'probably arrested the master-brain behind a series of armed house robberies in this neighbourhood...'
Afrikaner origin of victims confirmed:
Mrs Chris Bezuidenhout wrote: "My oom en tannie is vandag in die vroe oggend ure in hul huis aangeval. Die hele ding het vir ongeveer 2-3 ure aangehou. My oom (81) slaap in die onderste verdieping en kan sedert n beroerte jare terug nie loop nie en is ook baie beperk in die gebruik van sy arms. Vier swartes het die elektriese heining van die bure se kant af gesny en by n garage venster ingebreuk waarna hul die sekuriteits deur oopgebuig het om toegang tot die huis te verkry. Die Kleurling verpleegkundige is eerste aangeval en het op die grond neergeval nadat sy n kwaai hou oor die kop en oog gekry het. Hulle het my oom toe met n skroewedraaier oor die neus gesny. Die veerpleegkundige het hulle gesmeek om hom te los en gese hy is baie swak. Later het van hulle boontoe gegaan en my tannie het eers wakker geword toe sy uit die bed uit getrek word. Hulle het haar gese sy moet nie n geluid maak nie. Hulle het haar op die vloer neer gegooi en herhaaldelik geskop. Haar ringe is van haar vingers af getrek. Een van hulle het haar met haar kussing begin versmoor. Sy het dit reg gekry om hom deur sy baadtjie op sy arm te byt en het nie laat los tot hy opgehou het nie. Hulle het haar ook met draad gewurg. Haar hande en voete is vas gemaak en sy is onder toe gedra, waar sy by my oom en die verpleegkundige neer gegooi is. Sy het hulle gesmeek om nie my oom leed aan te doen ne, maar elke keer wat sy gesmeek het is sy geskop in die ribbes. Daarna het hul aanhou vra vir die sleutel na die kluis. Een van hulle het selfs water gekook en gese hulle moet dit oor haar uitgooi. Gelukkige het hulle toe nie. n 5de swarte het aan die venster geklop en gese sy maats moet wikkel want daar het n sekuriteits kar verby gery. Hulle het die kluis oopgemaak en n paar ou Kruger rande gesteel as ook ongeveer R1000. Toe hul weg hardloop, het die verpleegkundige opgestaan en n sker gekry om my tannie mee los te sny. Die polisie is gebel en wonderbaarlik was hulle baie gou op die toneel. Die plek het glo gewemel van die polisie. My neef en sy vrou wat in dieselfde buurt woon, het gwese daar ws ongeveer 20 karre buite die huis. Een pes is gevang. My oom, tannie en die verpleegkundige is almal hospitaal toe geneem en weer ontslaan, maar erg geskok.
Ek ken nie die verpleegkundige nie, want sy werk aande en ons gaan kuier nie meer snags daar vandat my oom n beroerte in 2007 gehad het nie. Die verpleegkundige wat in die dag na my oom kyk, Katie, is ook n Kleurling dame en werk al van die begin af daar. Sy en my tannie is baie geheg aan mekaar, en sy het hulle vandag mooi bygestaan. Die een wat daar was tydens die aanval het voor sy huis toe is vir die dag, gese sy kom terug vanaand nes elke ander aand om na my oom te help kyk. Van nag afvat wou sy niks weet nie. Sy het n groot knop op haar kop en haar oog is geswel. My tannie se bolyf is veral erg swart van al die skoppe. Dankie tog hulle leef. Vandag het my tannie op een stadium vir n rukkie aan die slaap geraak toe sy op die bank gesit het, maar toe raak sy skielik wakker en het gedink die aanval is nog aan die gebeur.
Ai fok tog. Ek wil nie eens dink wat sou gebeur het as die sekuriteits kar nie daar verby gery het en hulle weg geskrik het nie. n Klompie jare terug is n bejaarde oom en tannie so blok van my oom hulle af vermoor. Ek se altyd vryheid se gat. Niemand van ons is vry nie, want ons lewe in vrees.
My suster kuier tans in Noorwee. Ons hou die nuus van haar tot sy terug kom. Sy post nou al haar fotos op FB. Mens wil dit nie vir haar bederf nie, maar dis moeilik om kommentaar te lewer op haar fotos terwyl die ander ding in mens se kop vas sit. Ek probeer maar cheerful klink vir haar onthalwe.
Unnamed elderly Afrikaner couple attacked in Somerstrand, Port Elizabeth
Confirmed by HUMEWOOD police station (Port Elizabeth police station does not exist by that name:) Humewood tel Phone: 041-5045057 Fax: 041-5045208
2012-03-22 Port Elizabeth – Die Burger newspaper reports that the SAPS continue the search for the black assailants of an elderly Afrikaner couple in Somerstrand - who broke into the couple's house and threatened to torture the frail elderly people and assaulted them.
SAPS capt Sandra Janse van Rensburg said one man was arrested immediately after the gruesome incident and shortly thereafter they found two more men carrying a bag filled with 'items'.
The police still have to trace the origin of these latter items to determine whether those two men also were involved in the incident or not.
A total of five black males invaded the home of the couple by breaking through a small window in the garage of the double-storey home.They knew exactly where to go: first bursting into the bedroom of Katie, the long-term coloured medical carer of the 81-year-old Afrikaner who is completely reliant on the carer after suffering a stroke several years earlier. The woman, identified by a relative as 'Katie', said she was very devoted to the family and put up a spirited defence, during which she was badly beaten up.
Janse van Rensburg said next the attackers grabbed the elderly woman from her bed and carried her to her husband's bedroom. They turned on the hot-water kettle threatening to burn the couple with boiling water if they 'did not hand over the keys to the safe'. It's not known how the attackers knew the couple owned a safe.
The couple were assaulted brutally despite their surrending the safe-keys. The contents of the safe, containing a few original Kruger Rands, some jewellery and cash, were looted.
Alas unfortunately for SAPS director Ronald Koll of the Humewood (Port Elizabeth) police station, who claimed only a week earlier that they had 'probably arrested the master-brain behind a series of armed house robberies in this neighbourhood...'
Afrikaner origin of victims confirmed:
Mrs Chris Bezuidenhout wrote: "My oom en tannie is vandag in die vroe oggend ure in hul huis aangeval. Die hele ding het vir ongeveer 2-3 ure aangehou. My oom (81) slaap in die onderste verdieping en kan sedert n beroerte jare terug nie loop nie en is ook baie beperk in die gebruik van sy arms. Vier swartes het die elektriese heining van die bure se kant af gesny en by n garage venster ingebreuk waarna hul die sekuriteits deur oopgebuig het om toegang tot die huis te verkry. Die Kleurling verpleegkundige is eerste aangeval en het op die grond neergeval nadat sy n kwaai hou oor die kop en oog gekry het. Hulle het my oom toe met n skroewedraaier oor die neus gesny. Die veerpleegkundige het hulle gesmeek om hom te los en gese hy is baie swak. Later het van hulle boontoe gegaan en my tannie het eers wakker geword toe sy uit die bed uit getrek word. Hulle het haar gese sy moet nie n geluid maak nie. Hulle het haar op die vloer neer gegooi en herhaaldelik geskop. Haar ringe is van haar vingers af getrek. Een van hulle het haar met haar kussing begin versmoor. Sy het dit reg gekry om hom deur sy baadtjie op sy arm te byt en het nie laat los tot hy opgehou het nie. Hulle het haar ook met draad gewurg. Haar hande en voete is vas gemaak en sy is onder toe gedra, waar sy by my oom en die verpleegkundige neer gegooi is. Sy het hulle gesmeek om nie my oom leed aan te doen ne, maar elke keer wat sy gesmeek het is sy geskop in die ribbes. Daarna het hul aanhou vra vir die sleutel na die kluis. Een van hulle het selfs water gekook en gese hulle moet dit oor haar uitgooi. Gelukkige het hulle toe nie. n 5de swarte het aan die venster geklop en gese sy maats moet wikkel want daar het n sekuriteits kar verby gery. Hulle het die kluis oopgemaak en n paar ou Kruger rande gesteel as ook ongeveer R1000. Toe hul weg hardloop, het die verpleegkundige opgestaan en n sker gekry om my tannie mee los te sny. Die polisie is gebel en wonderbaarlik was hulle baie gou op die toneel. Die plek het glo gewemel van die polisie. My neef en sy vrou wat in dieselfde buurt woon, het gwese daar ws ongeveer 20 karre buite die huis. Een pes is gevang. My oom, tannie en die verpleegkundige is almal hospitaal toe geneem en weer ontslaan, maar erg geskok.
Ek ken nie die verpleegkundige nie, want sy werk aande en ons gaan kuier nie meer snags daar vandat my oom n beroerte in 2007 gehad het nie. Die verpleegkundige wat in die dag na my oom kyk, Katie, is ook n Kleurling dame en werk al van die begin af daar. Sy en my tannie is baie geheg aan mekaar, en sy het hulle vandag mooi bygestaan. Die een wat daar was tydens die aanval het voor sy huis toe is vir die dag, gese sy kom terug vanaand nes elke ander aand om na my oom te help kyk. Van nag afvat wou sy niks weet nie. Sy het n groot knop op haar kop en haar oog is geswel. My tannie se bolyf is veral erg swart van al die skoppe. Dankie tog hulle leef. Vandag het my tannie op een stadium vir n rukkie aan die slaap geraak toe sy op die bank gesit het, maar toe raak sy skielik wakker en het gedink die aanval is nog aan die gebeur.
Ai fok tog. Ek wil nie eens dink wat sou gebeur het as die sekuriteits kar nie daar verby gery het en hulle weg geskrik het nie. n Klompie jare terug is n bejaarde oom en tannie so blok van my oom hulle af vermoor. Ek se altyd vryheid se gat. Niemand van ons is vry nie, want ons lewe in vrees.
My suster kuier tans in Noorwee. Ons hou die nuus van haar tot sy terug kom. Sy post nou al haar fotos op FB. Mens wil dit nie vir haar bederf nie, maar dis moeilik om kommentaar te lewer op haar fotos terwyl die ander ding in mens se kop vas sit. Ek probeer maar cheerful klink vir haar onthalwe.
Harrismith farmer Tjokkie Venter, 36, stabbed in face, beaten with steel bars by illegal occupants of farm owned by SA National Road Agency SANRAL
Harrismith farmer Tjokkie Venter, 36, stabbed in face, beaten with steel bars by illegal occupants of State-owned farm:
It was confirmed by HARRISMITH SAPS tel 058-6241000 Fax: 058-6221057 that five black males were arrested for the assault on local farmer:
2012-03-21 08:02 Harrismith – Local farmer Tjokkie Venter, 36, is in hospital after he was seriously assaulted: people stabbed him in the face and beat him with a steel-bar on March 20 2012 while he was busy demolishing a steel-structure on a farm which was bought up by the South African National Road Agency SANRAL. Mr Venter, who owns the farm Gegund, was doing a contract-job for SANRAL's newly-purchased farm Uitvlugt. Sanral purchased this valuable agricultural land for road-building purposes - however there are black squatters on the farm who refuse to budge and claim the farm belongs to them - not to the State. Local citizen-patrol member Piet Roetz said Venter was brutally assaulted by the illegal residents. SANRAL bought a number of large farms in the area to help in its expansion-plans for the N3 freeway between Johannesburg and Durban. The farm house and barns of the farm were already broken down and Venter was busy breaking down another steel-structure on the property when he was accosted. One of the farm-occupiers, the man's son and two other men were arrested for allegedly stabbing Mr Venter in the face and beating him over the head with steel pipes. Mr Venter's dad Albert was with him during the assault and immediately warned the local SAPS. SAPS spokesman Majang Skalkie confirmed that the police were on the scene very quickly and that they had arrested a group of males against whom charges of serious assault would be investigated. At the time of going to press yesterday, there was no report of the victim's condition in hospital. Ambulance services said he was unconscious when taken to hospital.
Harrismith farmer Tjokkie Venter, 36, stabbed in face, beaten with steel bars by illegal occupants of State-owned farm:
It was confirmed by HARRISMITH SAPS tel 058-6241000 Fax: 058-6221057 that five black males were arrested for the assault on local farmer:
2012-03-21 08:02 Harrismith – Local farmer Tjokkie Venter, 36, is in hospital after he was seriously assaulted: people stabbed him in the face and beat him with a steel-bar on March 20 2012 while he was busy demolishing a steel-structure on a farm which was bought up by the South African National Road Agency SANRAL. Mr Venter, who owns the farm Gegund, was doing a contract-job for SANRAL's newly-purchased farm Uitvlugt. Sanral purchased this valuable agricultural land for road-building purposes - however there are black squatters on the farm who refuse to budge and claim the farm belongs to them - not to the State. Local citizen-patrol member Piet Roetz said Venter was brutally assaulted by the illegal residents. SANRAL bought a number of large farms in the area to help in its expansion-plans for the N3 freeway between Johannesburg and Durban. The farm house and barns of the farm were already broken down and Venter was busy breaking down another steel-structure on the property when he was accosted. One of the farm-occupiers, the man's son and two other men were arrested for allegedly stabbing Mr Venter in the face and beating him over the head with steel pipes. Mr Venter's dad Albert was with him during the assault and immediately warned the local SAPS. SAPS spokesman Majang Skalkie confirmed that the police were on the scene very quickly and that they had arrested a group of males against whom charges of serious assault would be investigated. At the time of going to press yesterday, there was no report of the victim's condition in hospital. Ambulance services said he was unconscious when taken to hospital.
66 of 283 municipalities are in financial distress:
Lack of management experience and -skills threaten the financial stability of many municipalities, according to the latest Ratings Afrika Municipal Financial Stability Index released in February 2012. The Western Cape and other region's DA run municipalities scored tops overall. The the Eastern Cape scored 4th overall – behind the Western Cape, KZN and the Northern Cape. The lowest scoring province overall was the Free State, with a score of 36 out of 100.
This follows a report released but the National Treasury last month that indicated that 66 of the country’s 283 municipalities were in financial distress by last June. Political interference in the financial management of municipalities was cited as an issue by the Treasury. “Proper procedures are undermined. The result is that the management of municipal finances deteriorate.” The report cited under spending of capital budgets and overspending of operation budgets as reasons for service delivery deteriorating. Midvaal, the only DA-governed municipality in Gauteng, was ranked the best municipality in the province by Ratings Afrika. This is the latest in a string of accolades for Midvaal that includes awards for job creation, service delivery and quality of life. Johannesburg was rated the worst-performing metro in the country with a ranking of 26 index points. DA-governed Cape Town, by contrast, was rated the top performing metro with a ranking of 63 index points. The difference between these two metros is like night and day. While Johannesburg falters as a result of billing chaos and inability to collect revenue, Cape Town prospers through sound financial management and the roll-out of services for all.
The worst municipality in the Eastern Cape was Kouga (Jeffreys Bay)with 67,4% of pending on staff costs and only 6% on maintenance.
Buffalo City Metro also performed poorly, which is not surprising as the institution has not had a permanent CFO for several years and has a history of under-spending on its capital budget.-- Summary by Lance Weyer, Democratic Alliance Proportional Representative Councillor, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
This follows a report released but the National Treasury last month that indicated that 66 of the country’s 283 municipalities were in financial distress by last June. Political interference in the financial management of municipalities was cited as an issue by the Treasury. “Proper procedures are undermined. The result is that the management of municipal finances deteriorate.” The report cited under spending of capital budgets and overspending of operation budgets as reasons for service delivery deteriorating. Midvaal, the only DA-governed municipality in Gauteng, was ranked the best municipality in the province by Ratings Afrika. This is the latest in a string of accolades for Midvaal that includes awards for job creation, service delivery and quality of life. Johannesburg was rated the worst-performing metro in the country with a ranking of 26 index points. DA-governed Cape Town, by contrast, was rated the top performing metro with a ranking of 63 index points. The difference between these two metros is like night and day. While Johannesburg falters as a result of billing chaos and inability to collect revenue, Cape Town prospers through sound financial management and the roll-out of services for all.
The worst municipality in the Eastern Cape was Kouga (Jeffreys Bay)with 67,4% of pending on staff costs and only 6% on maintenance.
Buffalo City Metro also performed poorly, which is not surprising as the institution has not had a permanent CFO for several years and has a history of under-spending on its capital budget.-- Summary by Lance Weyer, Democratic Alliance Proportional Representative Councillor, Buffalo City Metropolitan Municipality
The new amendments to the ANC’s ‘black-African job-rights bill’ now ELIMINATES all white people including disabled ones: ‘
--- “The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) Amendment Bill eliminates all white people including the disabled whites: 'The definition of black people is now clear and aligned with the Constitution. There has been widespread criticism that white women were "benefitting disproportionately" from black economic empowerment with their black counterparts relegated to the bottom rung of the drive to redress societal inequalities. The Black Management Forum has been leading the calls for white women to be excluded after it came to light that they were the fastest rising category of people in terms of employment equity. White women found guilty of ‘fronting’ could face jail terms of up to 10 years…In terms of the proposed amendments, those involved in fronting could face jail terms of up to 10 years or be fined 2%-10% of annual turnover depending on the seriousness of the incident. In addition, contracts awarded to guilty companies could be cancelled.Further, the amended law requires the government and its agencies (and its tender companies) to comply. The auditor-general will audit and report on BEE compliance for government departments.Stock exchange-listed companies will be required to submit annual reports to the B-BBEE Commission, which the amendments propose. The commission’s function would include supervising adherence to the act.It would further receive and investigate complaints relating to B-BBEE, and maintain a registry of major empowerment transactions. “The proposals are a bold move and demonstrate government’s commitment to ensure successful implementation of BEE,” Tlhoaele said.
The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Bill closes many loopholes in the current BEE Act – a move that is long overdue.”
-- http://www.thenewage.co.za/mobi/Detail.aspx?NewsID=38293&CatID=9
-- http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2012/01/all-whites-barred-from-job-market-anc.html
--- http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2012/03/anc-regime-reinstates-apartheid.html
The Broad-based Black Economic Empowerment Amendment Bill closes many loopholes in the current BEE Act – a move that is long overdue.”
-- http://www.thenewage.co.za/mobi/Detail.aspx?NewsID=38293&CatID=9
-- http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2012/01/all-whites-barred-from-job-market-anc.html
--- http://censorbugbear-reports.blogspot.com/2012/03/anc-regime-reinstates-apartheid.html
Verkoolde lyk agter stuur in veld gekry
Wolfram Zwecker
Die verkoolde lyk van vermoedelik ’n man wat eergistermiddag laas lewend gesien is toe hy sy tuinier huis toe gevat het, is gisteroggend in sy uitgebrande bakkie in die veld by die Blesbokspruit-natuurreservaat net buite Springs gevind.
Die slagoffer se bakkie is tydens die soektog na hom uit ’n polisiehelikopter gesien. Die onherkenbaar verkoolde lyk is agter die stuurwiel gevind.
Volgens kapt. Johannes Ramphora, woordvoerder van die Springs-polisie, het ’n vrou van Selcourt Woensdagmiddag haar man as vermis by die polisie aangemeld.
Die man, wie se naam nog nie bekend gemaak is nie, het blykbaar laatmiddag sy tuinier weggeneem en nooit weer huis toe gekom nie.
Die polisie en lede van die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum het later na die bakkie begin soek toe daar vermoed is dat die man moontlik in ’n kaping was.
Gisteroggend is die hulp van ’n polisiehelikopter ingeroep wat die gebied by die Grootvleimyn en die Bakerton-woonbuurt gefynkam het.
Die uitgebrande Opel Corsa-bakkie is omstreeks 09:00 naby die Grootvlei-mynhoop sowat 3 km van die ingang van die Blesbokspruit-natuurreservaat opgespoor.
Die polisie vermoed dat dit die vermiste man is, maar weens die toestand van die lyk kon dit nog nie bevestig word nie, het Ramphora gesê.
Die verkoolde lyk van vermoedelik ’n man wat eergistermiddag laas lewend gesien is toe hy sy tuinier huis toe gevat het, is gisteroggend in sy uitgebrande bakkie in die veld by die Blesbokspruit-natuurreservaat net buite Springs gevind.
Die slagoffer se bakkie is tydens die soektog na hom uit ’n polisiehelikopter gesien. Die onherkenbaar verkoolde lyk is agter die stuurwiel gevind.
Volgens kapt. Johannes Ramphora, woordvoerder van die Springs-polisie, het ’n vrou van Selcourt Woensdagmiddag haar man as vermis by die polisie aangemeld.
Die man, wie se naam nog nie bekend gemaak is nie, het blykbaar laatmiddag sy tuinier weggeneem en nooit weer huis toe gekom nie.
Die polisie en lede van die gemeenskapspolisiëringsforum het later na die bakkie begin soek toe daar vermoed is dat die man moontlik in ’n kaping was.
Gisteroggend is die hulp van ’n polisiehelikopter ingeroep wat die gebied by die Grootvleimyn en die Bakerton-woonbuurt gefynkam het.
Die uitgebrande Opel Corsa-bakkie is omstreeks 09:00 naby die Grootvlei-mynhoop sowat 3 km van die ingang van die Blesbokspruit-natuurreservaat opgespoor.
Die polisie vermoed dat dit die vermiste man is, maar weens die toestand van die lyk kon dit nog nie bevestig word nie, het Ramphora gesê.
Bejaardes vermoor voor kuier oorsee
Wolfram Zwecker
Die bejaarde egpaar wie se lyke eergisteraand in hul huis in Farrarmere, Benoni, gekry is, was twee pragtige, goeie mense wat hul oudag wou geniet en daarna uitgesien het om hul seun en die kleinkinders in Australië te gaan besoek.
Hulle dood was so sinloos, het eerw. William Mostert van die Anglikaanse kerk in Farrarmere gistermiddag voor die huis gesê waar mnr. Trevor Rees en sy vrou, Laura, vermoedelik ’n paar dae gelede vermoor is. Albei was in die 80.
Hul seun, Glenn, ook ’n predikant, woon ’n paar honderd kilometer noord van Melbourne in Australië.
Hy sou gisteraand na Suid-Afrika vlieg vir die begrafnisse, het me. Dianne van Niekerk, ’n vriendin van die egpaar, gister gesê.
Forensiese kundiges het gisteroggend nog na leidrade in die huis in Masefieldstraat gesoek.
Volgens kapt. Alfred Nakana, woordvoerder van die Benoni-polisiegroep, het hulle die man se lyk in die buitekamer, waar hy houtwerk gedoen het, gekry.
Die vrou se lyk is op haar bed in die slaapkamer gekry. Sy het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n beroerte gekry en gesukkel om te loop. Haar loopraam het langs die bed gestaan.
Dit is nog onduidelik hoe die moordenaars by die huis ingekom het.
Die vermoede bestaan dat hulle moontlik oor ’n muur gespring het en mnr. Rees in die buitekamer aangetref het.
Hy is blykbaar met ’n hamer geslaan en verskeie kere met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek. Me. Rees se keel is blykbaar afgesny. Sy het vermoedelik doodgebloei.
Die toestand van die lyke het die vermoede laat ontstaan dat die egpaar reeds ’n dag of twee tevore vermoor is. In dié stadium word net die egpaar se Daihatsu Charade en selfone vermis. Dis onbekend of daar geld in die huis was.
Mostert het hulle verlede Donderdag laas gesien toe hy hulle dokumente vir hul beplande vakansie in Australië laat onderteken het. Hulle sou die naweek vertrek het.
“Blykbaar het die seun of vriende probeer om die egpaar te bel, maar geen antwoord gekry nie en die kerk gevra om ondersoek in te stel.
“Ek bly net so ’n straat weg en het toe Dinsdagmiddag kom kyk, maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Later het ek weer kom kyk, maar weer geen antwoord gekry nie en toe die veiligheidsbeamptes laat kom,” het Mostert gesê.
Veiligheidsbeamptes en die polisie het van die huisdeure afgebreek en die twee lyke gekry.
Niemand is nog in verband met die moorde in hegtenis geneem nie.
Die bejaarde egpaar wie se lyke eergisteraand in hul huis in Farrarmere, Benoni, gekry is, was twee pragtige, goeie mense wat hul oudag wou geniet en daarna uitgesien het om hul seun en die kleinkinders in Australië te gaan besoek.
Hulle dood was so sinloos, het eerw. William Mostert van die Anglikaanse kerk in Farrarmere gistermiddag voor die huis gesê waar mnr. Trevor Rees en sy vrou, Laura, vermoedelik ’n paar dae gelede vermoor is. Albei was in die 80.
Hul seun, Glenn, ook ’n predikant, woon ’n paar honderd kilometer noord van Melbourne in Australië.
Hy sou gisteraand na Suid-Afrika vlieg vir die begrafnisse, het me. Dianne van Niekerk, ’n vriendin van die egpaar, gister gesê.
Forensiese kundiges het gisteroggend nog na leidrade in die huis in Masefieldstraat gesoek.
Volgens kapt. Alfred Nakana, woordvoerder van die Benoni-polisiegroep, het hulle die man se lyk in die buitekamer, waar hy houtwerk gedoen het, gekry.
Die vrou se lyk is op haar bed in die slaapkamer gekry. Sy het ’n paar jaar gelede ’n beroerte gekry en gesukkel om te loop. Haar loopraam het langs die bed gestaan.
Dit is nog onduidelik hoe die moordenaars by die huis ingekom het.
Die vermoede bestaan dat hulle moontlik oor ’n muur gespring het en mnr. Rees in die buitekamer aangetref het.
Hy is blykbaar met ’n hamer geslaan en verskeie kere met ’n skerp voorwerp gesteek. Me. Rees se keel is blykbaar afgesny. Sy het vermoedelik doodgebloei.
Die toestand van die lyke het die vermoede laat ontstaan dat die egpaar reeds ’n dag of twee tevore vermoor is. In dié stadium word net die egpaar se Daihatsu Charade en selfone vermis. Dis onbekend of daar geld in die huis was.
Mostert het hulle verlede Donderdag laas gesien toe hy hulle dokumente vir hul beplande vakansie in Australië laat onderteken het. Hulle sou die naweek vertrek het.
“Blykbaar het die seun of vriende probeer om die egpaar te bel, maar geen antwoord gekry nie en die kerk gevra om ondersoek in te stel.
“Ek bly net so ’n straat weg en het toe Dinsdagmiddag kom kyk, maar geen antwoord gekry nie. Later het ek weer kom kyk, maar weer geen antwoord gekry nie en toe die veiligheidsbeamptes laat kom,” het Mostert gesê.
Veiligheidsbeamptes en die polisie het van die huisdeure afgebreek en die twee lyke gekry.
Niemand is nog in verband met die moorde in hegtenis geneem nie.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Shocking pictures of Afrikaner victim of hate crime- farm attack in Swartwater: nothing robbed
Swartwater farm attack: old Afrikaner was attacked with a hammer and a machete. The photographs were submitted to the Boere Aksie Kommittee on March 18 2012 by the victim's son. The victim remains unidentified. It's noticable on the photographs that nothing valuable was 'robbed'. The victim is even still wearing his watch.
Hannes) PLAASAANVAL OP SWARTWATER: Moet asb. nie gaan kyk as jy sensitief is nie of as jy ons net weer wil rapporteer nie. Die foto's is aan BKA verskaf deur die aangevalde se seun, Willie vir ons rekords.
22° 51' 0" South, 28° 12' 0" East
Hannes) PLAASAANVAL OP SWARTWATER: Moet asb. nie gaan kyk as jy sensitief is nie of as jy ons net weer wil rapporteer nie. Die foto's is aan BKA verskaf deur die aangevalde se seun, Willie vir ons rekords.
22° 51' 0" South, 28° 12' 0" East
ANC-hit squads exist: whistleblower State witness Mandy Bakker, children threatened with their lives if she reveals the facts she knows
ANC-hit squads exist: whistleblower State witness Mandy Bakker and her children threatened if she revealed the truth:
HER FACEBOOK SUPPORT GROUP IS ON 'HANDS OFF MANDY' https://www.facebook.com/groups/256347844450452/
De Wet Potgieter - The New Age --Aug 3 2011 -- "Security establishments have closed ranks and denied that two senior members of defence intelligence interrogated state witness Mandy Bakker about evidence she may have against Northern Cape MEC John Block.
Bakker, a mother of two, went into hiding after she blew the whistle on alleged high-level multimillion rand corruption.
She said that two senior officers identifying themselves as members of defence intelligence extensively interrogated her last year, while she was in hiding. Bakker briefly broke her cover last week to speak to The New Age, describing how she was living in fear after receiving death threats and how the two intelligence agents warned her to keep quiet and told her about the ANC’s “Icing Units” (hit squads).“They spent a total of six hours with me and the children, telling us we had better keep quiet about what we knew,” Bakker said.But this week Lt Romeo Mabote of the SANDF said: “The members mentioned are not members of the SA National Defence Force.”However, a colonel thought to be involved in the matter was tracked down and asked to comment. Initially, he agreed to meet Potgieter and 'give his side of the story', but later declined saying his bosses had warned him against doing so. Numerous requests to police for a response on a list of questions regarding Bakker’s police statements and the progress of the investigation – emailed to police headquarters more than a week ago – were still unanswered when The New Age went to press.A senior police officer said the situation with Bakker had become “a very sensitive issue”.
Bakker, who spent some time in the Witness Protection Programme before leaving because she feared a cover up and wanted to go public, said: “I have demanded a full investigation for months now and I’m stating, once again, that I will not have this matter simply swept away.”
Her nightmare began two years ago when she says she was forced to go into hiding after she laid charges of fraud against John Block, provincial chairperson of the ANC and MEC for finance, economic affairs and tourism in the Northern Cape, and several local businessmen.
The charges involved a lucrative deal involving a multimillion rand development on municipal land in Kimberley involving Dubai-based financiers, Block and several local developers. Bakker said the charges related to the alleged fraudulent sale of land in the Sol Plaatje municipality, which she stumbled on while trying to put together the Dubai deal. When she realised that “something was wrong”, she went to the police and laid charges.
- She told how she was visited by two men, claiming to be from “defence intelligence”, and “President Zuma’s office”, after she laid the charges.
- Police in Kimberley had, she said, referred them to her. “They told me not to even consider making any of the information public knowledge and explained the existence of ‘icing units’ (hit squads).
"They told us that they would come after me to protect the integrity of the ANC and would not hesitate to kill me to guarantee that our story never gets told,” Bakker said.
When she laid charges, "police advised not to go ahead, as she would be putting herself in danger," she claimed.
HER FACEBOOK SUPPORT GROUP IS ON 'HANDS OFF MANDY' https://www.facebook.com/groups/256347844450452/
De Wet Potgieter - The New Age --Aug 3 2011 -- "Security establishments have closed ranks and denied that two senior members of defence intelligence interrogated state witness Mandy Bakker about evidence she may have against Northern Cape MEC John Block.
Bakker, a mother of two, went into hiding after she blew the whistle on alleged high-level multimillion rand corruption.
She said that two senior officers identifying themselves as members of defence intelligence extensively interrogated her last year, while she was in hiding. Bakker briefly broke her cover last week to speak to The New Age, describing how she was living in fear after receiving death threats and how the two intelligence agents warned her to keep quiet and told her about the ANC’s “Icing Units” (hit squads).“They spent a total of six hours with me and the children, telling us we had better keep quiet about what we knew,” Bakker said.But this week Lt Romeo Mabote of the SANDF said: “The members mentioned are not members of the SA National Defence Force.”However, a colonel thought to be involved in the matter was tracked down and asked to comment. Initially, he agreed to meet Potgieter and 'give his side of the story', but later declined saying his bosses had warned him against doing so. Numerous requests to police for a response on a list of questions regarding Bakker’s police statements and the progress of the investigation – emailed to police headquarters more than a week ago – were still unanswered when The New Age went to press.A senior police officer said the situation with Bakker had become “a very sensitive issue”.
Bakker, who spent some time in the Witness Protection Programme before leaving because she feared a cover up and wanted to go public, said: “I have demanded a full investigation for months now and I’m stating, once again, that I will not have this matter simply swept away.”
Her nightmare began two years ago when she says she was forced to go into hiding after she laid charges of fraud against John Block, provincial chairperson of the ANC and MEC for finance, economic affairs and tourism in the Northern Cape, and several local businessmen.
The charges involved a lucrative deal involving a multimillion rand development on municipal land in Kimberley involving Dubai-based financiers, Block and several local developers. Bakker said the charges related to the alleged fraudulent sale of land in the Sol Plaatje municipality, which she stumbled on while trying to put together the Dubai deal. When she realised that “something was wrong”, she went to the police and laid charges.
- She told how she was visited by two men, claiming to be from “defence intelligence”, and “President Zuma’s office”, after she laid the charges.
- Police in Kimberley had, she said, referred them to her. “They told me not to even consider making any of the information public knowledge and explained the existence of ‘icing units’ (hit squads).
"They told us that they would come after me to protect the integrity of the ANC and would not hesitate to kill me to guarantee that our story never gets told,” Bakker said.
When she laid charges, "police advised not to go ahead, as she would be putting herself in danger," she claimed.
Afrikaner man, as yet unidentified, shot dead, smallholding Benoni
March 17 2012 - Emergency meeting in Benoni CPF and SAPS after wave of armed attacks, breakins and thefts. in the latest incident on March 15 2012, an Afrikaner man was shot dead by armed attackers at his smallholding in Benoni. There's no report that anything was robbed.
The armed black males fled in a White Corsa which was found abandoned.
BENONI SAPS DEPT CONFIRMATION: unable to provide dead man's name: Benoni (Phone: 011-7470000 Fax: 011-7470219)
The armed black males fled in a White Corsa which was found abandoned.
BENONI SAPS DEPT CONFIRMATION: unable to provide dead man's name: Benoni (Phone: 011-7470000 Fax: 011-7470219)
Umarmed Mr Blignaut attacked, knifed, Brackenfell Tygerberg home: cursed for 'white trash' - video
The unarmed Mr Blignaut was attacked, knifed at Brackenfell, Tygerberg home: cursed for 'white trash" http://youtu.be/DdlmQrYjJvc
He says the first thought was to 'survive' and that these men were targetting him to 'get to him personally'. That they called him 'white trash' and tried to tear off the security door in their attempt to get to him.
Afrikaners are under siege all over South Africa: including from their own government who has barred the working-class Afrikaners like this specifically from the job market - even their disabled and their women now are barred from working in the labour market -- by law.
And then they get attacked at their own homes and cursed as 'white trash' - because they are growing very poor now.
He says the first thought was to 'survive' and that these men were targetting him to 'get to him personally'. That they called him 'white trash' and tried to tear off the security door in their attempt to get to him.
Afrikaners are under siege all over South Africa: including from their own government who has barred the working-class Afrikaners like this specifically from the job market - even their disabled and their women now are barred from working in the labour market -- by law.
And then they get attacked at their own homes and cursed as 'white trash' - because they are growing very poor now.
Elderly Afrikaans couple badly assaulted: Sabie road near Hazyview, Lowveld
SABIE: Two elderly Afrikaners badly assaulted on Sabie Road to Hazyview, March 17 2012 9am. Anyone with more information please contact ? Sandra Schoeman at Boere Krisis Aksie. The old man had to plead for their lives. They were humilated and badly beaten by six young black males.
Hennie Greeff, owner, Putfontein Spartan Motor Spares, shot 2x in head by armed black male attackers: very critical condition 15 March 2012
Hennie Greeff, owner, Putfontein Spartan Motor Spares, shot twice in head by armed black male attackers: very critical condition
SAPS PUTFONTEIN:(Phone: 011-8456303 Fax: 011-8456320)
GPS coordinates: 26.239713 26.458099
Thursday, 15 March 2012: PUTFONTEIN: Hennie Greeff, the owner of the Sparts Motor Spares, was attacked in his garage and shot in the head - he then was beaten and his housekeeper was tied up: but the black woman was not injured.
The black male attackers demanded the 'key to his safe'(how did they know he had a safe?) but when he said he didn't have one, they shot him again.
They took some useless trinkets. He's in hospital in critical condition: one bullet is still lodged in his skull: the brain has swollen too much to perform surgery.
First reported by Putfontein Boere Krisis Aksie: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boere-Krisis-Aksie-BKA/116298045063416
Hennie Greeff, owner, Spartan Motor Spares, shot twice in head by armed black male attackers: very critical condition
SAPS PUTFONTEIN:(Phone: 011-8456303 Fax: 011-8456320)
GPS coordinates: 26.239713 26.458099
Thursday, 15 March 2012: PUTFONTEIN: Hennie Greeff, the owner of the Sparts Motor Spares, was attacked in his garage and shot in the head - he then was beaten and his housekeeper was tied up: but the black woman was not injured.
The black male attackers demanded the 'key to his safe'(how did they know he had a safe?) but when he said he didn't have one, they shot him again.
They took some useless trinkets. He's in hospital in critical condition: one bullet is still lodged in his skull: the brain has swollen too much to perform surgery.
First reported by Putfontein Boere Krisis Aksie: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boere-Krisis-Aksie-BKA/116298045063416
Hennie Greeff, owner, Spartan Motor Spares, shot twice in head by armed black male attackers: very critical condition
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Harrismith Hospital - white male dies after stabbing during attack in his home March 5 2012
HARRISMITH: Mar 5 2012: Wollie Wolmarans writes on Boere Krisis Aksie self-defence page of facebook: "white man dies of stabbing wounds sustained in attack at his home in Harrismith. More details awaited - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=401183749908176&id=116298045063416&fb_source=message
HARRISMITH: Mar 5 2012: Wollie Wolmarans writes on Boere Krisis Aksie self-defence page of facebook: "white man dies of stabbing wounds sustained in attack at his home in Harrismith. More details awaited - https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=401183749908176&id=116298045063416&fb_source=message
Jan Koelman 67 founder-member citizen-policing forum, stabbed to death, 23yo QwaQwa woman arrested
Jan Koelman, 67, member of citizen-policing-forum, stabbed to death Sunday morning by 23-yo black Qwa-Qwa woman in Harrismith
2012-03-06 HARRISMITH. – A leading member of the Afrikaner community, Mr Jan Koelman, was stabbed mortally Sunday morning March 4 2012 at 7h40.
He was attacked by the 23-year-old woman who broke into his home and stabbed him repeatedly.
She fled in Koelman's car and crashed it against another vehicle and was arrested. Nothing was reported robbed.
His son Jan junior, said his mortally-wounded father struggled outside to call for help and collapsed. He was declared dead at the local hospital.
Mr Koelman was an active member of the local citizen-policing-forum, said local DA-chairman Henk Badenhorst.
"It is particularly heartbreaking that this murder was committed against such a valued community leader and pioneer in community-safety and - policing,' he said.
Mr Koelman also leaves a daughter Hesté Outram and five grandchildren.
SAPS sergeant Majang Skalkie confirmed that the female murder-suspect was captured in Qwa-Qwa.
Jan Koelman, 67, member of citizen-policing-forum, stabbed to death Sunday morning by 23-yo black Qwa-Qwa woman in Harrismith
2012-03-06 HARRISMITH. – A leading member of the Afrikaner community, Mr Jan Koelman, was stabbed mortally Sunday morning March 4 2012 at 7h40.
He was attacked by the 23-year-old woman who broke into his home and stabbed him repeatedly.
She fled in Koelman's car and crashed it against another vehicle and was arrested. Nothing was reported robbed.
His son Jan junior, said his mortally-wounded father struggled outside to call for help and collapsed. He was declared dead at the local hospital.
Mr Koelman was an active member of the local citizen-policing-forum, said local DA-chairman Henk Badenhorst.
"It is particularly heartbreaking that this murder was committed against such a valued community leader and pioneer in community-safety and - policing,' he said.
Mr Koelman also leaves a daughter Hesté Outram and five grandchildren.
SAPS sergeant Majang Skalkie confirmed that the female murder-suspect was captured in Qwa-Qwa.
Willem 81 and Salome Botha 77 tortured for 2hrs with hammers, bottle, nearly torched 3 black male attackers Blackheath
Afrikaner old-age pensioners attacked with hammers, bottle and tortured for two hours: including attempt to torch them
2012-03-09 BLACKHEATH, Randburg: Beeld journalist Jody Nel interviewed the battered, bruised old-age Afrikaner pensioners Willem, 81, and Salome Botha, 77 -- recovering from their two-hour torture ordeal at the hands of three drunken black males. She spoke to the brutalised couple ‘s shocked housefriend Paul Zietsman in the intensive-care unit of a local hospital.
BLACKHEATH. The Botha couple’s three black male attackers tore out the security door and immediately started beating and battering the old couple, dragging Mrs Botha through the hallway. The couple have no other family since the death of their only child Mrs Heleen Kulyk in 2004. said their housemate Mr Zietsman.
They were brutally assaulted and tortured for at least two hours: bashing Willem in the face with a hammer, and Salome’s nose was broken after they threw a bottle into her face. They poured alcohol over the defenceless couple and threatened to torch them to death and to rape the old woman. Mrs Botha was roughly dragged out of the bedroom across the tiles in the hallway. Their house-friend Mr Paul Zietsman said according to what the couple told him, the attackers ‘were drinking heavily’ throughout the ordeal. It’s marked as an ordinary ‘armed robbery’by the SAPS because some R800, cellphones and cheap cameras were ‘robbed’.It’s not known why the couple was tortured for two hours. Apparently as they finally strolled out, Salome was able to alert Sarah who lives in a cottage behind their home and had apparently not heard the commotion. She pushed an emergency button, summoning the security services.SAPS constable Moloko Kgatle said that one of the attackers was arrested at the house.Zietsman said especially Mr Botha is badly traumatised. ‘He’s a very soft-hearted man, whereas Salomé is stronger: emotionally coping but physically in great pain’.
Kgatle said the arrested man – whose name was not divulged - ‘appeared on charges of assault and armed robbery in the Johannesburg magistrate’s court. It’s not known whether the police are still looking for the other two torturers. From this article it also is not clear where Mr Zietsman was during the attack.
Afrikaner old-age pensioners attacked with hammers, bottle and tortured for two hours: including attempt to torch them
2012-03-09 BLACKHEATH, Randburg: Beeld journalist Jody Nel interviewed the battered, bruised old-age Afrikaner pensioners Willem, 81, and Salome Botha, 77 -- recovering from their two-hour torture ordeal at the hands of three drunken black males. She spoke to the brutalised couple ‘s shocked housefriend Paul Zietsman in the intensive-care unit of a local hospital.
BLACKHEATH. The Botha couple’s three black male attackers tore out the security door and immediately started beating and battering the old couple, dragging Mrs Botha through the hallway. The couple have no other family since the death of their only child Mrs Heleen Kulyk in 2004. said their housemate Mr Zietsman.
They were brutally assaulted and tortured for at least two hours: bashing Willem in the face with a hammer, and Salome’s nose was broken after they threw a bottle into her face. They poured alcohol over the defenceless couple and threatened to torch them to death and to rape the old woman. Mrs Botha was roughly dragged out of the bedroom across the tiles in the hallway. Their house-friend Mr Paul Zietsman said according to what the couple told him, the attackers ‘were drinking heavily’ throughout the ordeal. It’s marked as an ordinary ‘armed robbery’by the SAPS because some R800, cellphones and cheap cameras were ‘robbed’.It’s not known why the couple was tortured for two hours. Apparently as they finally strolled out, Salome was able to alert Sarah who lives in a cottage behind their home and had apparently not heard the commotion. She pushed an emergency button, summoning the security services.SAPS constable Moloko Kgatle said that one of the attackers was arrested at the house.Zietsman said especially Mr Botha is badly traumatised. ‘He’s a very soft-hearted man, whereas Salomé is stronger: emotionally coping but physically in great pain’.
Kgatle said the arrested man – whose name was not divulged - ‘appeared on charges of assault and armed robbery in the Johannesburg magistrate’s court. It’s not known whether the police are still looking for the other two torturers. From this article it also is not clear where Mr Zietsman was during the attack.
Pensioned farm-couple Hannie and Vic Nel attacked on farm Vergeleë, tied up, assaulted in hatecrime: SURVIVE
Hatecrime: Pensioners Hannie and Vic Nel attacked on farm Vergeleë, tied up with electric cables, then assaulted: survive
At Vergeleë, pensioners Hannie and Vic Nel were attacked on their farm, tied up with electric cables and THEN assaulted. One shot was fired: the number of attackers is not known but they were armed with firearms and a large hunting knife.
Hatecrime: Pensioners Hannie and Vic Nel attacked on farm Vergeleë, tied up with electric cables, then assaulted: survive
At Vergeleë, pensioners Hannie and Vic Nel were attacked on their farm, tied up with electric cables and THEN assaulted. One shot was fired: the number of attackers is not known but they were armed with firearms and a large hunting knife.
Afrikaner farm couple assaulted, tied up, racially abused, SURVIVE in Vryburg
Hatecrime: Vryburg farm attack March 10 2012: unidentified Afrikaner farming-couple assaulted, tied up: survive
An armed black male gang attacked the farm of an Afrikaner couple in Vryburg, tied them up and racially abused and assaulted them. The attackers fled with the couple's bakkie but overturned it within 2km and fled on foot. It’s not known whether anything of value was ‘robbed’ at all. A police helicopter and local farmers'self-defence groups have launched search parties together with the SAPS. VRYBURG POLICE (Phone: 053-9284000/92 Fax: 053-9273764)
gps 26573026 24434740
Hatecrime: Vryburg farm attack March 10 2012: unidentified Afrikaner farming-couple assaulted, tied up: survive
An armed black male gang attacked the farm of an Afrikaner couple in Vryburg, tied them up and racially abused and assaulted them. The attackers fled with the couple's bakkie but overturned it within 2km and fled on foot. It’s not known whether anything of value was ‘robbed’ at all. A police helicopter and local farmers'self-defence groups have launched search parties together with the SAPS. VRYBURG POLICE (Phone: 053-9284000/92 Fax: 053-9273764)
gps 26573026 24434740
Mrs Erns Reynierse, 70, grandson, 18, survive fierce beatings, 3 young armed black males, Middelburg
Mrs Erns Reynierse, 70 and grandson, 18, badly assaulted by three armed young black males, Middelburg Gauteng home
Mrs Erns Reynierse, 70, was attacked in her Middelburg Gauteng home by three black young males at 17h00 Saturday March 10 2012 and received fierce, oft-repeated hard slaps across her face, was tied up and then kicked in her ribs. Her 18-year-old grandson also was badly assaulted. Some money and a firearm were stolen from the old woman. None of the other valuables were touched.
Mrs Erns Reynierse, 70 and grandson, 18, badly assaulted by three armed young black males, Middelburg Gauteng home
Mrs Erns Reynierse, 70, was attacked in her Middelburg Gauteng home by three black young males at 17h00 Saturday March 10 2012 and received fierce, oft-repeated hard slaps across her face, was tied up and then kicked in her ribs. Her 18-year-old grandson also was badly assaulted. Some money and a firearm were stolen from the old woman. None of the other valuables were touched.
Retired farmer Okkie Els and wife brutalised and murdered, De Kroon, Brits
Hatecrime: Retired farmer Okkie Els and wife brutalised and murdered; wife was gangraped: De Kroon, Brits
reports Hannes Engelbrecht, Boere Krisis Aksie: There was a double farm-murder at De Kroon, Brits on Saturday March 10 2012. The victims are elderly farmer Okkie Els and his wife. She also was gang-raped before she was also murdered.
Hatecrime: Retired farmer Okkie Els and wife brutalised and murdered; wife was gangraped: De Kroon, Brits
reports Hannes Engelbrecht, Boere Krisis Aksie: There was a double farm-murder at De Kroon, Brits on Saturday March 10 2012. The victims are elderly farmer Okkie Els and his wife. She also was gang-raped before she was also murdered.
Elderly Ericson couple survive brutal beating, hatespeech, attack farm Magatthashoek, Kommissiedrif
Motiveless Hatecrime: Elderly couple Ericson survive brutal beating, attack on farm Magatthashoek, Kommissiedrif between Koster – Rustenburg:
KOMMISSIEDRIF: PLAASAANVAL: Leoni Botha wrutes that on Sunday-evening March 10 2012 on the farm Magatthashoek, Kommissiedrif, between Koster and Rustenburg, the elderly Erricson couple were tortured from 19h00 to 22h00 and brutally assaulted and abused with racist hatespeech. Two black males attacked the couple. Fortunately for them, their son-in-law who lived on the same farm, drove past their house and suspected trouble. He and his son-in-law rushed to help the elderly couple. It is not known at this stage whether anyone was arrested. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boere-Krisis-Aksie-BKA/116298045063416
gps: 25595191 and 27021834
Motiveless Hatecrime: Elderly couple Ericson survive brutal beating, attack on farm Magatthashoek, Kommissiedrif between Koster – Rustenburg:
KOMMISSIEDRIF: PLAASAANVAL: Leoni Botha wrutes that on Sunday-evening March 10 2012 on the farm Magatthashoek, Kommissiedrif, between Koster and Rustenburg, the elderly Erricson couple were tortured from 19h00 to 22h00 and brutally assaulted and abused with racist hatespeech. Two black males attacked the couple. Fortunately for them, their son-in-law who lived on the same farm, drove past their house and suspected trouble. He and his son-in-law rushed to help the elderly couple. It is not known at this stage whether anyone was arrested. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Boere-Krisis-Aksie-BKA/116298045063416
gps: 25595191 and 27021834
Afrikaner trucker Tjaart Chambers, 50, survives attack by 4 black males: no motive
Afrikaner trucker Tjaart Chambers, 50, survives attack by 4 black males: no motive
Afrikaner trucker Tjaart Chambers, 50, was attacked on Sunday-night March 11 2012 just after 8h00 in Vryburg by four black males and assaulted, writes his son. He was threatened with a knife and bashed in the face with a beer-bottle. The BLACK MALE attackers’ estimated ages ranged from 18 to 25 yo.
(Phone: 053-9284000/92 Fax: 053-9273764)
Afrikaner trucker Tjaart Chambers, 50, survives attack by 4 black males: no motive
Afrikaner trucker Tjaart Chambers, 50, was attacked on Sunday-night March 11 2012 just after 8h00 in Vryburg by four black males and assaulted, writes his son. He was threatened with a knife and bashed in the face with a beer-bottle. The BLACK MALE attackers’ estimated ages ranged from 18 to 25 yo.
(Phone: 053-9284000/92 Fax: 053-9273764)
Afrikaner toymaker Hendrik Trollip 57 homeless after black stone-throwing mob stole all his tools: "we are stealing the white man's stuff...'
"We are stealing all the property of the white men,' said the black looters when they descended on the artists' workshops at the disfunctional Ramsdaal prison where Afrikaner artists have worked and lived for years, reported Volksblad newspaper in Bloenmfontein on March 10 2012.
They wrote that toymaker and ex-policeman Hendrik Trollip 57, now is homeless and without any means to make a living from his toys because all his tools also were looted when local blacks descended on the prison, being demolished. The Afrikaners living in the Setshabelo Arts and Crafts cente in the old prison on Dr Belchber Road were not offered any alternative accommodation by the government which is demolishing the old prison to make way for a new building for the Free State provincial parliament.
Mr Trollip lived in the old arts and crafts centre for twelve years. They were unceremoniously dumped onto the sidewalk with their meagre properties.
While the demolitions were going on, black residents from nearby Batho, Heidedal, Mangaung and other black townships in the old Bloemfontein town centre descended on the artists' properties in an organised mob and started looting them, shouting that they were 'going to take everything from the white men.' They looted as many building materials as they could - including the artists' supplies and properties which the AFrikaner artists used to make a living with. Trollip said he lost all his toy-making tools and supplies. "The blacks threw us with stones and chased us away while they looted our stuff. They said 'the white people have everything now we come and get our stuff. I have nothing left to make my toys with. They took everything'.
He now lives in his only remaining property: an old Nissan 1400 bakkie, parked in front of a friend's small workshop. The friend said Mr Trollip has no place to live and with most of his tools looted, he cannot make a living. I can't even offer him a place to stay. They even stole one of his dogs.'
- Volksblad http://www.volksblad.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Man-bly-in-bakkie-na-tronk-se-sloping-20120310
"We are stealing all the property of the white men,' said the black looters when they descended on the artists' workshops at the disfunctional Ramsdaal prison where Afrikaner artists have worked and lived for years, reported Volksblad newspaper in Bloenmfontein on March 10 2012.
They wrote that toymaker and ex-policeman Hendrik Trollip 57, now is homeless and without any means to make a living from his toys because all his tools also were looted when local blacks descended on the prison, being demolished. The Afrikaners living in the Setshabelo Arts and Crafts cente in the old prison on Dr Belchber Road were not offered any alternative accommodation by the government which is demolishing the old prison to make way for a new building for the Free State provincial parliament.
Mr Trollip lived in the old arts and crafts centre for twelve years. They were unceremoniously dumped onto the sidewalk with their meagre properties.
While the demolitions were going on, black residents from nearby Batho, Heidedal, Mangaung and other black townships in the old Bloemfontein town centre descended on the artists' properties in an organised mob and started looting them, shouting that they were 'going to take everything from the white men.' They looted as many building materials as they could - including the artists' supplies and properties which the AFrikaner artists used to make a living with. Trollip said he lost all his toy-making tools and supplies. "The blacks threw us with stones and chased us away while they looted our stuff. They said 'the white people have everything now we come and get our stuff. I have nothing left to make my toys with. They took everything'.
He now lives in his only remaining property: an old Nissan 1400 bakkie, parked in front of a friend's small workshop. The friend said Mr Trollip has no place to live and with most of his tools looted, he cannot make a living. I can't even offer him a place to stay. They even stole one of his dogs.'
- Volksblad http://www.volksblad.com/Suid-Afrika/Nuus/Man-bly-in-bakkie-na-tronk-se-sloping-20120310
Afrikaans Pretoria art-gallery owner beaten for 1 hour by 3 blacks who cursed her for 'white bitch': police refuse to accept report
Hatecrime against an AFrikaner art-gallery owner in Pretoria: SAPS refused to take statement
March 11 2012 - Dr Dan Roodt, founder of the pro-Afrikaans Action (language-rights) group and president of PEN-Pretoria, writes on March 10 2012:
'Last night (my wife and) I spoke to a woman who owns an art-gallery in Pretoria. She told of the way she was attacked by three black men in her home, beaten up for an hour, threatened that they would rape her.
They put a gun-barrel to her head and she expected them to pull the trigger. She was so calmly resigned to her fate that one is left filled with a mixture of horror, amazement and humour.
When they threatened to take her to her bedroom to rape her there, she said she 'was thinking that the bed hadn't been made as yet and that she felt shame about it.'
At one stage, she even invited them to 'get it over with and just shoot her dead, and to stop just threatening with it.'
Every time they were ready to shoot her, she said, 'she'd ask them if she could first turn off the fire underneath the onions she was cooking because she was afraid they would burn.'
Eventually they did let her turn off the hot-plate.
In the end these men just left there without shooting her or raping her: just very badly assaulted.
But that was not the end of her ordeal: there was more when she went to the police station to report the attack.
Upon her arrival, she said, 'I was received by a person who was unable to read nor write, and who was unable to write down my report on the incident.'
Then she wrote her own report and of included all the details, also the words which were used by these black men against her, such as 'You white bitch, we are going to rape you." Or: "You white bitch, we are going to shoot you."
When her report was read by to her by this 'black policeman who was unable to read', HE objected to HER using the words 'white bitch.'
He said he 'could not accept the statement in that wording and she will have to change her statement'.
An argument followed: with her insisting that she HAD to tell it exactly as it happened because this was a racial hate-crime. The black police officer also refuses to
let her use the word 'white' - but finds the word 'bitch' acceptable, but not the two words together, 'white bitch'.
Finally she simply had to leave and to this day, no formal charges of assault, armed house-robbery, attempted rape, attempted murder were thus far lodged.
Roodt writes that he wanted her to repeat her statement in front of his video camera in exactly the same casual, humorous and resigned manner she had told it.
"It was the black humour and the casualness in which she told it, which probably would have upset the entire world.
However, she didn't feel like it and so another unique story about which one could write books, has been lost forever.
Actually what is happening to us in South Africa right now cannot be described with words nor with pictures.
It is so strange, so fantasti-gorical, so bizarre that outsiders would not understand it properly.
This exquisite, cultured and well-spoken woman has accepted the fact that any life - also her life -- is not worth anything.
She however has an exquisite trust in her own intelligence - that she's more clever than her attackers.
"They expect you to react in a certain way and when you react differently, it confuses them. Then they don't know what to do. We will always beat them in the end,' she concluded.
Sure, under the current definition, that would be a 'racist' belief because in a world of unforgiving 'equality' the intelligence of the black rapist, the black murderer and the black rapist is 'equal'
to the white art-dealer's. They simply had made different career-choices...
The other interesting aspect of her retelling of the ordeal was that she never referred to the race of her attackers.
Until my wife wanted to know: 'I take it they were black?" Whereupon the art-dealer replied in utter amazement:
'My heart what kind of question is that? Of course they were black. I don't know how you can even ask such a question'.
It seemed that this way, she wanted to draw attention to an unwritten natural law.
My impression was that she really didn't care about what happened to her. To this day she has not taken any kind of security arrangements.
She accepts that such things simply happen.
It's as if we live on a different planet: one in which new laws rule: the law of the jungle and that one cannot influence this.
Her fatalism to me was shocking and fascinating at the same time.
There 's a small group of Afrikaners who have recognised the grotesque otherworldly aspect of the New South Africa and as time goes on will learn to describe it.
Eventually we will even succeed in making it understandable to the rest of the world.
It's a very delicate process - because the usual words and understanding fall short to describe it, when dealing with people steeped in the well-known cliches about South Africa.
What is happening to us (Afrikaners) right now is worse than a war because it forces us - as did this woman - to accept that our lives and by extension our language, culture, history, tradition, heritage and everything interconnected with those, are worthless. Literally not worth anything.
Perhaps that's the new definition of the Afrikaner: a human being without value, a Throwaway Human, a human who can only be grateful that he's still alive.
Because hanging over all of us is the sword of Damocles: that gunbarrel against your brow; that knife hovering above your chest.
With all the stories of human slaughter we hear and read about, there also are many other stories of people who barely escaped with their lives.
A friend of mine's heart literally stood still four times in the ambulance after blacks had stabbed him senselessly in the Pretoria central district.
Four times the emergency personnel kickstarted his heart again. Today he's healthy as a horse and cheerfully alive.
The fact that we live and can still do ordinary things every day, is a miracle, a wonder.
That's why it's hardly strange that there's a little flower called 'Afrikaner'- because indeed we are as fragile as flowers: here one moment, and gone the next.
Cut off. Killed off. .
Hatecrime against an AFrikaner art-gallery owner in Pretoria: SAPS refused to take statement
March 11 2012 - Dr Dan Roodt, founder of the pro-Afrikaans Action (language-rights) group and president of PEN-Pretoria, writes on March 10 2012:
'Last night (my wife and) I spoke to a woman who owns an art-gallery in Pretoria. She told of the way she was attacked by three black men in her home, beaten up for an hour, threatened that they would rape her.
They put a gun-barrel to her head and she expected them to pull the trigger. She was so calmly resigned to her fate that one is left filled with a mixture of horror, amazement and humour.
When they threatened to take her to her bedroom to rape her there, she said she 'was thinking that the bed hadn't been made as yet and that she felt shame about it.'
At one stage, she even invited them to 'get it over with and just shoot her dead, and to stop just threatening with it.'
Every time they were ready to shoot her, she said, 'she'd ask them if she could first turn off the fire underneath the onions she was cooking because she was afraid they would burn.'
Eventually they did let her turn off the hot-plate.
In the end these men just left there without shooting her or raping her: just very badly assaulted.
But that was not the end of her ordeal: there was more when she went to the police station to report the attack.
Upon her arrival, she said, 'I was received by a person who was unable to read nor write, and who was unable to write down my report on the incident.'
Then she wrote her own report and of included all the details, also the words which were used by these black men against her, such as 'You white bitch, we are going to rape you." Or: "You white bitch, we are going to shoot you."
When her report was read by to her by this 'black policeman who was unable to read', HE objected to HER using the words 'white bitch.'
He said he 'could not accept the statement in that wording and she will have to change her statement'.
An argument followed: with her insisting that she HAD to tell it exactly as it happened because this was a racial hate-crime. The black police officer also refuses to
let her use the word 'white' - but finds the word 'bitch' acceptable, but not the two words together, 'white bitch'.
Finally she simply had to leave and to this day, no formal charges of assault, armed house-robbery, attempted rape, attempted murder were thus far lodged.
Roodt writes that he wanted her to repeat her statement in front of his video camera in exactly the same casual, humorous and resigned manner she had told it.
"It was the black humour and the casualness in which she told it, which probably would have upset the entire world.
However, she didn't feel like it and so another unique story about which one could write books, has been lost forever.
Actually what is happening to us in South Africa right now cannot be described with words nor with pictures.
It is so strange, so fantasti-gorical, so bizarre that outsiders would not understand it properly.
This exquisite, cultured and well-spoken woman has accepted the fact that any life - also her life -- is not worth anything.
She however has an exquisite trust in her own intelligence - that she's more clever than her attackers.
"They expect you to react in a certain way and when you react differently, it confuses them. Then they don't know what to do. We will always beat them in the end,' she concluded.
Sure, under the current definition, that would be a 'racist' belief because in a world of unforgiving 'equality' the intelligence of the black rapist, the black murderer and the black rapist is 'equal'
to the white art-dealer's. They simply had made different career-choices...
The other interesting aspect of her retelling of the ordeal was that she never referred to the race of her attackers.
Until my wife wanted to know: 'I take it they were black?" Whereupon the art-dealer replied in utter amazement:
'My heart what kind of question is that? Of course they were black. I don't know how you can even ask such a question'.
It seemed that this way, she wanted to draw attention to an unwritten natural law.
My impression was that she really didn't care about what happened to her. To this day she has not taken any kind of security arrangements.
She accepts that such things simply happen.
It's as if we live on a different planet: one in which new laws rule: the law of the jungle and that one cannot influence this.
Her fatalism to me was shocking and fascinating at the same time.
There 's a small group of Afrikaners who have recognised the grotesque otherworldly aspect of the New South Africa and as time goes on will learn to describe it.
Eventually we will even succeed in making it understandable to the rest of the world.
It's a very delicate process - because the usual words and understanding fall short to describe it, when dealing with people steeped in the well-known cliches about South Africa.
What is happening to us (Afrikaners) right now is worse than a war because it forces us - as did this woman - to accept that our lives and by extension our language, culture, history, tradition, heritage and everything interconnected with those, are worthless. Literally not worth anything.
Perhaps that's the new definition of the Afrikaner: a human being without value, a Throwaway Human, a human who can only be grateful that he's still alive.
Because hanging over all of us is the sword of Damocles: that gunbarrel against your brow; that knife hovering above your chest.
With all the stories of human slaughter we hear and read about, there also are many other stories of people who barely escaped with their lives.
A friend of mine's heart literally stood still four times in the ambulance after blacks had stabbed him senselessly in the Pretoria central district.
Four times the emergency personnel kickstarted his heart again. Today he's healthy as a horse and cheerfully alive.
The fact that we live and can still do ordinary things every day, is a miracle, a wonder.
That's why it's hardly strange that there's a little flower called 'Afrikaner'- because indeed we are as fragile as flowers: here one moment, and gone the next.
Cut off. Killed off. .
Mrs Ada Viljoen, 78, beaten unconscious in motiveless attack by knifeman who also stabbed housekeeper
Beeld did however record the attack, left, on Afrikaner smallholder Mrs Ada Viljoen, 78, who was beaten unconscious in a motiveless attack at her Potchefstroom smallholding on March 12 2012. They emphasized the fact that her black housekeeper Mrs LIesbet Pilane was stabbed in the hand and neck. Both women reportedly are in hospital: The elderly Mrs Viljoen with ‘unconfirmed head-injuries’, the housekeeper ready to be discharged after she fled while her employer was being beaten into unconsciousness. This WAS recorded by Naspers. However -- over the past week, at least ten other hatecrimes were carried out against Afrikaners including the attacks listed below, all on one day, which targetted smallholders and farmers in motiveless crimes. During at least three of those crimes, vile abusive cursing was used against the Afrikaner victims by their black attackers. None of these incidents were reported. Killed last weekend during this attack-wave were retired Brits farmer Okkie Els and his wife -- who died from their ordeal on their farm De Kroon in Brits on March 10 2012. Mrs Els also reportedly was gangraped before she was killed. None of these latter attacks (some also listed below) were even noted for the record by any of the sonamed ‘mainstream’ Afrikaans or English-language media in SA. Brits used to have a snappy, independent local newspaper, the Madibeng Pulse, which was run by the fearless, excellent Dreyer couple. Since their paper closed down however, the attacks against Afrikaner residents in Brits and surroundings have become badly underreported.
‘Wat kan ek doen teen 4 mans?’
Gerhard Pretorius
“As ek nie vir hulle geld gee nie, gaan hulle my gang rape.”
Só het mev. Alet Badenhorst (64) gister gesê is sy gedreig toe ses mans haar en haar man, Paul (57), eergisteraand in hul huis in Skeerpoort, Noordwes, aangeval het.
Badenhorst het vertel sy was omstreeks 19:00 besig in die kombuis en haar man het die honde gaan kos gee toe ses mans hom oorval het.
Hulle het hom met ’n pistool deur die gesig geslaan en toe hy op die grond val, herhaaldelik geskop.
“Hulle het my man geboei en die huis in gebring en my dadelik deur die gesig geklap en geld geëis. Ek het gesê ons het nie geld in die huis nie, maar hulle het my net aanhou klap,” het Badenhorst gesê.
Sy het die kluis vir die mans oopgesluit en hulle het ’n pistool en vergulde eetgerei daaruit gesteel.
Badenhorst het gesê hul tuinier het in ’n stadium ingestap en die mans het hom ook geboei en aangerand.
Tydens die aanval was daar glo vier mans in die huis terwyl twee buite wag gehou het. Vyf van die aanvallers het “handwapens” gehad.
Die rowers het haar man so erg aangerand dat hy in die Mediclinic in Brits se hoësorg-eenheid opgeneem is.
Badenhorst het gesê haar man se ribbes is in die voorval gebreek en die dokters vermoed ’n ribbe het in sy long gesteek, want sy een long het platgeval.
Hul werker is ook in dié hospitaal opgeneem, maar hy is gisteroggend ontslaan.
Sy het gesê toe die mans weggehardloop het, het sy haar man en tuinier in hul kamer gaan toesluit.
Omdat die rowers almal se selfone gevat het, het ander werkers op die kleinhoewe glo Badenhorst se seun, Willie. gebel, wat toe die polisie ontbied het.
“Ek het nog nooit in my lewe so groot geskrik nie. Jy is magteloos en jy moet maak soos hulle sê. Wat kan ek doen teen vier groot mans met skietgoed?
“Ek wil vandag net huil,” het Badenhorst gesê.
Kapt. Amanda Funani, Noordwes-polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê huisroof en aanranding met die opset om ernstig te beseer word ondersoek.
Die polisie het nog niemand aangekeer nie.
“As ek nie vir hulle geld gee nie, gaan hulle my gang rape.”
Só het mev. Alet Badenhorst (64) gister gesê is sy gedreig toe ses mans haar en haar man, Paul (57), eergisteraand in hul huis in Skeerpoort, Noordwes, aangeval het.
Badenhorst het vertel sy was omstreeks 19:00 besig in die kombuis en haar man het die honde gaan kos gee toe ses mans hom oorval het.
Hulle het hom met ’n pistool deur die gesig geslaan en toe hy op die grond val, herhaaldelik geskop.
“Hulle het my man geboei en die huis in gebring en my dadelik deur die gesig geklap en geld geëis. Ek het gesê ons het nie geld in die huis nie, maar hulle het my net aanhou klap,” het Badenhorst gesê.
Sy het die kluis vir die mans oopgesluit en hulle het ’n pistool en vergulde eetgerei daaruit gesteel.
Badenhorst het gesê hul tuinier het in ’n stadium ingestap en die mans het hom ook geboei en aangerand.
Tydens die aanval was daar glo vier mans in die huis terwyl twee buite wag gehou het. Vyf van die aanvallers het “handwapens” gehad.
Die rowers het haar man so erg aangerand dat hy in die Mediclinic in Brits se hoësorg-eenheid opgeneem is.
Badenhorst het gesê haar man se ribbes is in die voorval gebreek en die dokters vermoed ’n ribbe het in sy long gesteek, want sy een long het platgeval.
Hul werker is ook in dié hospitaal opgeneem, maar hy is gisteroggend ontslaan.
Sy het gesê toe die mans weggehardloop het, het sy haar man en tuinier in hul kamer gaan toesluit.
Omdat die rowers almal se selfone gevat het, het ander werkers op die kleinhoewe glo Badenhorst se seun, Willie. gebel, wat toe die polisie ontbied het.
“Ek het nog nooit in my lewe so groot geskrik nie. Jy is magteloos en jy moet maak soos hulle sê. Wat kan ek doen teen vier groot mans met skietgoed?
“Ek wil vandag net huil,” het Badenhorst gesê.
Kapt. Amanda Funani, Noordwes-polisiewoordvoerder, het gesê huisroof en aanranding met die opset om ernstig te beseer word ondersoek.
Die polisie het nog niemand aangekeer nie.
Monday, March 12, 2012
78-jarige en werker in huis in NW oorval
Susan Cilliers
Potchefstroom. – ’n Man het gistermiddag by ’n huis op ’n hoewe in die stad ingestorm en ’n huiswerker en haar bejaarde werkgewer met ’n mes aangeval.
’n Man is enkele ure ná die voorval naby Vereeniging gearresteer, het kapt. Mvula Chaka, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.
Me. Liesbet Pilane, die huiswerker, is in die hand en nek gesteek en na die Potchefstroomse provinsiale hospitaal geneem, het haar man, Michael, gistermiddag vertel.
Hy was by die werk toe hy die oproep kry dat daar ’n stekery by sy vrou se werkplek op die hoewe was.
Me. Ada Viljoen (78), wat alleen woon, was teen druktyd in ’n stabiele toestand in die Potchefstroomse Mediclinic, waar dokters in die ongevalle-eenheid haar nog behandel het, het me. Diane King, hospitaalwoordvoerder, gesê.
Sy het vermoedelik kopwonde opgedoen, maar dit kon teen druktyd nie bevestig word nie.
Volgens Chaka was Pilane omstreeks 13:50 in die kombuis besig om skottelgoed te was toe die onbekende man uit ’n mielieland in die huis ingekom en haar aangeval het.
“Sy motief is duister, hy het niks gesteel nie,” het Chaka gesê.
Pilane het daarin geslaag om uit die huis te hardloop.
Die man het Viljoen aangeval totdat sy bewegingloos op die vloer gelê het en toe gevlug.
Me. Retha Bekker, wat twee huise van Viljoen af woon, het vertel iemand het haar net ná die voorval kom roep en gesê sy moet die polisie van die aanval laat weet.
Sy het gesukkel om te bel omdat die selfoonseine in die hoewegebied baie swak is.
“Ek het na die huis gegaan en Ada in die kombuis sien lê. Daar was baie bloed. Toe ek haar sien, het ek net gehardloop. Daar was ander mense by haar met wie sy gepraat het. Sy is vir my ’n moederfiguur.”
Potchefstroom. – ’n Man het gistermiddag by ’n huis op ’n hoewe in die stad ingestorm en ’n huiswerker en haar bejaarde werkgewer met ’n mes aangeval.
’n Man is enkele ure ná die voorval naby Vereeniging gearresteer, het kapt. Mvula Chaka, polisiewoordvoerder, gesê.
Me. Liesbet Pilane, die huiswerker, is in die hand en nek gesteek en na die Potchefstroomse provinsiale hospitaal geneem, het haar man, Michael, gistermiddag vertel.
Hy was by die werk toe hy die oproep kry dat daar ’n stekery by sy vrou se werkplek op die hoewe was.
Me. Ada Viljoen (78), wat alleen woon, was teen druktyd in ’n stabiele toestand in die Potchefstroomse Mediclinic, waar dokters in die ongevalle-eenheid haar nog behandel het, het me. Diane King, hospitaalwoordvoerder, gesê.
Sy het vermoedelik kopwonde opgedoen, maar dit kon teen druktyd nie bevestig word nie.
Volgens Chaka was Pilane omstreeks 13:50 in die kombuis besig om skottelgoed te was toe die onbekende man uit ’n mielieland in die huis ingekom en haar aangeval het.
“Sy motief is duister, hy het niks gesteel nie,” het Chaka gesê.
Pilane het daarin geslaag om uit die huis te hardloop.
Die man het Viljoen aangeval totdat sy bewegingloos op die vloer gelê het en toe gevlug.
Me. Retha Bekker, wat twee huise van Viljoen af woon, het vertel iemand het haar net ná die voorval kom roep en gesê sy moet die polisie van die aanval laat weet.
Sy het gesukkel om te bel omdat die selfoonseine in die hoewegebied baie swak is.
“Ek het na die huis gegaan en Ada in die kombuis sien lê. Daar was baie bloed. Toe ek haar sien, het ek net gehardloop. Daar was ander mense by haar met wie sy gepraat het. Sy is vir my ’n moederfiguur.”
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