Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Richard Duxbury, 35, shot dead on M5 Durban by alleged 'trucker road-rager' Feb 29 2012: accused in court

Description Richard Duxbury, 35, was shot dead in his bakkie by an alleged "trucker-road rager" on Feb 29 2012 on the M5 southbound Durban road. ON May 9 2012, truck driver Mohammed Cassim Abdul Suther appeared in court for the murder. His legal counsel said Suther, who is facing several charges had 'fled the scene unaware that anyone had been shot". In an affidavit read out by his lawyer during the bail application hearing in the Durban Magistrate’s Court last Friday, Mr Suther said he had "accidentally shot Richard Duxbury (35) in self-defence on February 29." Mr Suther claims to have been confronted and attacked by two men on the M4 southbound after a bakkie had swerved in front of his truck. The court heard that as Mr Suther approached a bend on the freeway, he saw two men holding what looked like ‘stakes or clubs’ standing in the middle of his lane, signalling him to stop. He was forced to stop and the two men jumped on to the truck, one at the driver’s door and the other at the passenger door. Mr Suther said the men tried to hit him while he was still seated inside the cab. He pulled out his gun, saying: ‘I have a gun, now leave me alone’. However, according to Mr Suther, while he was pointing the firearm at the man on his right, the one to his left hit his hand, causing the gun to go off.The men, according to the statement, had 'jumped off the truck' and Mr Suther drove off. However, Public prosecutor Shaina Naidoo said Mr Suther "had also fired shots at a car that had been trailing him after the incident". She added that "Mr Suther did not report the incident nor that a shot had been fired to the police or to his employer." Naidoo also said that Mr Suther 'did not come forward after the incident, despite extensive exposure in the media". Ms Naidoo also argued that if given bail, Mr Suther may abscond." Never get out of your car and confront an angry driver, warned his sister GILLIAN JONES, on her facebook page. "He shot my brother in the head...' http://www.iol.co.za/dailynews/news/never-confront-an-angry-driver-1.1247378 http://www.looklocal.co.za/looklocal/content/en/kzn-south-coast/kzn-south-coast-news-crime?oid=5530722&sn=Detail&pid=4196895&%E2%80%98Road-rage%E2%80%99-shooter-in-court

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